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added Linear.Order (#300)
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* upd congr_ex_6&7

* Update Congruence_exercise_ygr_7.lean

* finished prove of congr_exercise_ygr_6

* modify several thm in trash

* upd proof of 7

* upd on Congr_ex_ygr_7

* merge from upstream and lean upd  20240112

* upd problem_5 line_trash

add theorems about linear order into line_trash

* Update Problem_5.lean

* upd on problem 5 and open Order.lean

* Update Order.lean

* Update Problem_5.lean

* upd 20240115

* upd on problem_11 and Order.lean

* Update Order.lean

* upd order.lean

* Update Order.lean

* Update Order.lean

deleted theorems starting with MEOW

* Update Order.lean

updated theorems on linear order and LiesInt/LiesOn ray

* Update Order.lean

updated corollaries OVO and QWQ

* update Order.lean

added corollaries OVO_1 OVO_2 QWQ_1 QWQ_2

* Update Order.lean

* Update Order.lean

updated proofs of corollaries

* Update Order.lean

renamed theorems with HAHAHA, HOHOHO, QAQ and QWQ

* Update Order.lean

added several theorems to prove according to the plan

* Update Order.lean

added theorems to prove according to plan

* Update Order.lean

updated a part of the proof for lies_int_seg_nd_ext_iff_lies_int

* Update Order.lean

proved theorem lies_int_seg_nd_ext_iff_lies_int and lies_on_seg_nd_ext_iff_lies_on

* Update Order.lean

finished Order.lean

* upd before PR

updated Angle_ex_trash and moved two theorems to IsocelesTriangle_trash

moved lemmas about collinearity in Linear.Order to Linear.Line

updated Index

* Update Line.lean
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xyzw12345 authored Jan 22, 2024
1 parent d6eb409 commit 905e90a
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,498 additions and 139 deletions.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Example/Congruence_Exercise_ygr/Problem_11.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Index
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Linear.Order

noncomputable section

namespace EuclidGeom

namespace Problem_11

Let $l$ be a directed line on the plane.
Let $B, E, C, F$ be four points on $l$ in this order.
Let $A, D$ be two points on the plane such that they lies on the same side of $l$.
If $AB = DF$, $AC = DE$ and $BE = CF$, prove that $\angle BAC = - \angle FDE$.

structure Setting (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] where
-- Let $l$ be a directed line on the plane
l : DirLine Plane
-- Let $B, E, C, F$ be four points on $l$ in this order.
B : Plane
E : Plane
C : Plane
F : Plane
B_on_l : B LiesOn l
E_on_l : E LiesOn l
C_on_l : C LiesOn l
F_on_l : F LiesOn l
B_lt_E_on_l : (⟨B, B_on_l⟩ : l.carrier.Elem) < ⟨E, E_on_l⟩
E_lt_C_on_l : (⟨E, E_on_l⟩ : l.carrier.Elem) < ⟨C, C_on_l⟩
C_lt_F_on_l : (⟨C, C_on_l⟩ : l.carrier.Elem) < ⟨F, F_on_l⟩
-- Let $A, D$ be two points on the plane,
A : Plane
D : Plane
-- such that they lies on different sides of $l$,
A_D_IsOnSameSide_l : IsOnSameSide A D l
-- $AB = DF$,
AB_eq_DF : (SEG A B).length = (SEG D F).length
-- $AC = DE$,
AC_eq_DE : (SEG A C).length = (SEG D E).length
-- $BE = CF$.
BE_eq_CF : (SEG B E).length = (SEG C F).length
lemma B_ne_C' {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : e.B ≠ e.C := by
apply (DirLine.ne_iff_ne_as_line_elem e.B_on_l e.C_on_l).mpr; apply ne_of_lt;
(⟨e.B, e.B_on_l⟩ : e.l.carrier.Elem)
_< ⟨e.E, e.E_on_l⟩ := e.B_lt_E_on_l
_< ⟨e.C, e.C_on_l⟩ := e.E_lt_C_on_l
instance B_ne_C {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : PtNe e.B e.C := ⟨B_ne_C'⟩
lemma E_ne_F' {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : e.E ≠ e.F := by
apply (DirLine.ne_iff_ne_as_line_elem e.E_on_l e.F_on_l).mpr; apply ne_of_lt;
(⟨e.E, e.E_on_l⟩ : e.l.carrier.Elem)
_< ⟨e.C, e.C_on_l⟩ := e.E_lt_C_on_l
_< ⟨e.F, e.F_on_l⟩ := e.C_lt_F_on_l
instance E_ne_F {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : PtNe e.E e.F := ⟨E_ne_F'⟩
lemma not_colinear_ACB {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : ¬ colinear e.A e.C e.B := by sorry
lemma not_colinear_DEF {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : ¬ colinear e.D e.E e.F := by sorry
instance B_ne_A {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : PtNe e.B e.A := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_ACB).2.1.symm⟩
instance C_ne_A {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : PtNe e.C e.A := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_ACB).2.2
instance F_ne_D {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : PtNe e.F e.D := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_DEF).2.1.symm⟩
instance E_ne_D {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting Plane} : PtNe e.E e.D := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_DEF).2.2

structure Setting2 (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] extends Setting Plane where
not_colinear_ACB : ¬ Collinear A C B := not_colinear_ACB
not_colinear_DEF : ¬ Collinear D E F := not_colinear_DEF

-- Prove that $\angle BAC = - \angle FDE$.
theorem result {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] (e : Setting2 Plane) : (∠ e.B e.A e.C) = - (∠ e.F e.D e.E) := by
have E_int_BC : e.E LiesInt (SEG e.B e.C) := by
apply DirLine.lies_int_seg_of_lt_and_lt e.B_on_l e.E_on_l e.C_on_l
exact e.B_lt_E_on_l; exact e.E_lt_C_on_l
have C_int_EF : e.C LiesInt (SEG e.E e.F) := by
apply DirLine.lies_int_seg_of_lt_and_lt e.E_on_l e.C_on_l e.F_on_l
exact e.E_lt_C_on_l; exact e.C_lt_F_on_l
have CB_eq_EF : (SEG e.C e.B).length = (SEG e.E e.F).length := by
_= (SEG e.B e.C).length := by apply length_of_rev_eq_length'
_= (SEG e.B e.E).length + (SEG e.E e.C).length := by
apply length_eq_length_add_length
apply Seg.lies_on_of_lies_int
exact E_int_BC
_= (SEG e.E e.C).length + (SEG e.C e.F).length := by simp only [e.BE_eq_CF]; ring
_= _ := by
apply length_eq_length_add_length
apply Seg.lies_on_of_lies_int
exact C_int_EF
have BA_eq_FD : (SEG e.B e.A).length = (SEG e.F e.D).length := by
_= (SEG e.A e.B).length := by apply length_of_rev_eq_length'
_= (SEG e.D e.F).length := e.AB_eq_DF
_=_ := by apply length_of_rev_eq_length'
have clockwise_ACB_eq_neg_clockwise_DEF : (TRI_nd e.A e.C e.B e.not_colinear_ACB).is_cclock = ¬(TRI_nd e.D e.E e.F e.not_colinear_DEF).is_cclock := by sorry
have triangle_ACB_acongr_triangle_DEF : (TRI_nd e.A e.C e.B e.not_colinear_ACB) ≅ₐ (TRI_nd e.D e.E e.F e.not_colinear_DEF) := by
apply TriangleND.acongr_of_SSS_of_ne_orientation
· exact CB_eq_EF
· exact BA_eq_FD
· exact e.AC_eq_DE
· exact clockwise_ACB_eq_neg_clockwise_DEF
end Problem_11

end EuclidGeom
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Example/Congruence_Exercise_ygr/Problem_5.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Index
import EuclideanGeometry.Foundation.Axiom.Linear.Order

noncomputable section

namespace EuclidGeom

namespace Problem_5

Let $l$ be a directed line on the plane.
Let $A, F, C, D$ be four points on $l$ in this order.
Let $B, E$ be two points on the plane such that they lies on different sides of $l$, and that $CB \parallel FE$.
If $\angle BAC = \angle EDF$ and $AF = DC$, prove that $AB = DE$.

structure Setting1 (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] where
-- Let $l$ be a directed line on the plane
l : DirLine Plane
-- Let $A, F, C, D$ be four points on $l$ in this order.
A : Plane
F : Plane
C : Plane
D : Plane
A_on_l : A LiesOn l
F_on_l : F LiesOn l
C_on_l : C LiesOn l
D_on_l : D LiesOn l
A_lt_F_on_l : (⟨A, A_on_l⟩ : l.carrier.Elem) < ⟨F, F_on_l⟩
F_lt_C_on_l : (⟨F, F_on_l⟩ : l.carrier.Elem) < ⟨C, C_on_l⟩
C_lt_D_on_l : (⟨C, C_on_l⟩ : l.carrier.Elem) < ⟨D, D_on_l⟩
-- Let $B, E$ be two points on the plane,
B : Plane
E : Plane
-- such that they lies on different sides of $l$,
B_E_IsOnOppositeSide_l : IsOnOppositeSide B E l

-- Claim : $A \ne C$.
lemma A_ne_C' {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : e.A ≠ e.C := by
apply (DirLine.ne_iff_ne_as_line_elem e.A_on_l e.C_on_l).mpr; apply ne_of_lt;
(⟨e.A, e.A_on_l⟩ : e.l.carrier.Elem)
_< ⟨e.F, e.F_on_l⟩ := e.A_lt_F_on_l
_< ⟨e.C, e.C_on_l⟩ := e.F_lt_C_on_l
instance A_ne_C {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : PtNe e.A e.C := ⟨A_ne_C'⟩
-- Claim : $D \ne F$.
lemma D_ne_F' {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : e.D ≠ e.F := by
symm; apply (DirLine.ne_iff_ne_as_line_elem e.F_on_l e.D_on_l).mpr; apply ne_of_lt;
(⟨e.F, e.F_on_l⟩ : e.l.carrier.Elem)
_< ⟨e.C, e.C_on_l⟩ := e.F_lt_C_on_l
_< ⟨e.D, e.D_on_l⟩ := e.C_lt_D_on_l
instance D_ne_F {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : PtNe e.D e.F := ⟨D_ne_F'⟩
lemma not_colinear_BCA {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : ¬ colinear e.B e.C e.A := by
have h : IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (RAY e.C e.A) := by
have h3 : (RAY e.C e.A).toLine = e.l.toLine := by
_= (LIN e.C e.A) := by
apply Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne
apply Line.fst_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt
apply Line.snd_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt
_=_ := by
apply Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne
apply DirLine.lies_on_iff_lies_on_toLine.mpr; exact e.C_on_l
apply DirLine.lies_on_iff_lies_on_toLine.mpr; exact e.A_on_l
have : IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (RAY e.C e.A) = IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E e.l := by
_= IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (RAY e.C e.A).toLine := by rfl
_=_ := by congr
simp only [this]
exact e.B_E_IsOnOppositeSide_l
have h1 : ¬ colinear e.C e.A e.B := (not_colinear_of_IsOnOppositeSide e.C e.A e.B e.E h).1
by_contra h2; absurd h1
exact perm_colinear_snd_trd_fst h2
lemma not_colinear_EFD {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : ¬ colinear e.E e.F e.D := by
have h : IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (RAY e.F e.D) := by
have h3 : (RAY e.F e.D).toLine = e.l.toLine := by
_= (LIN e.F e.D) := by
apply Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne
apply Line.fst_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt
apply Line.snd_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt
_=_ := by
apply Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne
apply DirLine.lies_on_iff_lies_on_toLine.mpr; exact e.F_on_l
apply DirLine.lies_on_iff_lies_on_toLine.mpr; exact e.D_on_l
have : IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (RAY e.F e.D) = IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E e.l := by
_= IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (RAY e.F e.D).toLine := by rfl
_=_ := by congr
simp only [this]
exact e.B_E_IsOnOppositeSide_l
have h1 : ¬ colinear e.F e.D e.E := (not_colinear_of_IsOnOppositeSide e.F e.D e.B e.E h).2
by_contra h2; absurd h1
exact perm_colinear_snd_trd_fst h2
-- Claim : $C \ne B$.
instance C_ne_B {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : PtNe e.C e.B := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_BCA).2.2
-- Claim : $A \ne B$.
instance A_ne_B {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : PtNe e.A e.B := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_BCA).2.1.symm⟩
-- Claim : $E \ne F$.
instance E_ne_F {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : PtNe e.E e.F := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_EFD).2.2.symm⟩
-- Claim : $E \ne D$.
instance E_ne_D {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] {e : Setting1 Plane} : PtNe e.E e.D := ⟨(ne_of_not_colinear not_colinear_EFD).2.1

structure Setting2 (Plane : Type _) [EuclideanPlane Plane] extends Setting1 Plane where
not_colinear_BCA : ¬ colinear B C A := not_colinear_BCA
not_colinear_EFD : ¬ colinear E F D := not_colinear_EFD
-- and that $CB \parallel FE$,
CB_parallel_FE : (LIN C B) ∥ (LIN F E)
-- If $\angle BAC = - \angle EDF$,
angle_BAC_eq_angle_EDF : (∠ B A C) = (∠ E D F)
-- and $AF = DC$,
AF_eq_DC : (SEG A F).length = (SEG D C).length
-- Prove that $AB = DE$.

theorem result {Plane : Type _} [EuclideanPlane Plane] (e : Setting2 Plane) : (SEG e.A e.B).length = (SEG e.D e.E).length := by
have F_int_AC : e.F LiesInt (SEG e.A e.C) := by
apply DirLine.lies_int_of_lt_and_lt e.A_on_l e.F_on_l e.C_on_l
simp only [e.A_lt_F_on_l]
simp only [e.F_lt_C_on_l]
have C_int_DF : e.C LiesInt (SEG e.D e.F) := by
apply DirLine.lies_int_of_gt_and_gt e.D_on_l e.C_on_l e.F_on_l
simp only [e.C_lt_D_on_l]
simp only [e.F_lt_C_on_l]
have C_ne_F' : e.C ≠ e.F := by
apply (DirLine.ne_iff_ne_as_line_elem e.C_on_l e.F_on_l).mpr; apply ne_of_gt
simp only [e.F_lt_C_on_l]
haveI C_ne_F : PtNe e.C e.F := ⟨C_ne_F'⟩
have CA_eq_FD : (SEG e.C e.A).length = (SEG e.F e.D).length := by
_= (SEG e.A e.C).length := by apply length_of_rev_eq_length'
_= (SEG e.A e.F).length + (SEG e.F e.C).length := by
apply length_eq_length_add_length
apply Seg.lies_on_of_lies_int
exact F_int_AC
_= (SEG e.D e.C).length + (SEG e.C e.F).length := by congr 1; exact e.AF_eq_DC; exact length_of_rev_eq_length'
_= (SEG e.D e.F).length := by
symm; apply length_eq_length_add_length
apply Seg.lies_on_of_lies_int
exact C_int_DF
_=_ := by apply length_of_rev_eq_length'
have angle_ACB_eq_angle_DFE : (∠ e.A e.C e.B) = (∠ e.D e.F e.E) := by
have dir_CA_eq_neg_dir_FD : (RAY e.C e.A).toDir = - (RAY e.F e.D).toDir := by
_= - e.l.toDir := by
apply DirLine.neg_toDir_of_gt e.C_on_l e.A_on_l
(⟨e.A, e.A_on_l⟩ : e.l.carrier.Elem)
_< ⟨e.F, e.F_on_l⟩ := e.A_lt_F_on_l
_< ⟨e.C, e.C_on_l⟩ := e.F_lt_C_on_l
_=_ := by
simp only [neg_inj]; symm
apply DirLine.eq_toDir_of_lt e.F_on_l e.D_on_l
(⟨e.F, e.F_on_l⟩ : e.l.carrier.Elem)
_< ⟨e.C, e.C_on_l⟩ := e.F_lt_C_on_l
_< ⟨e.D, e.D_on_l⟩ := e.C_lt_D_on_l
have dir_CB_eq_neg_dir_FE : (RAY e.C e.B).toDir = - (RAY e.F e.E).toDir := by
have h : IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (SEG_nd e.C e.F) := by
have h1 : (SEG_nd e.C e.F).toLine = e.l := by
_= (LIN e.C e.F) := by
apply Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne
apply SegND.lies_on_toLine_of_lie_on; exact SegND.source_lies_on
apply SegND.lies_on_toLine_of_lie_on; exact SegND.target_lies_on
_=_ := by
apply Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne
exact e.C_on_l
exact e.F_on_l
have h2 : IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (SEG_nd e.C e.F) = IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E e.l := by
_= IsOnOppositeSide e.B e.E (SEG_nd e.C e.F).toLine := by rfl
_=_ := by congr
simp only [h2]; exact e.B_E_IsOnOppositeSide_l
apply neg_toDir_of_parallel_and_IsOnOppositeSide
· exact e.CB_parallel_FE
· exact h
apply ang_eq_ang_of_toDir_rev_toDir
· exact dir_CA_eq_neg_dir_FD
· exact dir_CB_eq_neg_dir_FE
have triangle_BCA_congr_triangle_EFD : (TRI_nd e.B e.C e.A e.not_colinear_BCA) ≅ (TRI_nd e.E e.F e.D e.not_colinear_EFD) := by
apply TriangleND.congr_of_ASA
· exact angle_ACB_eq_angle_DFE
· exact CA_eq_FD
· exact e.angle_BAC_eq_angle_EDF
exact triangle_BCA_congr_triangle_EFD.edge₂
end Problem_5

end EuclidGeom

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