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Countries Assignment

Manipulate, Sort, and Build a Countries Management Tool


The Countries Management tool allows a user to filter, sort, and manipulate a list of known countries in the world.

Fork the project, and clone it locally

Fork the project and clone it to your computer. Forking it allows you to work on a copy on your github profile without interferring with the project.

Install the missing packages

Whenever you clone/fork a repository the first thing you should do is install the missing packages. To install the missing packages, open a terminal in the directory that you cloned the project to and run the command:

$ npm install

Run the test

When your tests are all completed and passing this will indicate that your project is complete. Before you start working on the assignment make sure the tests are able to run.

$ npm test

All of the tests should fail, or be inconclusive.

The describe() function indicates the purpose of grouping for the tests. Describe tests that begin with a '#' character indicate that it is exercising a function based test or the #bogus(name) should test a function called 'bogus'.

Rename the project to country-utilities in the package.json

The name of the project can be manipulated in the package.json file. Using the name attribute in the json, you can change the name of the project.

Install the countries data

Using npm install the world-countries project and save it to the package.json file. Remember, you can save an installation by using the --save flag within the terminal like:

$ npm install world-countries --save


$ npm i world-countries -S

To use the data, simply require the 'world-countries' package into a javascript file and you should get a javascript array that looks like

const countries = require('world-countries');

The country objects should look similar to:

    name: {
        common: "United States",
        official: "United States of America",
        native: {
            eng: {
                official: "United States of America",
                common: "United States"
    tld: [
    cca2: "US",
    ccn3: "840",
    cca3: "USA",
    cioc: "USA",
    currency: [
    callingCode: [
    capital: "Washington D.C.",
    altSpellings: [
        "United States of America"
    region: "Americas",
    subregion: "Northern America",
    languages: {
        eng: "English"
    translations: {
        deu: {
            official: "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika",
            common: "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"
        fra: {
            official: "Les états-unis d'Amérique",
            common: "États-Unis"
        hrv: {
            official: "Sjedinjene Države Amerike",
            common: "Sjedinjene Američke Države"
        ita: {
            official: "Stati Uniti d'America",
            common: "Stati Uniti d'America"
        jpn: {
            official: "アメリカ合衆国",
            common: "アメリカ合衆国"
        nld: {
            official: "Verenigde Staten van Amerika",
            common: "Verenigde Staten"
        por: {
            official: "Estados Unidos da América",
            common: "Estados Unidos"
        rus: {
            official: "Соединенные Штаты Америки",
            common: "Соединённые Штаты Америки"
        spa: {
            official: "Estados Unidos de América",
            common: "Estados Unidos"
        svk: {
            official: "Spojené štáty Americké",
            common: "Spojené štáty"
        fin: {
            official: "Amerikan yhdysvallat",
            common: "Yhdysvallat"
        zho: {
            official: "美利坚合众国",
            common: "美国"
    latlng: [
        38, -97
    demonym: "American",
    landlocked: false,
    borders: [
    area: 9372610


The all function should return the unadulterated country information. Optional parameters can limit the amount of countries that can be viewed by default (set the default to 15). This is called paging.

Calculate the startingIndex by using the calculation startIndex = index * pageSize.

At the startIndex item in the array, you'll take x number of items where x = pageSize. That is considered a page of data.

Settings Parameters

Parameters Type Description Optional
loadAll Boolean Ignores the page and index retrieving all the countries Yes
index Number (Positive) The index of the page your on, by default it's 0, and also starts at 0 Yes
pageSize Number (Positive) The number of items that are considered a 'page'. The default is 15. Yes


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');

// Default PageSize
const firstPage = Countries.all(); // index=0, pageSize=15
const secondPage = Countries.all({ index: 1, pageSize=15 }); // index=1, pageSize=15 

// Large pageSize
const firstLargePage = Countries.all({ index: 0, pageSize: 1000}); // index=0, pageSize=1000
const secondLargePage = Countries.all({index: 1, pageSize: 1000}); // index=0, pageSize=1000


Filter down the countries by their common or official name. When the string is empty it should return all the countries


const Countries = require('./src');
const results = Countries.filter('United States');


Retrieves a single country by it's 3 digit code. The parameter should throw an error if it's not 3 digits long. The result should be an object not an array


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const resut = Countries.get('USA');


Retrieve all the countries that touch the country (based on the code entered). The results should be an array of objects with the countries returned as full objects. (Hint use the get function once you find the countries that touch)


  • Use the get function you created above to get the countries by their code, and to retrieve the countries that touch

Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const results = Countries.touches('USA');


Retrieves all the countries by their regions. We'll want to create a constant named 'REGIONS' that contains a unique list of regions. This will be helpful to determine if a valid region is added. The result should be an array of countries.


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const results = Countries.findByRegion('Americas');


Retrieves all the countries by their sub-region. We'll want to create a constant named 'SUB_REGIONS' that contains a unique list of sub-regions. This will be helpful to determine if a valid sub region is added. The result should be an array of countries.


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const results = Countries.findBySubRegion('Northern America');

Countries.distance(startingCountryCode, endingCountryCode);

Calculates the distance using the longitude and latitude. The result should be a positive number.


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const distance = Countries.distance('USA', 'UZB');

Countries.subtractArea(firstCountryCode, secondCountryCode)

Subtracts the area from two countries. The result should be a positive number.


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const differenceInArea = Countries.subtractArea('USA', 'UZB');


Finds all countries that utilize a currency. The result should be an array with the countries.


Example Usage

const Countries = require('./src');
const result = Countries.withCurrency('USD');


Full Stack Countries Assignment







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