Releases: jinyyo/playground
Goloop v1.2.10 has been released, please update your node.
ICON Foundation has just released a new node update for MainNet and here is the release note for this update:
Goloop release notes
Refactor chain config save logic
Fix problem, not storing changed database type on pruning
Fix NoSuchMethodError when invoking call API with the return type and value
Support multi-version p2p protocols
Support multi-layered fee payment framework and system deposit
Proper cleanup of JavaEE manager on abnormal termination
Fix wrong exception handling during validation
Fix issue of ForceSync not synchronizing ObjectGraph
Purge Enum cache on entering non-reentrant frame
Implement DataSyncer
Respect ChainConfig.BlockInterval option for custom chains
Fix problem on ForceSync not synchronizing ObjectGraph
How to update your node
- Check your docker image tag settings in docker-compose.yml and change it to the tag below:
image: 'iconloop/icon2-node'
image: 'iconloop/icon2-node:v1.2.10'
- Run the following command in order:
docker-compose pull && docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
Please update your node by this Friday, June 22th (KST).