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Create HodgeLaplacian3E1_matrix.m
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Added the HodgeLaplacian matrices for linear Nedelec elements.
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scaomath committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent 0f0e994 commit ffc8b72
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 0 deletions.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions equation/HodgeLaplacian3E1_matrix.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
function [Abar,isFreeDofS,isFreeDofu,Mv,G,C] = HodgeLaplacian3E1_matrix(node,elem,bdFlag)
%% HODEGELAPLACIAN3E1_MATRIX get matrices of Hodge Laplacian of the linear edge element
% [Abar,isFreeEdge,isFreeNode,Mv,G,C] = HodgeLaplacian3E1_matrix(node,elem,bdFlag)
% generates matrices of mixed finite element method of Hodge Laplacian
% using the linear order edge element space (Nd0 + grad(quadratic edge bubble)).
% Output:
% - Abar: Schur complement G*inv(Mv)*G' + R'*inv(Mt)*R;
% - Mv: mass matrix
% - G: gradient matrix
% - C = R'*inv(Mt)*R
% - isFreeDofS: logic index of free dofs for sigma (no boundary condition given)
% - isFreeDofu: logic index of free dofs for u (no boundary condition given)
% The saddle point system is in the form
% |-M G| |sigma| = |f|
% | G' C| |u| = |g|
% It is used in mgHodgeLapE to assemble matrices in the coase levels.
% See also mgHodgeLapE
% Modified from HodgeLaplacian3E_matrix copying Long's routine for linear ND.
% Copyright (C) Long Chen. See COPYRIGHT.txt for details.

%% Data structure
[elem,bdFlag] = sortelem3(elem,bdFlag); % ascend ordering
[elem2edge,edge] = dof3edge(elem);
[Dlambda,volume] = gradbasis3(node,elem);
N = size(node,1); NT = size(elem,1); NE = size(edge,1);
Ndofu = N+NE;
%% Assemble matrix
% Mass matrices
elem2dofu = dof3P2(elem);
Mv = getmassmat3(node,elem2dofu,volume);
MvLump = diag(Mv);
invMv = spdiags(1./MvLump,0,Ndofu,Ndofu);
Mv = spdiags(MvLump,0,N,N);
Me = getmassmatvec3(elem2edge,volume,Dlambda,'ND1');
grad = icdmat(double(edge),[-1,1]); % P1 to ND0
% e2v matrix: P1 to P2 lambda_i -> lambda_i(2lambda_i - 1)
ii = [(1:NE)';(1:NE)'];
jj = double(edge(:));
ss = -2*[ones(NE,1),ones(NE,1)];
e2v = sparse(ii,jj,ss,NE,N);
bigGrad = [grad, sparse(NE,NE); ...
e2v, 4*speye(NE,NE)];
G = Me*bigGrad;

% R'MR: curlcurl operator
%locEdge = [1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 2 3; 2 4; 3 4];
curlPhi(:,:,6) = 2*mycross(Dlambda(:,:,3),Dlambda(:,:,4),2);
curlPhi(:,:,1) = 2*mycross(Dlambda(:,:,1),Dlambda(:,:,2),2);
curlPhi(:,:,2) = 2*mycross(Dlambda(:,:,1),Dlambda(:,:,3),2);
curlPhi(:,:,3) = 2*mycross(Dlambda(:,:,1),Dlambda(:,:,4),2);
curlPhi(:,:,4) = 2*mycross(Dlambda(:,:,2),Dlambda(:,:,3),2);
curlPhi(:,:,5) = 2*mycross(Dlambda(:,:,2),Dlambda(:,:,4),2);
ii = zeros(21*NT,1); jj = zeros(21*NT,1); sC = zeros(21*NT,1);
index = 0;
for i = 1:6
for j = i:6
% local to global index map
% curl-curl matrix
Cij = dot(curlPhi(:,:,i),curlPhi(:,:,j),2).*volume;
ii(index+1:index+NT) = double(elem2edge(:,i));
jj(index+1:index+NT) = double(elem2edge(:,j));
sC(index+1:index+NT) = Cij;
index = index + NT;
clear curlPhi % clear large size data
diagIdx = (ii == jj); upperIdx = ~diagIdx;
C = sparse(ii(diagIdx),jj(diagIdx),sC(diagIdx),2*NE,2*NE);
CU = sparse(ii(upperIdx),jj(upperIdx),sC(upperIdx),2*NE,2*NE);
C = C + CU + CU';

%% Boundary conditions
if isempty(bdFlag)
%Dirichlet boundary condition only
bdFlag = setboundary(node,elem,'Dirichlet');
if ~isempty(bdFlag)
% Find boundary edges and nodes
isBdEdge = false(NE,1);
isBdEdge(elem2edge(bdFlag(:,1) == 1,[4,5,6])) = true;
isBdEdge(elem2edge(bdFlag(:,2) == 1,[2,3,6])) = true;
isBdEdge(elem2edge(bdFlag(:,3) == 1,[1,3,5])) = true;
isBdEdge(elem2edge(bdFlag(:,4) == 1,[1,2,4])) = true;
bdEdge = edge(isBdEdge,:);
isBdNode = false(N,1);
isBdNode(bdEdge(:)) = true;
isFreeDofS = [~isBdEdge; ~isBdEdge];
isFreeDofu = [~isBdNode; ~isBdEdge];

%% Restrict the matrix to free variables
G = G(isFreeDofS,isFreeDofu);
C = C(isFreeDofS,isFreeDofS);
Mv = Mv(isFreeDofu,isFreeDofu);
% Schur complement
Abar = G*invMv(isFreeDofu,isFreeDofu)*G' + C;

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