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[py] Simplify Pseudo Imports for External Modules (#3872)
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The new import resolution simplified the world for internal code, then gave external code to the old fall-back functionality.

The issue is that the old fall-back functionality still assumed the code may be in the CPG, but this would be assured not the case.

This change fixes the pseudo-path based on this guarantee.
  • Loading branch information
DavidBakerEffendi authored Dec 1, 2023
1 parent fa6393b commit e602413
Showing 2 changed files with 28 additions and 50 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -83,57 +83,23 @@ class PythonImportResolverPass(cpg: Cpg) extends XImportResolverPass(cpg) {
resolvedImports.foreach(x => evaluatedImportToTag(x, importCall, diffGraph))
} else {
// Here we use heuristics to guess the correct paths, and make the types look friendly for querying
unresolvableImportToUnknownImport(currDir, fileName, importedEntity, importedAs)
createPseudoImports(importedEntity, importedAs)
.foreach(x => evaluatedImportToTag(x, importCall, diffGraph))

private def unresolvableImportToUnknownImport(
currDir: File,
currFileName: String,
importedEntity: String,
importedAs: String
): Set[EvaluatedImport] = {
val (namespace, entityName) = if (importedEntity.contains(".")) {
val splitName = importedEntity.split('.').toSeq
val namespace = importedEntity.stripSuffix(s".${splitName.last}")
(relativizeNamespace(namespace, currFileName), splitName.last)
} else {
val relCurrDir = currDir.pathAsString.stripPrefix(codeRootDir).stripPrefix(JFile.separator)

(relCurrDir, importedEntity)

createPseudoImports(namespace, entityName, importedAs)

private def relativizeNamespace(path: String, fileName: String): String = if (path.startsWith(".")) {
// TODO: pysrc2cpg does not link files to the correct namespace nodes
val sep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(JFile.separator)
// The below gives us the full path of the relative "."
val relativeNamespace =
if (fileName.contains(JFile.separator))
fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(JFile.separator)).replaceAll(sep, ".")
else ""
(if (path.length > 1) relativeNamespace + path.replaceAll(sep, ".")
else relativeNamespace).stripPrefix(".")
} else path

/** For an unresolveable import, create a best-effort path of what could be imported, as well as what kind of entity
* may be imported.
* @param path
* the module path.
* @param expEntity
* the name of the imported entity. This could be a function, module, or variable/field.
* @param alias
* how the imported entity is named.
* @return
* the possible callee names
private def createPseudoImports(path: String, expEntity: String, alias: String): Set[EvaluatedImport] = {
private def createPseudoImports(expEntity: String, alias: String): Set[EvaluatedImport] = {
val pathSep = "."
val sep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(JFile.separator)
val isMaybeConstructor = expEntity.split("\\.").lastOption.exists(s => s.nonEmpty && s.charAt(0).isUpper)

def toUnresolvedImport(pseudoPath: String): Set[EvaluatedImport] = {
@@ -144,20 +110,10 @@ class PythonImportResolverPass(cpg: Cpg) extends XImportResolverPass(cpg) {

if (path.isBlank) {
if (expEntity.contains(".")) {
// Case 1: Qualified path: import
val splitFunc = expEntity.split("\\.")
val name = splitFunc.tail.mkString(".")
} else {
// Case 2: import of a module: import foo =>
} else {
// Case 3: Import from module using alias, e.g. import bar from foo as faz
toUnresolvedImport(s"${path.replaceAll("\\.", sep)}.py:<module>$pathSep$expEntity")
expEntity.split("\\.").reverse.toList match
case name :: Nil => toUnresolvedImport(s"$<module>")
case name :: xs => toUnresolvedImport(s"${xs.reverse.mkString(JFile.separator)}.py:<module>$pathSep$name")
case Nil => Set.empty

private sealed trait ImportableEntity {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1347,4 +1347,26 @@ class TypeRecoveryPassTests extends PySrc2CpgFixture(withOssDataflow = false) {

"unknown imports, regardless of relative path" should {
val cpg = code(
|import boto3
|def get_thing(bucket: str, path: str, access_key: str, secret_key: str):
| client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id = access_key, aws_secret_access_key = secret_key)
| return client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=path)
Seq("utils", "").mkString(File.separator)

"be resolved with a simple pseudo-import" in {"client").methodFullName.head shouldBe "<module>.client"

"propagate this value to the receiving identifier's call accordingly" in {"get_object").methodFullName.head shouldBe "<module>.client.<returnValue>.get_object"


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