Google Maps Web Services API
- Geocoding
- Places
- nearby search
- text search
- details
- add
- delete
- photo
- autocomplete
- queryautocomplete
- Directions
- Distance Matrix
- Geolocation
- Elevation
- Roads
- Timezone
import "package:google_maps_webservice/geocoding.dart";
final geocoding = new GoogleMapsGeocoding("<API_KEY>");
final geocoding = new GoogleMapsGeocoding("<API_KEY>", new BrowserClient());
GeocodingResponse response = await geocoding.searchByAddress("1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA");
import "package:google_maps_webservice/places.dart";
final places = new GoogleMapsPlaces("<API_KEY>");
final places = new GoogleMapsPlaces("<API_KEY>", new BrowserClient());
PlacesSearchResponse reponse = await places.searchNearbyWithRadius(new Location(31.0424, 42.421), 500);
PlacesSearchResponse reponse = await places.searchNearbyWithRankby(new Location(31.0424, 42.421), "distance");
PlacesSearchResponse reponse = await places.searchByText("123 Main Street");
PlacesDetailsResponse response = await places.getDetailsByPlaceId("PLACE_ID");
PlacesDetailsResponse response = await places.getDetailsByReference("REF");
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.