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Python package

A magical CLI/TUI for interacting with Dokploy.

                                                                    ███████            █
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             ███████████████████████████████                          ██████████████████
            ████                        █████████                       ██████████████
            ████          ███               █████████                      ████
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            ██████████████████████                               ███████
            ████            ██████████                     ██████████          ██████
             ██████               ███████████████████████████████          ████████
               ████████                ████████████████████             ████████
             █     █████████                                        ████████     ███
            █████      █████████                                ████████      ██████
            ████████       ███████████                    ███████████      █████████
            ████ ██████         ████████████████████████████████        ███████ ████
            ████   ███████            ████████████████████           ███████    ████
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              ███████     ████████                           █████████     ███████
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pip install git+
# with TUI support
pip install git+[tui]

Tested with Dokploy versions:

  • 0.6.1
  • 0.18.1


Create the configuration file at ~/.config/dokli/dokli.yaml. Example:

  - name: test-env
    api_key: ****************************************
    notes: "Our test environment. Handle with care!"
  - name: prod-env
    api_key_cmd: "secret-tool lookup dokli prodEnvApikey"
    notes: "Our prod environment. Handle with even more care!"

You can use api_key_cmd to load the API key from a command such as secret-tool instead of entering it in the config file. This is highly recommended for security reasons.

Configuration uses pydantic-settings which means it can also be set via environment variables using the DOKLI_ prefix.



  • Commands are inferred from the OpenAPI spec, which allows:
    • support for multiple Dokploy API versions.
    • support for all API entities actions/verbs.
  • magical JSON parameters %json:{"projectId": "daspdoada798sda"}
  • magical file parameters %file:/path/to/data/foo.redis.json
  • output formats:
    • yaml
    • json
    • python
    • table (experimental)


$ dokly

 Usage: dokli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Magical Dokploy CLI/TUI.

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell.      │
│ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy │
│                               it or customize the installation.              │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                    │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ api        API commands.                                                     │
│ tui        Text User Interface.                                              │

$ dokly api test-env project all
- adminId: ysHDHlhX4a3zOG2fLsske
  applications: []
  compose: []
  createdAt: '2024-08-05T02:45:38.168Z'
  description: null
  mariadb: []
  mongo: []
  mysql: []
  name: Dokli
  postgres: []
  projectId: zuanf1SWHMFO11y6xqpRR
  redis: []

$ dokli api test-env project create --body '%json:{"name": "Dokli"}' --format table
               API Response
┃ Key         ┃ Value                    ┃
│ projectId   │ zuanf1SWHMFO11y6xqpRR
│ name        │ Dokli                    │
│ description │ None                     │
│ createdAt   │ 2024-08-05T02:45:38.168Z │
│ adminId     │ ysHDHlhX4a3zOG2fLsske    │

$ dokli api test-env project one --format json zuanf1SWHMFO11y6xqpRR
{"projectId": "zuanf1SWHMFO11y6xqpRR", "name": "Dokli", "description": null,
"createdAt": "2024-08-05T02:45:38.168Z", "adminId": "ysHDHlhX4a3zOG2fLsske",
"applications": [], "mariadb": [], "mongo": [], "mysql": [], "postgres": [],
"redis": [], "compose": []}


Still a WIP. Basic functionality will be implemented at 0.2.0 release.

Screenshot from 2024-08-04 23-39-14 Screenshot from 2024-08-04 23-39-04 Screenshot from 2024-08-05 00-06-58


The CLI is designed to keep up with any changes in the API. Commands are dynamically inferred from the OpenAPI spec. I did this because I want to do some test automation and the official CLI seems incomplete at the moment. The TUI is because I am into tools like yazi, lazygit, k9s, dry, etc. I like to keep my terminal open at all times $. Also, it seemed to me like something cool to do this weekend. I learned a bunch about texual, typer and Dokploy.

Buy me a 🌮

I'm Mexican, I prefer tacos. But ☕ is also nice. You can use the 🫶 sponsor button on the top.

Also pretty please and thanks in advance 🥺.