(10 pts) Assignment Instructions
Go slowly, follow the instructions carefully, and you'll be fine! Note the steps in each section.
- Sign up or log in to GitHub.
- Go to the website https://github.com/.
- Sign in to your GitHub account if you have one, or follow the instructions to sign up.
- Create your own GitHub profile/ID (make sure it's appropriate for job or grad school applications).
- Create a new repo.
- [Top right of webpage] >> Click on the "+" >> Click "New repository"
- Enter a name for your new repo
- Keep it as a Public repo
- Check the box that says initialize with "Add a README file"
- Click "Create Repository"
- Turn your repo into a website.
- You should be within your new repo after you clicked "Create Repository"
- Click "Settings" >> Click "Pages" on the left menu bar (not the profile settings)
- Change the source to "main" and save
- You see a note that says "Your site is published at [your-link]"; make a note of this link
- Choose the theme that you prefer
- Modify content in the README if you like, but it's fine to use filler content provided for now
- Go to Thilini's GitHub-Practice-184 repo (that generated this page).
- (this page that you're currently reading :) or you can go to GitHub, search for "thilini-saram", and find the GitHub-Practice-184 repo)
- [Top right of Thilini's GitHub-S184 repo] >> Click on the "Fork" to create your own copy of the class repo
- Your copy of the repo should say "[your-userID]/GitHub-Practice-184" at the top with a tiny note saying it was forked from
- Click on "README.md" >> Click on the pencil icon to edit your copy of the repo
- Add a row in your copy of the table with your information.
- Follow the pattern for placing the vertical bar characters (the vertical bar is found above the Enter key)... use the "Thilini Saram" row as a template
- (2 pts) Add your First & Last Name
- (2 pt) Add your Class Section
- (2 pts) Add your GitHub ID
- (2 pts) Add your GitHub Page website link that you made a note of above (check that it says "[your-userID].github.io" at the start of the link); look carefully at the example format and enclose the link in <>
- (1 pts) You must commit your changes!
- Write a descriptive commit message (e.g. "added Thilini Saram to class table")
- Use the default setting of Commit directly to the
branch - Click the green button "Commit changes"
- Merge your updated copy of the repo with Thilini's repo.
- [Top right of YOUR GitHub-Practice-184 repo] >> Click "Pull requests" >> Click green button "New Pull Request"
- GitHub will take you to MY (Thilini's) copy of the repo (
at the top) - Click the green button "Create pull request"
- Describe the change again (e.g. "added Thilini Saram to class table")
- (1 pt) You must click the green button "Create pull request" so that I can see your edit!
- You're done!
Important: Your entry may NOT appear on the class table right away. Once you submit the "pull request" the owner of the repo (me) needs to approve and merge it into the "main" branch before your entry will appear in the class table on the website.
Name | Class Section | GitHub ID | Link for your GitHub Page |
Yu-Hsin Liao | Section 002 | jonasliao279 | https://jonasliao279.github.io/GitHub-Practice-184/ |
Thilini_Saram | Section 002 | thilini-saram | https://thilini-saram.github.io/TestPractice/ |
- Simplified instructions: Data Computing eBook--Appendix: GitHub-RStudio Configuration
- More detail if needed: http://happygitwithr.com/index.html
Content credit: This assignment was adapted from Matt Beckman's GitHub Pages Assignment.