Paired project with Christie Lester. Brief provided by Codeclan.
This Java app incorporates the Spark web framework and Hibernate ORM framework for database interaction.
Strictly NO Javascript or additional web frameworks permitted.
Simulates a Park Manager web app for Jurassic Park. Users can:
- monitor key Park information from the Dashboard
- view further info on Paddocks, Dinosaurs and Visitors
- move Dinosaurs between Paddocks (where appropriate)
- add newborn Dinosaurs to the Nursery Paddock
- feed hungry Carnivores
- deal with escaped Dinosaurs (lock down Paddock and capture escapee)
To prevent carnage/loss of valuable assets, carnivorous Dinos may only be moved into Paddocks with others of the same species.
Given that safety is Jurassic Parks No. 1 priority, the front-end dynamically updates to alert the user of important issues.
Hint: for a bit of nefarious fun, try logging in as dennisnedry!
Clone the project onto your machine.
In Terminal, create the Park database
createdb jurassicparkdb
Run the Park Controller: main/java/com.codeclan.jurassicpark.db/controllers/ParkController.class
Navigate to https://localhost:4567/
Start managing Dinosaurs!