Joko resilience is a project offering a flexible rate limiting system based on the token bucket Algorithm.
It uses the bucket4j library providing a layer to make the integration with Spring Boot applications easy.
The library has been tested with the following Spring boot versions:
- Spring Boot 1.5.x and above
- Spring Boot 2.x and above
The library has been tested with the following JDK versions:
- JDK 8
- JDK 11
joko resilience is based on Spring HandlerInterceptor, so first we need the spring-boot-starter-web dependency:
Then we can add the joko-resilience dependency:
//JAVA 11
//JAVA 8
We can configure the Rate limiting system using the following properties:
Property | Description | Default Value | Accepted Values |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.enabled | Activate or deactivate the whole rate limiting system. | true | true or false |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.interceptor.patterns | Configures the global pattern or patterns for which he interceptors will be activated. Affects the JokoRateLimitInterceptor and the JokoGlobalRateLimitInterceptor. | /** | string |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.interceptor.patterns.exclude | Configures the global pattern or patterns that will be excluded from the interceptors. Affects the JokoRateLimitInterceptor and the JokoGlobalRateLimitInterceptor. | empty string | string |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.resources.exclude | Exclude requests to resources like css or images from the interceptors scope. | true | true or false |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.token.capacity | The number of request available for a bucket in a range of time (refill time). The default value is 10 requests. | 10 | int number |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.token.refill | The number of request to refill after the refill time passed. The default value is the same of the capacity. | The same of capacity | int number |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.token.refill.wait | The range of time in seconds for the token refill to happen. The default value is 60 seconds. | 60 | int number |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.auth.header-name | The name of the header to be used o generate a bucket identifier. We recommend using an authorization token or api key. | Authorization | string |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.auth.jsession.cookie.enabled | Use the JSESSIONID cookie value to generate a bucket identifier. Useful for single layer applications using Spring Security | false | true or false |
joko.resilience.ratelimiter.error.message | Message to show in the response when the request quota is exhausted. | You have exhausted your API Request Quota | string |
The rate limiting system is based on Spring interceptors: There are 2 interceptor available to implement a rate limiting functionality:
- JokoRateLimitInterceptor: Works in conjunction with annotations o limit specific Request
- JokoGlobalRateLimitInterceptor: Works based on a path limiting all request that falls under the given path
First we need to configure the interceptors. Doing this is slightly different depending on which version of Spring Boot we're using.
For Spring boot 2 we have 3 special config classes we can extend. All we need to do is to extend this classes in a configuration component, and we're done. Ex:
JokoRateLimiterConfig: Inject the JokoRateLimitInterceptor for specific requests.
public class RateLimitingConfig extends JokoRateLimiterConfig {
JokoGlobalRateLimiterConfig: Inject the JokoGlobalRateLimitInterceptor for request patterns.
public class RateLimitingConfig extends JokoGlobalRateLimiterConfig {
JokoHybridRateLimiterConfig: Inject both interceptors.
public class RateLimitingConfig extends JokoHybridRateLimiterConfig {
For Spring boot 1.5 we need to do it slightly different because of the Spring Boot core differences between versions For his we can use the JokoInterceptorUtils component. Ex:
@ComponentScan("io.github.jokoframework.resilience.ratelimiter.config") // Need to scan he config package to inject necessary components
public class RateLimiterConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private JokoInterceptorUtils jokoInterceptorUtils;
// We add the inerceptor using he JokoInterceptorUtils component
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
To limit specific request, we need to make use of the @RateLimit annotation in conjunction with the JokoRateLimitInterceptor.
After the configuration is ready all we need to do is annotate the desired controller request:
public ResponseEntity<ChangePasswordResponse> changePassword(@PathVariable("userId") Long userId,
@Valid @RequestBody PasswordChangeRequest passwordChangeRequest) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(authenticationService.changePassword(userId, passwordChangeRequest));
We can also pass the rate limit attributes in the annotation itself to configure a request wih specific values:
- tokenCapacity: The number of request available for a bucket in a range of time (refill time).
- tokenRefill:The number of request to refill after the refill time passed.
- refillWaitTime:The range of time in seconds for the token refill to happen;
@RateLimit(tokenCapacity = 5, tokenRefill = 5, refillWaitTime = 30)
public ResponseEntity<ChangePasswordResponse> changePassword(@PathVariable("userId") Long userId,
@Valid @RequestBody PasswordChangeRequest passwordChangeRequest) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(authenticationService.changePassword(userId, passwordChangeRequest));
To unlimit a specific request, we need to make use of the @RateLimitExclude annotation, which has no parameters
This is useful when you have two requests associated to the same path (With different HTTP verbs), but you only want to limit one of them, if you do not add this annotation to the excluded one you will require to provide the Joko Resilience Header (Even though it wont be actually limited if it recieved the header)
The library can be generated from source for java 8 and 11 using prebuild gradle tasks:
To build the jar for java 8 we can use the following gradle task:
./gradlew generateJava8Artifact
This will generate a jar file for the jdk 8 under the folder build/libs with the -jdk8 suffix. For example if the version is 1.0.0 the jar will be generated with the following name:
To build the jar for java 11 we can use the following gradle task:
./gradlew generateJava11Artifact
This will generate a jar file for the jdk 11 under the folder build/libs. For example if the version is 1.0.0 the jar will be generated with the following name:
The jar can be published directly to the default local maven repository using the following gradle tasks:
./gradlew publishJava8Local
./gradlew publishJava11Local
OBS: Publishing directly to a custom local maven repository folder is not yet supported
For publishing to an artifactory repository we need first to create a file in the project root, containing the following props:
Then the jar can be published directly to an artifactory repository using the following gradle tasks:
./gradlew publishJava8Artifactory
./gradlew publishJava11Artifactory
OBS: The jar files will be published under libs-release-local in the artifactory. This is not yet configurable and there is no direct snapshots support.