Distributed password manager implemented in java
High dependable system
Maven projects:
keystore: Create and manage client keys
client: Client interface to communicate with server
server: Server with database
lib: Shared library code between other projects
Our Password Manager is divided in 4 major projects: The Client, the Server, the KeyStore and the Lib. It is a RESTful system, so the Client and the Server communicate over HTTP, exchanging JSON Objects. For this process, we are using the Unirest Framework API in the Client-side to send requests, and the Spark Framework API on the Server-side to answer them. Both client and server depend on the Lib Project, that is a library that contains cryptographic methods and other shared code between the two sides of the system, and on the Keystore Project, an independent Key Manager, that generate and provides the client and the server a pair of Public/Private Keys.
Install lib shared code
cd lib mvn install
Generate keystore to Tests
cd keystore mvn compile exec:java
... Enter username: username Enter password: password ...
Generate keystore to client
cd keystore mvn compile exec:java
... Enter username: example Enter password: 123456789 ...
Run in parallel
start 4 server replicas
cd server source start.sh 4
cd client mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="localhost 8080 4" ``` ``` # 1. Call init # 2. Login with username and password from keystore # 3. Register # 4. Put and/or get passwords ```
- Run mvn tests on Lib
cd lib
mvn test
* List of available tests:
- Run mvn tests on Client
create server / server KeyStore create username / password KeyStore
mvn test
- Run a specific server
mvn test -Dtest=ReplayAttackTest
* List of available tests: