This tool transfers the files between two FTP servers with FXP
$ ./fxp -h
Usage of ./fxp:
-config string
config.yaml file location (default "./config.yaml")
Prints this tool version
$ ./fxp -config ./config.yaml
# general config
is_mdtm: false
connection_timeout: 5s
fxp_transfer_timeout: 10m
source: # Source FTP server
address: ftp.server1:21
is_tls: false
insecure: false
username: username
password: password
debug: true # prints ftp communication details
destination: # destination FTP server
address: ftp.server2:21
is_tls: false
insecure: false
username: username
password: password
debug: true
# list of files or directories to be copied from source to destination on FXP mode
# directories should ends with '/'
- upload/ # directory
- upload2/hello.txt # file