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Python code for fast light field reconstruction (see README file for installation instructions)


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This document briefly describes how to install and use the fast-light-field module to deconvolve light field microscopy images.

The mathematical basis of our fast light field deconvolution algorithms is described in an upcoming manuscript. Our implementation of this as fast Python computer code for light field deconvolution (i.e. this repository) has benefitted from the Matlab code written and publicly posted by Prevedel, Yoon et al in conjuction with their publication: "Simultaneous whole-animal 3D-imaging of neuronal activity using light field microscopy", R. Prevedel, Y.-G. Yoon et al, Nature Methods 11 727-730 (2014). Our computer code for deconvolution uses the same notation as Prevedel et al but is basically reimplemented from scratch. The code for PSF generation is Python translation of their code, with bug fixes and performance improvements. The code for rectification is a direct Python translation of their code.

Our code gives output equivalent to the Matlab code of Prevedel et al, but runs 8-35x as fast.

Inputs: one or more TIFF files containing rectified light field microscopy camera images. See below for instructions for rectification.

Outputs: one or more 3D TIFF files containing volume reconstructions of your light field microscopy camera images.

These instructions assume a basic familiarity with the command line, and with python - and that you already have a basic python 3 (v3.5 or higher) installation on your computer.

To obtain the fast-light-field Python code, run:

git clone


This code is well tested on a variety of Python toolchains on Linux and Mac OS. Windows is not currently supported (see note below).

To install (on Linux or Mac OS), once you have downloaded the fast-light-field directory, run the following command-line operations:

# Start in the fast-light-field directory
cd fast-light-field

# OPTIONAL: now you have a choice of whether you want to use a python virtual environment or not.
# If you don’t know what that is, just skip these next two commands
# IMPORTANT: if you do set up a virtual environment, it is vital that you
# omit the “--user” flag from all subsequent commands, or you may get hard-to-diagnose errors
python3 -m venv flf-venv
. ./flf-venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
# You should check that this next command has run successfully -
# it should print “Successfully installed” followed by a list of module names. 
# There may be earlier error messages that can probably be ignored, 
# but if it does not make it to “Successfully installed” 
# then something has gone wrong that needs fixing. See “troubleshooting”, below
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt

# OPTIONAL: if you want GPU support, run this next command
# Note that the actual cuda library also needs to be installed first (see cuda documentation).
# This step seems to be awkward, and I have a few possible suggestions under “troubleshooting”, below
python3 -m pip install --user cupy pycuda pynvml

# Get everything set up for the fast-light-field code (this will take 5-10 minutes)
python3 --user build self-test

# If all is well, you will get a lot of output on the command line, but ultimately 
# it should end with a green line reading “== Self-tests complete (passed 24/24) ==“. 
# If anything goes wrong, please just drop me an email.

# Optional: run this command to get some benchmark measurements of performance on your system 
# (takes about 5-10 minutes first time round, about 2 minutes for subsequent runs)
# Make sure your computer is otherwise idle - if it is doing something else while this runs, 
# the benchmark numbers will be degraded.
# I would be very interested to see the output if you want to send it to me by email
python3 benchmark

Troubleshooting - python module installation

Unfortunately, installing the required python modules can be temperamental, even for a relatively simple project like this. If you encounter error messages while installing the dependencies, you may need to tweak things a bit. Drop me an email if you run into problems you can’t sort. Some issues I have encountered:

pip install: ERROR: Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv. You created a virtual environment but forgot to remove the --user qualifiers from subsequent commands in the install instructions.

numpy: Python version >= 3.7 required. The solution is to manually run something like python3 -m pip install --user numpy==1.18.5 to install an older version of numpy that is compatible with your version of python.

imagecodecs: imagecodecs/opj_color.c:45:22: fatal error: openjpeg.h: No such file or directory. Solution is to manually run something like python3 -m pip install --user tifffile==2019.7.2 to install an older version of tifffile.

matplotlib/pillow: if you get an error saying libjpeg not installed, then either install it or comment out the matplotlib line in requirements.txt. The core fast-light-field code will still work, you just won't be able to run any of the auxiliary jupyter notebooks that generate plots.

error with running the main build command:

No local packages or working download links found for light-field-integrands==1.0.0
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('light-field-integrands==1.0.0')

(or the equivalent error for py-light-field). I am not sure what is the cause of this error. It seems to be an indexing issue (probably connected with my use of an old-fashioned build process). It seems to happen the first time you run python3 --user build self-test, but if you rerun the command involving requirements.txt and then run the build self-test command a second time, the build seems to work ok.

If you encounter any incompatibility issues, you could try installing in a virtual environment using one of the requirements_exact_***.txt in place of requirements.txt. Those files list specific combinations of module versions that I know work (at least for a particular version of python). These version numbers will over time become outdated, but for future-proofing these are combinations that I know should work.

After running these manual fixes, rerun the “install dependencies” command from the original install instructions (above) and hopefully it will succeed.

Troubleshooting - cupy module

Unfortunately cupy seems rather fiddly to install. We have found that the following helps get past errors:

python3 -m pip install --user wheel
python3 -m pip install --user cupy==8.2.0

Troubleshooting - errors on launch

Runtime error: No module named xxx. Are you running in a virtual environment? If so, you probably forgot to remote the --user flag from one of the commands you ran.

Runtime error: Symbol not found: _aligned_alloc. This seems to happen (on Mac OS?) if pyfftw is already installed. Solution is to install fast-light-field in a virtual environment, without pyfftw. Drop me an email if you are not sure what this means.

Runtime error on Apple M1 silicon: No such file or directory (originated from sysctlbyname('hw.cpufrequency')). As of June 2023 there was an unfixed bug in the psutil module. That seems to have been fixed in psutil version 5.9.8 in Jan 2024, so I don't think you should encounter this error any more. If you do, the best solution is likely to be to upgrade psutil. Historical note: the fix is in psutil commit 14a33ffe05 from 6.1.2024.

I have occasionally seen problems where skimage crashes when called from our code. I do not understand the root cause of that, but I think I fixed it by reinstalling skimage.

If you encounter any errors not listed here, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me by email for help!

Deconvolving light field images


First you must ensure your images are rectified (integer sampling across the footprint of each lenslet). To rectify your images, you can run the script (run --help for usage instructions). The script parameters match those in Prevedel et al's GUI, and the output of my script will be bit-for-bit identical for 8-bit input data. The only slight difference in behaviour is that my script generates 16-bit output data if given 16-bit input data (where Prevedel et al generate 8-bit output data).

To determine the correct rectification parameters, we refer the reader to, as Prevedel et al do in their supplementary material.

Once you have got your rectified images, follow the instructions below to run the fast deconvolution code. At the moment the code expects every image to be in a separate (2D) tiff file (which is the output format generated by the rectification scripts).

Calling script from the command line

You invoke my Python deconvolution script with a command like:

python3 --psf "PSFmatrix/fdnormPSFMatrix_M22.2NA0.5MLPitch125fml3125from-156to156zspacing4Nnum19lambda520n1.33.mat" --dest DeconvolvedOutput --timepoints RectifiedInputData/*.tif

DeconvolvedOutput is the name of a folder into which your deconvolved images will be saved

RectifiedInputData is the name of a folder in which your rectified images can be found. This example deconvolves every image in the folder, but you can of course replace the *.tif to be more specific, and/or list more than one individual file you want to deconvolve

In this example there is a folder PSFmatrix which will contain the light field PSF. If the matrix file you specify does not exist, my code will automatically generate the file according to the parameters in the filename. These are the same as in Prevedel et al’s code:

M - magnification
NA - numerical aperture
MLPitch - microlens pitch (µm)
fml - microlens focal length (µm)
from/to/zspacing - z stack dimensions (µm)
Nnum - number of pixels in your rectified image,
		 across each microlens footprint
lambda - wavelength (nm)
n - refractive index of medium

Note that the matrix filename must follow the exact format shown: it should start with fdnormPSFMatrix_. It is also important not to have any trailing zeroes in the parameters, e.g. you should write …lambda520n1.mat not …lambda520n1.0.mat.

Calling code as a python module

Although the entire fast-light-field project is not currently packaged as a formal python module of its own, you can still import individual .py files (e.g. hMatrix and lfdeconv) and call the functions from your own python code. The APIs are not yet formally documented, but the code in etc provides a suitable demonstration of usage.

Best performance

  • Note that the first iteration will take a bit longer (potentially a lot longer on the GPU), as the code self-calibrates for best performance, but subsequent iterations will be faster.
  • The code will run fastest if given significant numbers (e.g. 32) of individual timepoint images to deconvolve in parallel.
  • For most systems, GPU-based deconvolution will be fastest. The GPU-based code is not quite as extensively tested - it should be correct, but has not been tested on many different platforms, so let me know if you encounter any errors). Run on GPU by specifying -m gpu on the command line.
  • The command line option -cacheFH is a specialised option that is strictly for small reconstruction problems only. It will give faster performance (especially for small batch sizes) but has a dramatically higher memory requirement (may well exhaust available RAM).
  • The CPU-based code should be able to handle very large volume reconstructions, but the GPU code may run out of memory (depending on the specs of your GPU).
  • The code will use all available cores on the CPU, but does not currently farm out work across a cluster of computers (handle this manually by running different jobs on different computers)
  • The code will not make use of multiple GPUs - let me know if you have this setup and we can work together to get this working.


As mentioned in the installation instructions, you can get some quick-ish initial benchmark measurements by running python3 benchmark.

For more in-depth benchmarks on realistically-sized tasks (as presented in the accompanying paper), see benchmarking.ipynb. That notebook demonstrates and measures the benchmark scenario in detail. The benchmark reconstructs a pre-rectified 1463x1273 pixel image using a point spread function with the following characteristics:

Parameter Value
Numerical Aperture 0.5
Magnification 22.222
ML Pitch (µm) 125
f_ML (µm) 3125
Refractive index 1.33
wavelength (nm) 520
z range (µm) ±60
Number of planes 25
N 19
X 1463
Y 1273
N_iter 4

where ML is microlens and other symbols are defined in the accompanying paper.

Integrating with Matlab code

I have a separate repository that documents and demonstrates how to call my fast code from Matlab, if you have existing analysis pipelines written as Matlab scripts. This requires some additional RAM, but allows the full speed of my implementation to be accessed from Matlab code.

Windows support

MS Windows is not currently supported. Even though the main fast-light-field module is Python-based, the backend relies on highly-optimized C, Cython and CUDA code. This does not currently compile on Windows. It would probably be possible to make it work through MinGW, but I do not have the experience to make that happen. If anybody does get that working, do please share with me the instructions, and any tweaks needed to the project code.