Thin wrapper around random-js
( to provide reproducibility.
The intended use-case is within test suites which generate random data for fuzzing -- using this library will allow you to run the exact same test suite with the same fuzzed data, which should help with debugging flickering tests.
In Typescript/ES6:
import { random } from 'reproducible-random'
const foo = random.integer(0, 100)
const bar = random.bool()
When run, this will output a line of the form RANDOM_SEED=123456789
on the console, which can then be passed back in as an environment variable for reproducing the same random data.
> tsc file.ts
> node file.js
{ foo: 41, bar: false }
> RANDOM_SEED=2892099504791794 node file.js
{ foo: 41, bar: false }