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Remove the --infer option
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This removes the --infer CLI and #env{} option.
The Erlang VM does dynamic type checking based on type tags embedded in values.
This means that it's safe to infer type information from literals and operators
according to the same rules that the VM enforces at runtime.
Actually, these are one of the few completely credible sources of information,
unlike type specs, in which there's room for human error.
Removing the option along with the branching in the typechecker should somewhat
minimise the amount of code to maintain.
  • Loading branch information
erszcz committed Oct 11, 2024
1 parent fd564a4 commit 764a2a5
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Showing 18 changed files with 52 additions and 165 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ bin/gradualizer: $(beams) ebin/

.PHONY: gradualize
gradualize: escript
@bin/gradualizer --infer --solve_constraints --specs_override_dir priv/extra_specs/ \
@bin/gradualizer --solve_constraints --specs_override_dir priv/extra_specs/ \
-pa ebin --color ebin | grep -v -f gradualize-ignore.lst

.PHONY: nocrashongradualize
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/gradualizer.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,7 +425,6 @@ type_of(Expr) ->
%% '''
-spec type_of(string(), typechecker:env()) -> typechecker:type().
type_of(Expr, Env) ->
AlwaysInfer = Env#env{infer = true},
[Form] = gradualizer_lib:ensure_form_list(merl:quote(lists:flatten(Expr))),
{Ty, _Env} = typechecker:type_check_expr(AlwaysInfer, Form),
{Ty, _Env} = typechecker:type_check_expr(Env, Form),
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions src/gradualizer_cli.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,10 +70,7 @@ print_usage() ->
io:format(" arguments are treated as filenames, even if~n"),
io:format(" they start with hyphens.~n"),
io:format(" -h, --help display this help and exit~n"),
io:format(" --infer Infer type information from literals and other~n"),
io:format(" language constructs~n"),
io:format(" --no_infer Only use type information from function specs~n"),
io:format(" - the default behaviour~n"),
io:format(" --verbose Show what Gradualizer is doing~n"),
io:format(" -pa, --path_add Add the specified directory to the beginning of~n"),
io:format(" the code path; see erl -pa [string]~n"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,8 +106,6 @@ parse_opts([A | Args], Opts) ->
case A of
"-h" -> {[], [help]};
"--help" -> {[], [help]};
"--infer" -> parse_opts(Args, [infer | Opts]);
"--no_infer" -> parse_opts(Args, [{infer, false} | Opts]);
"--verbose" -> parse_opts(Args, [verbose | Opts]);
"-pa" -> handle_path_add(A, Args, Opts);
"--path_add" -> handle_path_add(A, Args, Opts);
Expand Down
127 changes: 29 additions & 98 deletions src/typechecker.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1869,26 +1869,13 @@ do_type_check_expr(Env, {'case', _, Expr, Clauses}) ->
{Ty, union_var_binds(Env1, VB, Env)};
do_type_check_expr(Env, {tuple, _, TS}) ->
{Tys, VarBindsList} = lists:unzip([ type_check_expr(Env, Expr) || Expr <- TS ]),
InferredTy =
case not Env#env.infer andalso
lists:all(fun({type, _, any, []}) -> true;
(_) -> false
end, Tys) of
true ->
false ->
%% at least one element in the tuple has a type inferred from a spec
type(tuple, Tys)
InferredTy = type(tuple, Tys),
{InferredTy, union_var_binds(VarBindsList, Env)};
do_type_check_expr(Env, {cons, _, Head, Tail}) ->
{Ty1, VB1} = type_check_expr(Env, Head),
{Ty2, VB2} = type_check_expr(Env, Tail),
VB = union_var_binds(VB1, VB2, Env),
case {Ty1, Ty2} of
{?type(any), ?type(any)} when not Env#env.infer ->
%% No type information to propagate
{type(any), VB};
{_, ?type(any)} ->
%% Propagate type information from head
{type(nonempty_list, [Ty1]), VB};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1922,14 +1909,8 @@ do_type_check_expr(Env, {bin, _, BinElements} = BinExpr) ->
type_check_expr_in(Env, Ty, Expr)
RetTy = if
Env#env.infer ->
%% Infer the size parameters of the bitstring
not Env#env.infer ->
RetTy = ?assert_type(RetTy, type()),
%% Infer the size parameters of the bitstring
RetTy = gradualizer_bin:compute_type(BinExpr),
{RetTy, union_var_binds(VarBinds, Env)};
do_type_check_expr(Env, {call, _, {atom, _, TypeOp}, [Expr, {string, _, TypeStr} = TypeLit]})
when TypeOp == '::'; TypeOp == ':::' ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1975,46 +1956,24 @@ do_type_check_expr(Env, {bc, _, Expr, Qualifiers}) ->
do_type_check_expr(Env, {block, _, Block}) ->
type_check_block(Env, Block);

% Don't return the type of anything other than something
% which ultimately comes from a function type spec.
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = false} = Env, {string, _, _}) ->
{type(any), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = false} = Env, {nil, _}) ->
{type(any), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = false} = Env, {atom, _, _Atom}) ->
{type(any), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = false} = Env, {integer, _, _N}) ->
{type(any), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = false} = Env, {float, _, _F}) ->
{type(any), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = false} = Env, {char, _, _C}) ->
{type(any), Env};

%% When infer = true, we do propagate the types of literals,
%% list cons, tuples, etc.
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = true} = Env, {string, _, Chars}) ->
do_type_check_expr(Env, {string, _, Chars}) ->
ActualTy = infer_literal_string(Chars, Env),
{ActualTy, Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = true} = Env, {nil, _}) ->
do_type_check_expr(Env, {nil, _}) ->
{type(nil), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = true} = Env, {Tag, _, Value})
do_type_check_expr(Env, {Tag, _, Value})
when Tag =:= atom;
Tag =:= integer;
Tag =:= char ->
{singleton(Tag, Value), Env};
do_type_check_expr(#env{infer = true} = Env, {float, _, _F}) ->
do_type_check_expr(Env, {float, _, _F}) ->
{type(float), Env};

%% Maps
do_type_check_expr(Env, {map, _, Assocs}) ->
{AssocTys, VB} = type_check_assocs(Env, Assocs),
case Env#env.infer of
true ->
MapTy = update_map_type(type(map, []), AssocTys),
{MapTy, VB};
false ->
{type(any), VB}
MapTy = update_map_type(type(map, []), AssocTys),
{MapTy, VB};
do_type_check_expr(Env, {map, _, UpdateExpr, Assocs}) ->
{Ty, VBExpr} = type_check_expr(Env, UpdateExpr),
{AssocTys, VBAssocs} = type_check_assocs(Env, Assocs),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2058,14 +2017,9 @@ do_type_check_expr(Env, {record, Anno, Record, Fields}) ->
VB = type_check_fields(Env, Rec, Fields),
{RecTy, VB};
do_type_check_expr(Env, {record_index, Anno, Name, FieldWithAnno}) ->
case Env#env.infer of
true ->
RecFields = get_record_fields(Name, Anno, Env),
Index = get_rec_field_index(FieldWithAnno, RecFields),
{{integer, erl_anno:new(0), Index}, Env};
false ->
{type(any), Env}
RecFields = get_record_fields(Name, Anno, Env),
Index = get_rec_field_index(FieldWithAnno, RecFields),
{{integer, erl_anno:new(0), Index}, Env};

%% Functions
do_type_check_expr(Env, {'fun', _, {clauses, Clauses}}) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2097,16 +2051,11 @@ do_type_check_expr(Env, {'fun', P, {function, M, F, A}}) ->
do_type_check_expr(Env, {named_fun, _, FunName, Clauses}) ->
%% Pick a type for the fun itself, to be used when checking references to
%% itself inside the fun, e.g. recursive calls.
FunTy = if
Env#env.infer ->
%% Create a fun type of the correct arity
%% on the form fun((_,_,_) -> any()).
[{clause, _, Params, _Guards, _Block} | _] = Clauses,
Arity = arity(length(Params)),
create_fun_type(Arity, type(any));
not Env#env.infer ->
%% Create a fun type of the correct arity
%% on the form fun((_,_,_) -> any()).
[{clause, _, Params, _Guards, _Block} | _] = Clauses,
Arity = arity(length(Params)),
FunTy = create_fun_type(Arity, type(any)),
NewEnv = add_var_binds(Env#env{venv = #{FunName => FunTy}}, Env, Env),
type_check_fun(NewEnv, Clauses);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2235,16 +2184,11 @@ type_check_fun(Env, Clauses) ->
%% accurate type to the whole expression.
%% TODO: Modify OTP's type syntax to allow returning an intersection type.
{RetTy, _VB} = infer_clauses(Env, Clauses),
FunTy = case RetTy of
{type, _, any, []} when not Env#env.infer ->
_SomeTypeToPropagate ->
%% Create a fun type with the correct arity on the form
%% fun((any(), any(), ...) -> RetTy).
[{clause, _, Params, _Guards, _Body} | _] = Clauses,
Arity = arity(length(Params)),
create_fun_type(Arity, RetTy)
%% Create a fun type with the correct arity on the form
%% fun((any(), any(), ...) -> RetTy).
[{clause, _, Params, _Guards, _Body} | _] = Clauses,
Arity = arity(length(Params)),
FunTy = create_fun_type(Arity, RetTy),
%% Variable bindings inside the fun clauses are local inside the fun.
{FunTy, Env}.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2559,7 +2503,7 @@ minimal_substitution(Cs, ResTy) ->
-spec infer_arg_types([expr()], env()) -> [type()].
infer_arg_types(Args, Env) ->
lists:map(fun (Arg) ->
{ArgTy, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env#env{infer = true}, Arg),
{ArgTy, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env, Arg),
end, Args).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2612,17 +2556,7 @@ compat_arith_type(Ty1, Ty2, Env) ->
-spec type_check_comprehension(env(), _, expr(), _) -> {type(), env()}.
type_check_comprehension(Env, lc, Expr, []) ->
{Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env, Expr),
RetTy = case Ty of
{type, _, any, []} when not Env#env.infer ->
%% No type information to propagate. We don't infer a
%% list type of the list comprehension when inference
%% is disabled.
_ ->
%% Propagate the type information
{type, erl_anno:new(0), list, [Ty]}
RetTy = ?assert_type(RetTy, type()),
RetTy = {type, erl_anno:new(0), list, [Ty]},
{RetTy, Env};
type_check_comprehension(Env, bc, Expr, []) ->
{Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env, Expr),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2795,7 +2729,7 @@ do_type_check_expr_in(Env, ResTy, {tuple, _, TS} = Tup) ->
{elem_tys, Tyss} ->
case type_check_tuple_union_in(Env, Tyss, TS) of
none ->
{Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env#env{infer = true}, Tup),
{Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env, Tup),
throw(type_error(Tup, Ty, ResTy));
VBs ->
union_var_binds(VBs, Env)
Expand All @@ -2804,7 +2738,7 @@ do_type_check_expr_in(Env, ResTy, {tuple, _, TS} = Tup) ->
{_Tys, VBs} = lists:unzip([type_check_expr(Env, Expr) || Expr <- TS ]),
union_var_binds(VBs, Env);
{type_error, _} ->
{Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env#env{infer = true}, Tup),
{Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env, Tup),
throw(type_error(Tup, Ty, ResTy))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2958,8 +2892,6 @@ do_type_check_expr_in(Env, Ty, {'fun', _, {clauses, Clauses}} = Fun) ->
do_type_check_expr_in(Env, ResTy, Expr = {'fun', P, {function, Name, Arity}}) ->
case get_bounded_fun_type_list(Name, Arity, Env, P) of
[?type(any)] when not Env#env.infer ->
[?type(any)] ->
FunType = create_fun_type(Arity, type(any)),
case subtype(FunType, ResTy, Env) of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3259,7 +3191,7 @@ type_check_logic_op_in(Env, ResTy, {op, _, Op, Arg1, Arg2} = OrigExpr) when Op =
VarBinds2 = type_check_expr_in(EnvArg2, ResTy, Arg2),
union_var_binds(VarBinds1, VarBinds2, Env);
false ->
{Arg2Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env#env{infer = true}, Arg2),
{Arg2Ty, _VB} = type_check_expr(Env, Arg2),
Ty = type(union, [Arg2Ty, Target]),
throw(type_error(OrigExpr, Ty, ResTy))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3500,8 +3432,8 @@ type_check_comprehension_in(Env, ResTy, OrigExpr, Compr, Expr, P, [Pred | Quals]
-spec type_check_assocs(env(), _) -> {[type()], env()}.
type_check_assocs(Env, [{Assoc, _P, Key, Val}| Assocs])
when Assoc == map_field_assoc orelse Assoc == map_field_exact ->
{KeyTy, _KeyVB} = type_check_expr(Env#env{infer = true}, Key),
{ValTy, _ValVB} = type_check_expr(Env#env{infer = true}, Val),
{KeyTy, _KeyVB} = type_check_expr(Env, Key),
{ValTy, _ValVB} = type_check_expr(Env, Val),
{AssocTys, VB} = type_check_assocs(Env, Assocs),
{[type(Assoc, [KeyTy, ValTy]) | AssocTys], VB};
type_check_assocs(Env, []) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5829,7 +5761,6 @@ create_env(#parsedata{module = Module
tenv = TEnv,
imported = Imported,
%% Store some type checking options in the environment
infer = proplists:get_bool(infer, Opts),
verbose = proplists:get_bool(verbose, Opts),
union_size_limit = proplists:get_value(union_size_limit, Opts,
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/typechecker.hrl
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
imported = #{} :: #{{atom(), arity()} => module()},
venv = #{} :: typechecker:venv(),
tenv :: gradualizer_lib:tenv(),
infer = false :: boolean(),
verbose = false :: boolean(),
exhaust = true :: boolean(),
%% Controls driving the type checking algorithm
Expand Down
11 changes: 2 additions & 9 deletions test/gradualizer_cli_tests.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
help_test() ->
?assertEqual(help, gradualizer_cli:handle_args([])),
?assertEqual(help, gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["--help"])),
?assertEqual(help, gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["--infer", "-h", "other.junk"])).
?assertEqual(help, gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["-h", "other.junk"])).

help_output_no_halt_test() ->
%% This gives code coverage to the printing of the help text.
Expand All @@ -18,19 +18,12 @@ version_test() ->

no_file_test() ->
?assertMatch({error, "No files"++_},

invalid_arg_test() ->
?assertMatch({error, "Unknown"++_},
gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["--invalid-arg", "file.erl"])).

infer_test() ->
{ok, _Files, Opts} = gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["--infer", "--", "file.erl"]),
?assert(proplists:get_bool(infer, Opts)).
no_infer_test() ->
{ok, _Files, Opts} = gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["--no_infer", "file.erl"]),
?assertNot(proplists:get_bool(infer, Opts)).

verbose_test() ->
{ok, _Files, Opts} = gradualizer_cli:handle_args(["--verbose", "file.erl"]),
?assert(proplists:get_bool(verbose, Opts)).
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/known_problems/should_fail/infer_any_pattern.erl
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Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@



%% We would expect (at least when infer mode is enabled) that type of
%% I, S and L is integer(), string() and list() respectively but
%% currently they all become any()
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@



-spec f() -> ok.
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/should_fail/infer_enabled.erl
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@


f() ->
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/should_fail/list_infer_fail.erl
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@


f() ->
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/should_fail/map_failing_expr.erl
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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

-export([foo/0, bar/0]).

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/should_fail/named_fun_infer_fail.erl
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@

-export([bar/0, sum/1]).

-spec foo(integer()) -> integer().
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/should_pass/binary_exhaustiveness_checking.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@


-export([f/1, g/1, h/1, k/1, l/1]).

f(<<>>) -> ok;
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/should_pass/list_infer_pass.erl
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@


f() ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/should_pass/map_infer_pass.erl
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Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@


-spec not_good(#{good | bad := integer()}) -> integer().
not_good(#{good := _}) -> 0;
not_good(#{bad := _}) -> 1.
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/should_pass/named_fun_infer_pass.erl
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@


%% Documents expected behaviour that the type of parameters are not inferred
Expand Down

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