Besides sentiment scores, this Python package offers various ways of quantifying text corpus based on multiple works of literature. Currently, we support the calculation of the following measures:
- Boilerplate (Lang and Stice-Lawrence, 2015)
- Redundancy (Cazier and Pfeiffer, 2015)
- Specificity (Hope et al., 2016)
- Relative_prevalence (Blankespoor, 2016)
A medium blog is here: MoreThanSentiments: A Python Library for Text Quantification
If this package was helpful in your work, feel free to cite it as
- Jiang, Jinhang, and Karthik Srinivasan. "MoreThanSentiments: A text analysis package." Software Impacts 15 (2023): 100456.
The easiest way to install the toolbox is via pip (pip3 in some distributions):
pip install MoreThanSentiments
import MoreThanSentiments as mts
my_dir_path = "D:/YourDataFolder"
df = mts.read_txt_files(PATH = my_dir_path)
df['sent_tok'] = df.text.apply(mts.sent_tok)
If you want to clean on the sentence level:
df['cleaned_data'] = pd.Series()
for i in range(len(df['sent_tok'])):
df['cleaned_data'][i] = [mts.clean_data(x,\
lower = True,\
remove_stopwords=False) for x in df['sent_tok'][i]]
If you want to clean on the document level:
df['cleaned_data'] = df.text.apply(mts.clean_data, args=(True, True, False, True, False))
For the data cleaning function, we offer the following options:
- lower: make all the words to lowercase
- remove_punct: remove all the punctuations in the corpus
- remove_numbers: remove all the digits in the corpus
- remove_unicode: remove all the unicodes in the corpus
- remove_stopwords: remove the stopwords in the corpus
df['Boilerplate'] = mts.Boilerplate(df.cleaned_data, n = 4, min_doc = 5, get_ngram = False)
- input_data: this function requires tokenized documents.
- n: number of the ngrams to use. The default is 4.
- min_doc: when building the ngram list, ignore the ngrams that have a document frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. The default is 5 document. 30% of the number of the documents is recommended.
- get_ngram: if this parameter is set to "True" it will return a datafram with all the ngrams and the corresponding frequency, and "min_doc" parameter will become ineffective.
- max_doc: when building the ngram list, ignore the ngrams that have a document frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. The default is 75% of document. It can be percentage or integer.
df['Redundancy'] = mts.Redundancy(df.cleaned_data, n = 10)
- input_data: this function requires tokenized documents.
- n: number of the ngrams to use. The default is 10.
df['Specificity'] = mts.Specificity(df.text)
- input_data: this function requires the documents without tokenization
df['Relative_prevalence'] = mts.Relative_prevalence(df.text)
- input_data: this function requires the documents without tokenization
For the full code script, you may check here: