SSH is allowed to the masters and the nodes, by default from anywhere.
To change the CIDR allowed to access SSH (and HTTPS), set AdminAccess on the cluster spec.
When using the default images, the SSH username will be admin
, and the SSH private key is be
the private key corresponding to the public key in kops get secrets --type sshpublickey admin
. When
creating a new cluster, the SSH public key can be specified with the --ssh-public-key
option, and it
defaults to ~/.ssh/
To change the SSH public key on an existing cluster:
kops delete secret --name <clustername> sshpublickey admin
kops create secret --name <clustername> sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/
kops update cluster --yes
to reconfigure the auto-scaling groupskops rolling-update cluster --name <clustername> --yes
to immediately roll all the machines so they have the new key (optional)
(this section is a work in progress)
Kubernetes has a number of authentication mechanisms:
The API bearer token is a secret named 'admin'.
kops get secrets admin -oplaintext
will show it
Access to the administrative API is stored in a secret named 'kube':
kops get secrets kube -oplaintext
or kubectl config view --minify
to reveal