Spark - 一个基于 Java 8的小型Web框架
Spark - A tiny web framework for Java 8
注意 : 这里的Spark不是用于大数据处理的Spark, 而是一个简单的Web框架, 这里是官方Github地址.
Notice : This Spark is not used for large data processing Spark, but a simple Web framework, here is the official Github page.
这个项目是一个简单的封装, 为的是提供一种简单的REST接口启动方式.
This project is a simple wrapper, in order to provide a simple way to start the REST interface.
- 环境要求/Environment
Java8 + Maven3.3
- Maven
- 怎么使用 - 启动类 / How to use - Start
public static void main(String[] args) {
Set<Class<?>> list = RouterHandler.getRouters("package name here"); -> {
// 反射执行 / Reflect and invoke
try {
Router server = (Router) cls.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
// ignore
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// ignore
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// ignore
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ignore
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// ignore
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// ignore
- 怎么使用 - 控制器类 / How to use - Controllers
* 整个项目的使用方法非常简单, 只需要在控制器上实现Router类即可.
* The use of the entire project is very simple, only need to inherit the Router class can be on the controller.
public class IndexRouter implements Router {
public void route() {
// 这里的Spark是Spark框架提供的, 相关文档请参考Sprak官网.
// Spark is provided by the Spark framework. Please refer to the Sprak website for documentation.
Spark.get("/", (request, response) -> {
return "Hello, this is /.";
Spark.path("/api", () -> {
Spark.get("/account", IndexController::account);
private static String account(Request requset, Response response) {
return "Hello, this is /api/account.";