I'm a Software Engineer at the future of agency. I write their clients a lot of front-end JavaScript and CSS code, and some back-end code when I'm lucky!
I love to build scalable and maintainable applications, and I have experience working with React, React-Redux, Express, Node, and PostgreSQL.
Artist-turned-coder. I liked creating beauty before; I like creating beauty now.
Former Lighting Designer, Network Designer, and Console Programmer. Musician, Cold Brew Drinker, Sports Fanatic, Certified Cicerone®
- 🌱 Currently learning Python, TypeScript, and NextJS
- 👯 Open to collaborating on open-source projects
- 🤔 Always eager to learn and grow
- Frontend: React | Redux | HTML | CSS | JavaScript
- Backend: Node.js | Express
- Database: PostgreSQL (using Sequelize)
- Learning: Python | TypeScript | NextJS
- Dawn Ryan. This is a portfolio and services website for freelance copyeditor and proofreader Dawn Ryan. She's a long-time professional in the publishing industry, and wanted specifically to highlight not only the work she's accomplished, but the variety of services she can offer. I explored many new technologies when developing this website to accomplish the desires of my client, specifically Framer Motion. I love exploring new technologies, and will continue to do so as a client's needs change!
- AlgoRhythm. This application is a Multiple Choice study-guide for Algorhithms, Data Structures, and basic questions about popular languages like JavaScript and Python as well as popular frameworks like React and NodeJs.
- Drop of CSS. This is a color palette and element generating tool. The idea came from simply wanting to provide developers and freelancers with a simple tool to create a beautiful website with elements they can preview and download. So much of designing a beautiful website comes from picking pleasing colors and combining them seamlessly with component elements, and we aimed to make that as simple as possible!