Package to work with test input datasets for MDTF Diagnostics
This package is designed to coarsen NetCDF files for generating test datasets and produce synthetic datasets on-the-fly that can be used for testing the MDTF Diagnostics package.
- envyaml
- numpy
- pandas
- pytest
- xarray
The mdtf_test_data package is available on PyPI.
mkdir mdtf_test_data && cd mdtf_test_data
pip install mdtf-test-data
This package can be used to generate fully-synthetic datasets based on NCAR's CESM2 and GFDL's CM4 model output that can be used to test the MDTF-Diagnostics package.
usage: [-h] [-c CONVENTION] [--startyear year] [--nyears years]
[--dlat latitude resolution in degrees] [--dlon longitude resolution in degrees] [--unittest]
Required arguments:
-c, --convention Data convention [NCAR, CESM, GFDL, CMIP]
Optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--startyear start year of data [default is 1975]
--nyears number of years of data to generate [default is 10]
--freq frequency of data [default is ["1hr", "3hr", "day", "mon"]]
--dlat latitude resolution in degrees [default is 20]
--dlon longitude resolution in degrees [default is 20]
--unittest............flag to run unit tests in mdtf_test_data/tests
To generate NCAR CESM output in a directory called NCAR.Synthetic
: -c [ NCAR | CESM ] --nyears 7
Note that "NCAR" and "CESM" are both valid input values that generate output files appended with "NCAR_Synthetic".
To generate GFDL CM4 output in a directory called GFDL.Synthetic
: -c GFDL --nyears 10
To generate CMIP output in a directory called CMIP.Synthetic
: -c CMIP --nyears 10
To coarsen an existing NetCDF file:
git clone
cd mdtf_test_data
usage: mdtf_synthetic/util/ [-h] [-r REGRID_METHOD] [-o OUTFILE] [-O] infile
Coarsen a NetCDF file.
Required arguments:
infile Path to input NetCDF file
Optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REGRID_METHOD xESMF regridding method
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Filename of output NetCDF file
-O Overwrite existing file
- The coarsening tool only supports standard grids with dimensions name
for now - Any xESMF regrid method may be passed with the
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