This project is being developed with the intention of capturing the behaviour of Smart Contracts(SC).
It also possess a visualizer to view the generated fsms.
- Java 8
- Javacc
The application takes an input file, with the actions inside, and it will check if it generates a valid automaton.
-fsm, --fsm
Displays the generated automaton as a fsm.
Default: false
-h, --help
Displays help information.
Default: false
* -i, --inputFile
Path to the source file.
-o, --outputFile
Path to the destination file. If not specified it will have the same
path as the input file.
java -jar .\GlobalParser.jar -i "inputFiles/Examples/simpleMarketPlace.txt"
java -jar .\GlobalParser.jar -i "inputFiles/Examples/simpleMarketPlace.txt" -o "output.path"
initialState preCodition participant action postCondition finalState ~+
IDs are used to indicate their value.
S1 ... S2
If the plus sign is used at the end of the line, it indicates that the final state of the transition is an endState.
S1 ... S2+ -> S2 is an endState
Are composed of the following type:
type of participantRole =
type of participant =
p (string, single existing/ already registered participant)
|| p : participantRole (single new participant)
|| participant | participant (multiple participants in the same action, parenthesis are not part of it)
Participants need to first be registered in the automaton in order to be called once again.
Two distinct actions:
- deploy (required to be indicated for each automaton stated) (type of deploy can only be normal). ex.:
o:O > starts(c)
- and not deploy actions, normal ones. It is composed of the contract id, the type (. or -) and the action label. ex.:
o > c.h()
An Action can also be of three types:
- either a normal action
(> cID.)
, which is observable by all participants. - an internal action
(> cID-)
, that indicates that the action is specific to a role and will not be projected onto other participant roles. - an external action
(< cID.)
, that represents an interaction with a different contract.
- checks if the contract was deployed/started
- checks if a state has a valid path from the initial state and also checks if it has a valid path to at least one end state
- checks if all participants are registered
- checks if a participant can call the action (checks if a participant was previously registred)