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commit of icaScoreMatching code
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jngiam committed Nov 12, 2011
1 parent 714850c commit 36a5d03
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Showing 8 changed files with 234 additions and 1 deletion.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Score Matching for ICA / TICA

* Trains using minFunc
* Dataset available at

Quick Start

Run "runExample" in Matlab


* Uses a smaller dataset (e.g., data = data(:, 1:20000)) for faster training

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion common
Submodule common updated 49 files
+25 −0 LICENSE
+1 −0 README
+108 −0 minFunc/ArmijoBacktrack.m
+31 −0 minFunc/LICENSE
+373 −0 minFunc/WolfeLineSearch.m
+1 −0 minFunc/autoGrad.m
+1 −0 minFunc/autoHess.m
+11 −0 minFunc/autoHv.m
+1 −0 minFunc/autoTensor.m
+12 −0 minFunc/callOutput.m
+82 −0 minFunc/conjGrad.m
+43 −0 minFunc/dampedUpdate.m
+75 −0 minFunc/example_minFunc.m
+49 −0 minFunc/example_minFunc_LR.m
+2 −0 minFunc/isLegal.m
+40 −0 minFunc/lbfgs.m
+115 −0 minFunc/lbfgsC.c
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexa64
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexglx
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexmac
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexmaci
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexmaci64
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexw32
+ minFunc/lbfgsC.mexw64
+21 −0 minFunc/lbfgsUpdate.m
+20 −0 minFunc/logistic/LogisticDiagPrecond.m
+8 −0 minFunc/logistic/LogisticHv.m
+35 −0 minFunc/logistic/LogisticLoss.m
+43 −0 minFunc/logistic/mexutil.c
+8 −0 minFunc/logistic/mexutil.h
+9 −0 minFunc/logistic/mylogsumexp.m
+149 −0 minFunc/logistic/repmatC.c
+ minFunc/logistic/repmatC.dll
+ minFunc/logistic/repmatC.mexglx
+ minFunc/logistic/repmatC.mexmac
+60 −0 minFunc/mchol.m
+199 −0 minFunc/mcholC.c
+ minFunc/mcholC.mexmaci64
+ minFunc/mcholC.mexw32
+ minFunc/mcholC.mexw64
+25 −0 minFunc/mcholinc.m
+1,122 −0 minFunc/minFunc.m
+154 −0 minFunc/minFunc_processInputOptions.m
+145 −0 minFunc/polyinterp.m
+2 −0 minFunc/precondDiag.m
+2 −0 minFunc/precondTriu.m
+2 −0 minFunc/precondTriuDiag.m
+40 −0 minFunc/rosenbrock.m
+38 −0 minFunc/taylorModel.m
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions gradientChecks/runChecks.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
%% Initialize Checks
nHidden = 16;
nInput = 4;
W = randn(nHidden, 4);
X = randn(4, 2);
modelScoreMatchingFunc = @(W, X) icaScoreMatching (W, X, nHidden, nInput);

%% Check Xg
[loss, grad] = smCheckXgLoss(X(:), W(:), X, modelScoreMatchingFunc);
numgrad = computeNumericalGradient( @(p) smCheckXgLoss(p, W, X, modelScoreMatchingFunc), X(:));

numgrad=numgrad(:); grad = grad(:);

% Use this to visually compare the gradients side by side
disp([numgrad grad]);

% Compare numerically computed gradients wit the ones obtained from backpropagation
diff = norm(numgrad-grad)/norm(numgrad+grad);
disp(diff); % Should be small. In our implementation, these values are
% usually less than 1e-9.

%% Check Xg2
% [smloss, paramgrad, energy, Xg, Xg2, Xg3] = rbmScoreMatching(modelParams, X);
numgrad = zeros(numel(X),1);
grad = zeros(numel(X),1);
for Xidx = 1:numel(X)
params = X(Xidx);
[loss, grad(Xidx)] = smCheckXg2Loss(params, W, X, modelScoreMatchingFunc, Xidx);
numgrad(Xidx) = computeNumericalGradient( @(p) smCheckXg2Loss(p, W, X, modelScoreMatchingFunc, Xidx), params);

numgrad=numgrad(:); grad = grad(:);

disp([numgrad grad]);

diff = norm(numgrad-grad)/norm(numgrad+grad);

%% Check Param Gradient

[loss, grad] = icaScoreMatching(W, X, nHidden, nInput);
numgrad = computeNumericalGradient( @(p) icaScoreMatching(p, X, nHidden, nInput), W(:));

disp([numgrad grad]);

% Compare numerically computed gradients with the ones obtained from backpropagation
diff = norm(numgrad-grad)/norm(numgrad+grad);
disp(diff); % Should be small. In our implementation, these values are
% usually less than 1e-9.

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions gradientChecks/smCheckXg2Loss.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
function [loss, paramgrad] = smCheckXg2Loss(params, W, X, modelScoreFunc, Xidx)

X(Xidx) = params;

[sml, pg, energy, Xg, paramgrad] = modelScoreFunc(W, X);

loss = Xg(Xidx);
paramgrad = paramgrad(Xidx);


8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions gradientChecks/smCheckXgLoss.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function [loss, paramgrad] = smCheckXgLoss(params, W, X, modelScoreFunc)

[sml, pg, energy, paramgrad, Xg2] = modelScoreFunc(W, reshape(params, size(X)));
loss = sum(energy);
paramgrad = paramgrad(:);


77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions objFunc/icaScoreMatching.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
function [smloss, grad, energy, Xg, Xg2] = ...
icaScoreMatching(W, X, nHidden, nInput)

% Save Original Weights
oW = reshape(W, nHidden, nInput);

% Force onto unit ball
W = l2row(oW);

lambda = 0; % weight decay
epsilon = 1;
smReg = 0; % Regularized score matching?

F = W*X;
absF = sqrt(epsilon + (W*X).^2);
energy = 0;
%% Compute Energy (only if interested, for checking gradients)
if nargout > 2
energy = energy + sum(absF);

%% Compute del E/del X
oX = F ./ absF;
Xg = W' * oX;

%% Score Matching Loss
smloss = 0.5*sum(sum(Xg.^2));

%% Compute del^2 E/del X_i ^2
oX2 = (1 - oX.^2) ./ absF;
Xg2 = (W.^2)' * oX2;

smloss = smloss + sum(sum(-Xg2, 1)) + smReg * sum(sum(Xg2.^2)) ;

%% Weight Regularization , note that we sum over examples so * size(X,2)
smloss = smloss + 0.5 * lambda * size(X,2) * sum(W(:).^2);

%% Scale smloss to be nicer
smloss = smloss / size(X, 2);

%% Done if we are not interested in gradients
if nargout <= 1

%% Compute Gradient for 0.5*sumsmCheck(sum(Xg.^2))
if nargout > 1
Wgrad = oX * Xg';

Xg2a = W * Xg;
Xg2a = Xg2a .* oX2;

Wgrad = Wgrad + Xg2a * X';

%% Compute Gradient for sum(sum(-Xg2, 1)) + smReg * sum(sum(Xg2.^2))
if nargout > 1

vhg2 = oX2 * (- 1 + 2 * smReg * Xg2)';
Wgrad = Wgrad + 2 * W .* vhg2;

Xg3a = (W.^2) * ( - 1 + 2 * smReg * Xg2);
Xg3a = Xg3a .* (-3 * oX .* (1 - oX.^2) ./ (absF.^2)); % back prop

Wgrad = Wgrad + Xg3a * X';

%% Weight Regularization
Wgrad = Wgrad + lambda * size(X,2) * W;

%% Compress for returning
Wgrad = l2rowg(oW, W, Wgrad);

grad = [Wgrad(:)] / size(X, 2);

66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions runExample.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
%% Startup (addpaths)

%% Clear
clear ; close all ; clc ;

%% Load Data
% You can obtain patches.mat from

fprintf('Loading Data\n');

% Loads a variable data (size 256x50000)
load patches.mat

% Reduce dataset size for faster training
data = data(:, 1:20000);

%% PCA Whitening
fprintf('\nPCA Whitening\n');

% Remove DC
data = bsxfun(@minus, data, mean(data, 1));

% Remove the "mean" patch
data = bsxfun(@minus, data, mean(data, 2));

% Compute Covariance Matrix and Eigenstuff
cov = data * data' / size(data, 2);
[E,D] = eig(cov);
d = diag(D);

% Sort eigenvalues in descending order
[dsort, idx] = sort(d, 'descend');

% PCA Whitening (and pick top 99% of eigenvalues)
dsum = cumsum(dsort);
dcutoff = find(dsum > 0.99 * dsum(end), 1);
E = E(:, idx(1:dcutoff));
d = d(idx(1:dcutoff));
V = diag(1./sqrt(d+1e-6)) * E';

%% Whiten the data
whiteData = V * data;

%% Run the optimization with minFunc (ICA)
fprintf('\nTraining ICA (w/ Score Matching)\n\n');
nHidden = 400; nInput = size(whiteData, 1);
W = randn(nHidden, nInput);
options.Method = 'lbfgs';
options.maxIter = 100; % Maximum number of iterations of L-BFGS to run
options.display = 'on';

[optW, cost] = minFunc( @icaScoreMatching, ...
W(:), options, whiteData, ...
nHidden, nInput);

%% Display Results
optW = reshape(optW, nHidden, nInput);
displayData(optW * V);

fprintf('ICA Training Completed.\n');
fprintf('Press Enter to Continue.\n\n');
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions startup.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
%% Add Paths
addpath ([pwd filesep 'common']);
addpath ([pwd filesep 'common/minFunc']);
addpath ([pwd filesep 'gradientChecks']);
addpath ([pwd filesep 'objFunc']);

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