Gitfool (or Gitfull) is a shell command for you to fulfill your git commit log.
This is the easiest way to make you a Rockstar Programmer ! 😅
For your convenience, you can be gitfooled just exceute this command in you repository directory:
curl -s| sh -s `pwd` 365 --push
Gitfool is a trick, take care of what you are doing.
./gitfool [repo_path] [days] --push
the repository path you want to add commits
the past days you wish to add these commits, for example : 365 means the past one year.
with this option, Gitfool will push the commits to remote (execute git push
don't use
sh gitfool
syntax, and it will report an error.
./gitfool ~/Code/acme 365 --push
you may be reported for abusing if you push these commits to Github.