Nand2Tetris is an awesome course where you learn how to build a computer.
You build the all chips and architecture from the ground up, in a simplified HDL language.
After this, you create an assembler language, an operating system called Jack OS.
Then a virtual machine and a java-like language called Jack.
This is a SystemVerilog version of the course materials on hardware design.
The purpose is usage by other students, so go ahead, give it a try!
The course Nand2Tetris is on coursera
There is also a website
I can also highly recommend the book from the course:
The Elements of Computing Systems
Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
This project is an implementation of the HACK architecture in SysytemVerilog.
The there is a branch per week, with the solutions of previous weeks but not the current one.
Use this to implement the architecture yourself every week.
For each chip, there is a testbench to test its functionctionality.
So, you want to try to build hack in SystemVerilog!
The first step is cloning thin repo, so open up your favorite terminal and type:
$ git clone
I recommend using git, but if you don't want to use git, you can download this repository as a zip file!
- python
- iverilog
- verilator
If you don't already have python installed, you can install it as follows:
In Ubuntu you can do something like:
$ sudo apt install python3.6
More info:
In Windows you usually would download the installer from
Mac OS X:
$ brew install python
When you have python installed, you can:
$ cd nand2tetris-verilog
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
At the time this was writte, you need to buuld iverilog yourself beause we need new functionality which has not yet been released in a stable release. For windows you will first need to install Msys2 64 bit which can be found here:
- do the following to build and install iverilog:
for ubuntu install the prerequesites like this:
$ sudo apt install flex bison gperf
then clone and build iverilog
$ git clone
$ cd iverilog
$ git checkout v11_0
$ sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
When you have implemented all chips, you can test the computer with verilator. It will open a window and poll your keyboard, which are integrated with the provided screen chip and the keyboard register in the computer chip template.
$ sudo apt-get install -y verilator
Mac OS X:
$ brew install verilator
Windows: Open Msys2 64 bit
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-verilator
I recommend using VSCode from microsoft, which has as nice system verilog plugin which it will suggest to install when you open a .sv file.
If you don't want a big program like that, there are other options:
- Emacs
You'll probably want to use my config:$ git clone https://[email protected]/jopdorp/emacs-config.git ~/.emacs.d
- Atom with apio, it can be a bit of a hassle to setup.
- Notepad++, i did not try this myself. Only has Windows support.
There should also be plugins for vim and sublime text, but don't know the details about those.
If you use windows, always yous your MSYS2 64 bit terminal.
The testbenches can be run using "".
- It compiles all verilog files in the project
- It runs the test benches, by default all files that end with "" in the project
To verify that your environment is up and running type:
$ python 00
You should see the following output:
Starting compilation of project 00...
iverilog -grelative-include -g2012 -o ./build/ /c/dev/nand2tetris-verilog/00/
Finished compiling!
Starting tests in project 00
Hello world!
Found 0 assertion errors in
Finished testing:
From a total of 1 test benches.
1 test benches ran without any runtime errors
All tests succeeded!
Note that there is # Hello world!
before the script quits the simulator.
If there are not errors and you see this message, it means everything is good to go!
It could be that you'll see some error, please see the Troubleshoot section
Now you can implement your first chip.
I advise to start with, you can test it as follows:
$ python 01
This should give you an assertion error:
Starting compilation of project 01...
iverilog -grelative-include -g2012 -o ./build/ /c/dev/newnand/nand2tetris-verilog/01/
Finished compiling!
Starting tests in project 01
ERROR: C:/dev/newnand/nand2tetris-verilog/01/ assertion fail! in 0 out z, expected: 1
Time: 1 Scope: not_n2t_tb.assert_else_error
ERROR: C:/dev/newnand/nand2tetris-verilog/01/ assertion fail! in 1 out z, expected: 0
Time: 3 Scope: not_n2t_tb.assert_else_error
Found 2 assertion errors in
Finished testing:
From a total of 1 test benches.
0 test benches ran without any runtime errors
1 test benches had errors, of which:
1 ran, but had a total of 2 assertion errors
Implement the chip and rerun the test to see if it works!
When you chip is correctly implemented you should see the following:
$ python 01
Starting compilation of project 01...
iverilog -grelative-include -g2012 -o ./build/ /c/dev/newnand/nand2tetris-verilog/01/
Finished compiling!
Starting tests in project 01
Found 0 assertion errors in
Finished testing:
From a total of 1 test benches.
1 test benches ran without any runtime errors
All tests succeeded!
- Thanks to Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken for creating this awesome course!
- This repo was originally forked from
Finding this repository convinced me that it was passible for me,
someone with no experience in hardware design,
to implement the HACK architecture in SystemVerilog.