README for school project of subject "Practical aspects of software design"
IVSCD Calculator can evaluate expressions with operators +-*/^, brackets and few basic functions like sin, cos, tan, and natural and common logarithm.
Ubuntu 64bit
- xvozar04 Jiri Vozar
- xlabud05 Dominika Labudova
- xmeryj00 Jozef Mery
- xradse00 Vlastimil Radsetoulal
This program is provided under GNU General Public License v2.0.More in LICENSE file.
Building main application:
$ cd src # cd to source code
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make # compile main application
$ cd src # cd to source
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make tests # build and run tests
Debian package:
$ cd src # cd to source
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make deb # create debian package
$ sudo dpkg -i ivs_1.0-1.deb # install with dpkg
Direct installation:
$ cd src # cd to source
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make install # install app (make unistall to remove)
================================SLOVAK VERSION OF README================================
README súbor pre projekt z predmetu "Praktické aspekty vývoja software"
IVSCD Calculator je kalkulačka počítajúca základné matematické funkcie, výberovú smerodatnú odchýlku, faktoriál, logaritmus, prirodzený logaritmus a goniometrické funkcie.
Ubuntu 64bit
- xvozar04 Jiri Vozar
- xlabud05 Dominika Labudova
- xmeryj00 Jozef Mery
- xradse00 Vlastimil Radsetoulal
This program is provided under GNU General Public License v2.0.More in LICENSE file.
Building main application:
$ cd src # cd to source code
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make # compile main application
$ cd src # cd to source
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make tests # build and run tests
Debian balíček:
$ cd src # cd to source
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make deb # create debian package
$ sudo dpkg -i ivs_1.0-1.deb # install with dpkg
Priama inštalácia:
$ cd src # cd to source
$ qmake # generate makefile
$ make install # install app (make unistall to remove)