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mbkybky committed Feb 4, 2024
1 parent d296e67 commit fd5e46f
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Showing 8 changed files with 110 additions and 94 deletions.
20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Angle.lean
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Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ In this file, we define suitable coversion function between `ℝ⧸2π`,`ℝ⧸

noncomputable section

attribute [ext] Complex.ext

namespace EuclidGeom

open AngValue Classical Real
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1208,24 +1206,6 @@ end AngDValue

lemma _root_.Real.div_nat_le_self_of_nonnneg {a : ℝ} (n : ℕ) (h : 0 ≤ a) : a / n ≤ a := by
show a * (↑n)⁻¹ ≤ a
refine' mul_le_of_le_one_right h _
by_cases h : n = 0
· simp only [h, CharP.cast_eq_zero, inv_zero, zero_le_one]
exact inv_le_one (Nat.one_le_cast.mpr (Nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.mpr h))

lemma _root_.Real.div_nat_le_self_of_pos {a : ℝ} (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < a) : a / n ≤ a :=
a.div_nat_le_self_of_nonnneg n (le_of_lt h)

lemma _root_.Real.div_nat_lt_self_of_pos_of_two_le {a : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (h : 0 < a) (hn : 2 ≤ n) : a / n < a :=
mul_lt_of_lt_one_right h (inv_lt_one (Nat.one_lt_cast.mpr hn))

lemma _root_.Real.pi_div_nat_nonneg (n : ℕ) : 0 ≤ π / n :=
div_nonneg (le_of_lt pi_pos) (Nat.cast_nonneg n)

namespace AngValue

section abs
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Angle/AddToMathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -958,3 +958,29 @@ end contruction
end AddTorsor

end Mathlib.Algebra.AddTorsor

### More theorems about real numbers divided by nature numbers

section Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic

theorem Real.div_nat_le_self_of_nonnneg {a : ℝ} (n : ℕ) (h : 0 ≤ a) : a / n ≤ a := by
show a * (↑n)⁻¹ ≤ a
refine' mul_le_of_le_one_right h _
by_cases h : n = 0
· simp only [h, CharP.cast_eq_zero, inv_zero, zero_le_one]
· exact inv_le_one (Nat.one_le_cast.mpr (Nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.mpr h))

theorem Real.div_nat_le_self_of_pos {a : ℝ} (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < a) : a / n ≤ a :=
a.div_nat_le_self_of_nonnneg n (le_of_lt h)

theorem Real.div_nat_lt_self_of_pos_of_two_le {a : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (h : 0 < a) (hn : 2 ≤ n) : a / n < a :=
mul_lt_of_lt_one_right h (inv_lt_one (Nat.one_lt_cast.mpr hn))

theorem pi_div_nat_nonneg (n : ℕ) : 0 ≤ π / n :=
div_nonneg (le_of_lt pi_pos) (Nat.cast_nonneg n)

end Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Basic/Plane.lean
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Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ theorem neg_vec_norm_eq (A B : P) : ‖- VEC A B‖ = ‖VEC A B‖ := by
theorem vec_norm_eq_rev (A B : P) : ‖VEC A B‖ = ‖VEC B A‖ := by
rw [← neg_vec, neg_vec_norm_eq]

theorem vec_norm_eq_dist (A B : P) : ‖VEC A B‖ = dist A B :=
(vec_norm_eq_rev A B).trans (NormedAddTorsor.dist_eq_norm' A B).symm

theorem eq_iff_vec_eq_zero {A B : P} : B = A ↔ VEC A B = 0 := vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq.symm

theorem ne_iff_vec_ne_zero {A B : P} : B ≠ A ↔ VEC A B ≠ 0 := eq_iff_vec_eq_zero.not
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ def delabVecNDMkPtPt : Delab := do
lemma VecND.coe_mkPtPt (A B : P) [_h : Fact (B ≠ A)] : VEC_nd A B = VEC A B := rfl

@[simp low]
theorem VecND.neg_vecND (A B : P) [_h : Fact (B ≠ A)] : (- VEC_nd A B)= VEC_nd B A _h.1.symm := by
theorem VecND.neg_vecND (A B : P) [_h : Fact (B ≠ A)] : - VEC_nd A B = VEC_nd B A _h.1.symm := by
haveI : Fact (A ≠ B) := ⟨_h.1.symm⟩
simp only [ne_eq, RayVector.coe_neg, coe_mkPtPt, neg_vec]
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20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Linear/Perpendicular.lean
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Expand Up @@ -172,22 +172,22 @@ end Perpendicular_inner_product

section vec

variable {A B : P} {l : DirLine P}
variable (A B : P) {l : DirLine P}
-- Feel free to change the order of the following theorems for ease of proof.

lemma inner_vec_pt_pt_vec_pt_perp_foot_eq_inner_vec_pt_perp_foot (ha : A LiesOn l) : @inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) (VEC A (perp_foot B l)) = inner (VEC A (perp_foot B l)) (VEC A (perp_foot B l)) := sorry

lemma inner_vec_pt_pt_dirLine_toDir_unitVec_eq_inner_vec_pt_perp_foot (ha : A LiesOn l) : @inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec = inner (VEC A (perp_foot B l)) l.toDir.unitVec := sorry

theorem inner_eq_ddist_pt_perp_foot (ha : A LiesOn l) : inner (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec = l.ddist ha (perp_foot_lies_on_line B l) :=
inner_vec_pt_pt_dirLine_toDir_unitVec_eq_inner_vec_pt_perp_foot ha
inner_vec_pt_pt_dirLine_toDir_unitVec_eq_inner_vec_pt_perp_foot A B ha

theorem perp_foot_eq_inner_smul_toDir_unitVec_vadd (ha : A LiesOn l) : perp_foot B l = (@inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec) • l.toDir.unitVec +ᵥ A := by
rw [inner_eq_ddist_pt_perp_foot ha]
rw [inner_eq_ddist_pt_perp_foot A B ha]
exact l.pt_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec_vadd ha (perp_foot_lies_on_line B l)

theorem vec_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec (ha : A LiesOn l) : VEC A (perp_foot B l) = (@inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec) • l.toDir.unitVec := by
rw [inner_eq_ddist_pt_perp_foot ha]
theorem vec_pt_perp_foot_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec (ha : A LiesOn l) : VEC A (perp_foot B l) = (@inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec) • l.toDir.unitVec := by
rw [inner_eq_ddist_pt_perp_foot A B ha]
exact l.vec_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec ha (perp_foot_lies_on_line B l)

theorem inner_vec_pt_pt_vec_pt_perp_foot_eq_dist_sq (ha : A LiesOn l) : inner (VEC A B) (VEC A (perp_foot B l)) = dist A (perp_foot B l) ^ 2 := sorry
Expand All @@ -197,7 +197,15 @@ lemma inner_vec_pt_pt_vec_perp_foot_perp_foot_eq_inner_vec_perp_foot_perp_foot :
lemma inner_vec_pt_pt_dirLine_toDir_unitVec_eq_inner_vec_perp_foot_perp_foot : @inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec = inner (VEC (perp_foot A l) (perp_foot B l)) l.toDir.unitVec := sorry

theorem inner_eq_ddist_perp_foot_perp_foot : inner (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec = l.ddist (perp_foot_lies_on_line A l) (perp_foot_lies_on_line B l) :=
inner_vec_pt_pt_dirLine_toDir_unitVec_eq_inner_vec_perp_foot_perp_foot A B

theorem perp_foot_eq_inner_smul_toDir_unitVec_vadd_perp_foot : perp_foot B l = (@inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec) • l.toDir.unitVec +ᵥ perp_foot A l := by
rw [inner_eq_ddist_perp_foot_perp_foot]
exact l.pt_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec_vadd (perp_foot_lies_on_line A l) (perp_foot_lies_on_line B l)

theorem vec_perp_foot_perp_foot_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec : VEC (perp_foot A l) (perp_foot B l) = (@inner ℝ _ _ (VEC A B) l.toDir.unitVec) • l.toDir.unitVec := by
rw [inner_eq_ddist_perp_foot_perp_foot]
exact l.vec_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec (perp_foot_lies_on_line A l) (perp_foot_lies_on_line B l)

theorem inner_vec_pt_pt_vec_perp_foot_perp_foot_eq_dist_sq : inner (VEC A B) (VEC (perp_foot A l) (perp_foot B l)) = dist (perp_foot A l) (perp_foot B l) ^ 2 := sorry

Expand Down
67 changes: 25 additions & 42 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Linear/Ray.lean
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Expand Up @@ -795,6 +795,10 @@ theorem SegND.source_pt_toDir_eq_toDir_of_lies_int {seg_nd : SegND P} {A : P} (h
exact lies_int_toRay_of_lies_int h
exact Ray.pt_pt_eq_ray this

theorem Ray.lies_int_iff_pos_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir {ray : Ray P} {A : P} {t : ℝ} (h : VEC ray.source A = t • ray.toDir.unitVec) : A LiesInt ray ↔ 0 < t := sorry

theorem Ray.eq_source_iff_eq_zero_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir {ray : Ray P} {A : P} {t : ℝ} (h : VEC ray.source A = t • ray.toDir.unitVec) : A = ray.source ↔ t = 0 := sorry

end lieson_compatibility

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -959,7 +963,7 @@ theorem pt_lies_on_ray_rev_iff_vec_opposite_dir {A : P} {ray : Ray P} : A LiesOn
simp [hu, h]

/-- A point $A$ lies on the lines determined by a ray $ray$ (i.e. lies on the ray or its reverse) if and only if the vector from the source of ray to $A$ is a real multiple of the direction vector of $ray$. -/
theorem pt_lies_on_line_from_ray_iff_vec_parallel {A : P} {ray : Ray P} : (A LiesOn ray ∨ A LiesOn ray.reverse) ↔ ∃t : ℝ, VEC ray.source A = t • ray.toDir.unitVec := by
theorem pt_lies_on_line_from_ray_iff_vec_parallel {A : P} {ray : Ray P} : (A LiesOn ray ∨ A LiesOn ray.reverse) ↔ ∃ t : ℝ, VEC ray.source A = t • ray.toDir.unitVec := by
· rintro (⟨t, _, ha⟩ | ⟨t, _, ha⟩)
· use t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1172,6 +1176,8 @@ theorem SegND.toDir_eq_neg_toDir_of_lies_int {A : P} {seg_nd : SegND P} (h : A L
exact neg_inj.mpr <|
(source_pt_toDir_eq_toDir_of_lies_int h).trans (pt_target_toDir_eq_toDir_of_lies_int h).symm

theorem Ray.lies_int_rev_iff_neg_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir {ray : Ray P} {A : P} {t : ℝ} (h : VEC ray.source A = t • ray.toDir.unitVec) : A LiesInt ray.reverse ↔ t < 0 := sorry

end reverse

section extension
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1220,58 +1226,37 @@ theorem eq_target_iff_lies_on_lies_on_extn {A : P} {seg_nd : SegND P} : (A LiesO
theorem target_lies_int_seg_source_pt_of_pt_lies_int_extn {X : P} {seg_nd : SegND P}
(liesint : X LiesInt seg_nd.extension) : LiesInt SEG seg_nd.source X := by
rcases liesint with ⟨⟨a, anonneg, ha⟩, nonsource⟩
have = seg_nd.extension.1 := by
have sourcetargetA : VEC seg_nd.1.source + VEC X =
VEC seg_nd.1.source X := by
have raysourcesegtarget = seg_nd.extension.1 := rfl
have sourcetargetA : VEC seg_nd.1.source + VEC X = VEC seg_nd.1.source X := by
rw [vec_add_vec]
have vec_ndtoVec : VEC seg_nd.1.source = seg_nd.toVecND.1 := by
have apos:0 < a := by
contrapose! nonsource
have : a = 0 := by
rw [this] at ha
simp only [smul_neg, zero_smul, neg_zero] at ha
apply eq_iff_vec_eq_zero.mpr
exact ha
have raysourcesource : seg_nd.extension.source = := by
have vec_ndtoVec : VEC seg_nd.1.source = seg_nd.toVecND.1 := rfl
have seg_pos : 0 < norm (SegND.toVecND seg_nd) := by
simp only [VecND.norm_pos]
have seg_nonzero : norm (SegND.toVecND seg_nd) ≠ 0 := by linarith
have aseg_pos : 0 <norm (SegND.toVecND seg_nd) + a:=by
have aseg_nonzero : norm (SegND.toVecND seg_nd) + a ≠ 0:=by
have aseg_nonzero : norm (SegND.toVecND seg_nd) + a ≠ 0:= by linarith
use (norm (SegND.toVecND seg_nd)) * (norm (seg_nd.toVecND) + a)⁻¹
apply mul_nonneg
linarith [seg_pos]
rw [←mul_inv_cancel aseg_nonzero]
rw [← mul_inv_cancel aseg_nonzero]
apply mul_le_mul
simp only []
rw [←raysourcesegtarget] at ha
rw [←sourcetargetA, ha, vec_ndtoVec]
have raydir : seg_nd.extension.toDir.unitVec = seg_nd.toVecND.toDir.unitVec := by
exact rfl
rw [raydir, ←VecND.norm_smul_toDir_unitVec (seg_nd.toVecND), ←add_smul,
← mul_smul,mul_assoc,inv_mul_cancel,mul_one]
rw [← raysourcesegtarget] at ha
rw [← sourcetargetA, ha, vec_ndtoVec]
have raydir : seg_nd.extension.toDir.unitVec = seg_nd.toVecND.toDir.unitVec := rfl
rw [raydir, ← VecND.norm_smul_toDir_unitVec (seg_nd.toVecND), ← add_smul,
← mul_smul,mul_assoc,inv_mul_cancel,mul_one]
exact seg_nd.2
rw [←raysourcesegtarget] at nonsource
exact nonsource

exact nonsource.symm

/-- If a point lies on the ray associated to a segment, then either it lies on the segment or it lies on the extension ray of the segment. -/
theorem lies_on_seg_nd_or_extension_of_lies_on_toRay {seg_nd : SegND P} {A : P} (h : A LiesOn seg_nd.toRay) : A LiesOn seg_nd ∨ A LiesOn seg_nd.extension := by
Expand All @@ -1287,8 +1272,8 @@ theorem lies_on_seg_nd_or_extension_of_lies_on_toRay {seg_nd : SegND P} {A : P}
· have eq : VEC seg_nd.1.1 A = t • v.toDir.unitVecND := eq
exact Or.inl ⟨t * ‖v.1‖⁻¹, mul_nonneg tpos (inv_nonneg.mpr (norm_nonneg v.1)),
(mul_inv_le_iff (norm_pos_iff.2 v.2)).mpr (by rw [mul_one]; exact h), by
simp [eq, mul_smul]
simp only [eq, ne_eq, Dir.coe_unitVecND, VecND.norm_coe, Seg.mk_source_target, mul_smul]

/--If a point lies on the extension ray associated to a nondegenerate segment, then it lies on the
interior of the ray associated to the segment-/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1396,7 +1381,6 @@ theorem Seg.length_nonneg {seg : Seg P} : 0 ≤ seg.length := dist_nonneg
/-- A segment has positive length if and only if it is nondegenerate. -/
theorem Seg.length_pos_iff_nd {seg : Seg P} : 0 < seg.length ↔ seg.IsND :=
dist_pos.trans ne_comm
--norm_pos_iff.trans toVec_eq_zero_of_deg.symm.not

/-- The length of a given segment is nonzero if and only if the segment is nondegenerate. -/
theorem Seg.length_ne_zero_iff_nd {seg : Seg P} : 0 ≠ seg.length ↔ seg.IsND :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1623,8 +1607,6 @@ theorem Seg.reverse_midpt_eq_midpt {seg : Seg P} : seg.reverse.midpoint = seg.mi
show (SEG m).length = (SEG m seg.reverse.source).length
rw [length_of_rev_eq_length', ←H2, length_of_rev_eq_length']

theorem SegND.reverse_midpt_eq_midpt {seg_nd : SegND P} : seg_nd.reverse.midpoint = seg_nd.midpoint :=

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1680,14 +1662,15 @@ theorem Seg.nd_iff_exist_int_pt {seg : Seg P} : (∃ (X : P), X LiesInt seg) ↔
fun ⟨_, b⟩ ↦ nd_of_exist_int_pt b, fun h ↦ ⟨seg.midpoint, SegND.midpt_lies_int (seg_nd :=⟨seg, h⟩)⟩⟩

/-- If a segment is nondegenerate, it contains an interior point. -/
theorem SegND.exist_int_pt {seg_nd : SegND P} : ∃ (X : P), X LiesInt seg_nd := ⟨seg_nd.midpoint, midpt_lies_int⟩
theorem SegND.exist_int_pt {seg_nd : SegND P} : ∃ (X : P), X LiesInt seg_nd :=
⟨seg_nd.midpoint, midpt_lies_int⟩

/-- A segment contains an interior point if and only if its length is positive. -/
theorem Seg.length_pos_iff_exist_int_pt {seg : Seg P} : 0 < seg.length ↔ (∃ (X : P), X LiesInt seg) :=
length_pos_iff_nd.trans nd_iff_exist_int_pt.symm

theorem SegND.length_pos_iff_exist_int_pt {seg_nd : SegND P} : 0 < seg_nd.length ↔ (∃ (X : P), X LiesInt seg_nd) := by
exact Seg.length_pos_iff_exist_int_pt
theorem SegND.length_pos_iff_exist_int_pt {seg_nd : SegND P} : 0 < seg_nd.length ↔ (∃ (X : P), X LiesInt seg_nd) :=

/-- A ray contains two distinct points. -/
theorem Ray.nontriv (ray : Ray P) : ∃ (A B : P), (A ∈ ray.carrier) ∧ (B ∈ ray.carrier) ∧ (B ≠ A) :=
Expand Down
30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Position/Angle_ex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,13 +162,16 @@ theorem suppl_isND_iff_isND : ang.suppl.IsND ↔ ang.IsND :=
isND_iff_isND_of_add_eq_pi ang.suppl_value_add_value_eq_pi

theorem suppl_isAcu_iff_isObt : ang.suppl.IsAcu ↔ ang.IsObt := sorry
theorem suppl_isAcu_iff_isObt : ang.suppl.IsAcu ↔ ang.IsObt :=
isAcu_iff_isObt_of_add_eq_pi ang.suppl_value_add_value_eq_pi

theorem suppl_isObt_iff_isAcu : ang.suppl.IsObt ↔ ang.IsAcu := sorry
theorem suppl_isObt_iff_isAcu : ang.suppl.IsObt ↔ ang.IsAcu :=
isObt_iff_isAcu_of_add_eq_pi ang.suppl_value_add_value_eq_pi

theorem suppl_isRight_iff_isRight : ang.suppl.IsRight ↔ ang.IsRight := sorry
theorem suppl_isRight_iff_isRight : ang.suppl.IsRight ↔ ang.IsRight :=
isRight_iff_isRight_of_add_eq_pi ang.suppl_value_add_value_eq_pi

theorem suppl_start_ray : ang.suppl.start_ray = ang.end_ray := rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,20 +364,23 @@ theorem IsAlternateIntAng.symm {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsAlternateIntAng
rw [h.2]
exact (ang₂.end_dirLine.rev_rev_eq_self).symm⟩

theorem value_eq_of_isCorrespondingAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsCorrespondingAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.value = ang₂.value := by
apply value_eq_of_dir_eq
exact h.1
theorem value_eq_of_isCorrespondingAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsCorrespondingAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.value = ang₂.value :=
value_eq_of_dir_eq h.1 (congrArg DirLine.toDir h.2)

theorem dvalue_eq_of_isCorrespondingAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsCorrespondingAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.dvalue = ang₂.dvalue := sorry
theorem dvalue_eq_of_isCorrespondingAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsCorrespondingAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.dvalue = ang₂.dvalue :=
dvalue_eq_of_dir_eq h.1 (congrArg DirLine.toDir h.2)

theorem value_eq_value_add_pi_of_isConsecutiveIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsConsecutiveIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.value = ang₂.value + π := sorry --`first mod 2π, then discuss +-? `
theorem value_eq_value_add_pi_of_isConsecutiveIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsConsecutiveIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.value = ang₂.value + π :=
value_eq_value_add_pi_of_dir_eq_neg_dir_of_dir_eq h.1 (congrArg DirLine.toDir h.2)

theorem dvalue_eq_of_isConsecutiveIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsConsecutiveIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.dvalue = ang₂.dvalue := sorry --`first mod 2π, then discuss +-? `
theorem dvalue_eq_of_isConsecutiveIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsConsecutiveIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.dvalue = ang₂.dvalue :=
dvalue_eq_dvalue_of_dir_eq_neg_dir_of_dir_eq h.1 (congrArg DirLine.toDir h.2)

theorem value_eq_of_isAlternateIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsAlternateIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.value = ang₂.value := sorry
theorem value_eq_of_isAlternateIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsAlternateIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.value = ang₂.value :=
value_eq_of_dir_eq_neg_dir h.1 (congrArg DirLine.toDir h.2)

theorem dvalue_eq_of_isAlternateIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsAlternateIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.dvalue = ang₂.dvalue := sorry
theorem dvalue_eq_of_isAlternateIntAng {ang₁ ang₂ : Angle P} (h : IsAlternateIntAng ang₁ ang₂) : ang₁.dvalue = ang₂.dvalue :=
dvalue_eq_of_dir_eq_neg_dir h.1 (congrArg DirLine.toDir h.2)

-- equivlently, this will be much more lengthy
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34 changes: 23 additions & 11 deletions EuclideanGeometry/Foundation/Axiom/Position/Angle_ex2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,17 +159,29 @@ theorem dvalue_eq_pi_div_two_at_perp_foot {A B C : P} [_h : PtNe B C] (l : Line
simp only [hc, Line.eq_line_of_pt_pt_of_ne (perp_foot_lies_on_line A l) hb]
exact line_of_self_perp_foot_perp_line_of_not_lies_on ha

theorem perp_foot_lies_int_start_ray_iff_isAcu {A O B : P} [PtNe A O] [PtNe B O] : (perp_foot B (LIN O A)) LiesInt (RAY O A) ↔ (ANG A O B).IsAcu := sorry

theorem perp_foot_lies_int_start_ray_iff_isAcu_of_lies_int_end_ray {A : P} (ha : A LiesInt ang.end_ray) : perp_foot A ang.start_ray LiesInt ang.start_ray ↔ ang.IsAcu := sorry

theorem perp_foot_eq_source_iff_isRight {A O B : P} [PtNe A O] [PtNe B O] : (perp_foot B (LIN O A)) = O ↔ (ANG A O B).IsRight := sorry

theorem perp_foot_eq_source_iff_isRight_of_lies_int_end_ray {A : P} (ha : A LiesInt ang.end_ray) : perp_foot A ang.start_ray = ang.source ↔ ang.IsRight := sorry

theorem perp_foot_lies_int_start_ray_reverse_iff_isObt {A O B : P} [PtNe A O] [PtNe B O] : (perp_foot B (LIN O A)) LiesInt (RAY O A).reverse ↔ (ANG A O B).IsObt := sorry

theorem perp_foot_lies_int_start_ray_reverse_iff_isObt_of_lies_int_end_ray {A : P} (ha : A LiesInt ang.end_ray) : perp_foot A ang.start_ray.reverse LiesInt ang.start_ray ↔ ang.IsObt := sorry
theorem perp_foot_lies_int_start_ray_iff_isAcu {A O B : P} [PtNe A O] [PtNe B O] : (perp_foot B (LIN O A)) LiesInt (RAY O A) ↔ (ANG A O B).IsAcu := by
refine' ((RAY O A).lies_int_iff_pos_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir
(vec_pt_perp_foot_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec O B (@DirLine.fst_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt P _ O A _))).trans
(Iff.trans _ (inner_pos_iff_isAcu A O B))
show 0 < inner (VEC O B) (‖VEC O A‖⁻¹ • (VEC O A)) ↔ 0 < inner (VEC O A) (VEC O B)
rw [real_inner_smul_right, real_inner_comm]
exact mul_pos_iff_of_pos_left (inv_pos.mpr (VEC_nd O A).norm_pos)

theorem perp_foot_eq_source_iff_isRight {A O B : P} [PtNe A O] [PtNe B O] : (perp_foot B (LIN O A)) = O ↔ (ANG A O B).IsRight := by
refine' ((RAY O A).eq_source_iff_eq_zero_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir
(vec_pt_perp_foot_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec O B (@DirLine.fst_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt P _ O A _))).trans
(Iff.trans _ (inner_eq_zero_iff_isRight A O B))
show inner (VEC O B) (‖VEC O A‖⁻¹ • (VEC O A)) = 0 ↔ inner (VEC O A) (VEC O B) = 0
rw [real_inner_smul_right, real_inner_comm]
exact smul_eq_zero_iff_right (ne_of_gt (inv_pos.mpr (VEC_nd O A).norm_pos))

theorem perp_foot_lies_int_start_ray_reverse_iff_isObt {A O B : P} [PtNe A O] [PtNe B O] : (perp_foot B (LIN O A)) LiesInt (RAY O A).reverse ↔ (ANG A O B).IsObt := by
refine' ((RAY O A).lies_int_rev_iff_neg_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir
(vec_pt_perp_foot_eq_ddist_smul_toDir_unitVec O B (@DirLine.fst_pt_lies_on_mk_pt_pt P _ O A _))).trans
(Iff.trans _ (inner_neg_iff_isObt A O B))
show inner (VEC O B) (‖VEC O A‖⁻¹ • (VEC O A)) < 0 ↔ inner (VEC O A) (VEC O B) < 0
rw [real_inner_smul_right, real_inner_comm]
exact smul_neg_iff_of_pos_left (inv_pos.mpr (VEC_nd O A).norm_pos)

end perp_foot

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