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a probabilistic programming language for fuzzing


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Gramma is a probabilistic programming language for grammar based fuzzing.


Expressions in Gramma are probabilistic programs with string value. They are written in GLF, an extensible syntax that resembles extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF). Gramma is like a parser generator, but instead of generating a parser from a grammar, Gramma generates a fuzzer from a grammar.


Gramma is pure Python 3, depending on lark-parser and numpy.

git clone [email protected]:jpleasu/gramma.git
cd gramma

# to install
pip3 install .

# .. or to run using repo contents (instead of copying to site-packages)
pip3 install -e .

Quick start

cd examples/smtlibv2
# the Python interpreter implementation in ./ reads ./smtlibv2.glf every run
./ | head

# the C++ sampler implementation in ./smtlibv2_sampler.cpp relies on code generated from ./smtlibv2.glf
glf2cpp ./smtlibv2.glf -m -b
./smtlibv2_sampler | head

for testing and developement

pip3 install -e .[tests]

# to run tests

# coverage summary is at ./htmlcov/index.html


Gramma is like an ordinary programming language, except it isn't evaluated, it's sampled. Sampling the same expression twice can result in different results. By including variables in our expression we parameterize its distribution -- as input to an application with measurable outputs, fuzzing with Gramma becomes statistical regression: how do I tweak my grammar to make the application do more of that?


The Python interpretering sampler provides a fast way to prototype a grammar with a straightforward interpreter. If the interpreter is exceeding Python's stack depth, a coroutine based interpretering sampler is also provided. It's a bit harder to follow, but it can be worth the effort for debugging hairy grammars.

from gramma.samplers import GrammaInterpreter, gfunc, gdfunc, Sample
class Arithmetic(GrammaInterpreter):
    GLF = '''
        start := expr;
        expr := add;
        add := mul . ('+'.mul){,3};
        mul := atom . ('*'.atom){,3};
        atom :=   'x'
                | randint()
                | `expr_rec` '(' . expr . ')';

    def __init__(self, glf=GLF):
        self.expr_rec = .1

    def randint(self):
        return self.create_sample(str(self.random.integers(0, 100000)))

    def coro_randint(self):
        yield self.create_sample(str(self.random.integers(0, 100000)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # or to avoid stack exhaustion, sample with coroutines:

C++ sampler generator

The C++ sampler generator produces C++20 source that depends on include/gramma/gramma.hpp. There are 3 parts to the sampler code for a grammar X.glf:

  1. generated node
  2. generated node definitions
  3. implementation X_sampler.cpp

glf2cpp can generate a template implementation and main to sample with it:

# create a simple grammar
echo "start:=choose x~'*'{,10} in x.' Hello world! '.x.'\n';" > X.glf
# -m includes main
# -b attempts to build with g++ or clang++
glf2cpp X.glf -m -b

For non-trivial grammars, start by writing a GLF file, using functions and variables that make sense. glf2cpp will generate stubs for your functions, but you will have to add variables.

For example,

# create a grammar
cat <<'EOT' > Y.glf
    start   := command.snap.'\n';
    color   := 'Red' | 'Green' | 'Blue';
    command := color.' '.code();
    snap    := 'hut!'{`minsnap`,`maxsnap`};
glf2cpp Y.glf -m -b

The build will fail, since minsnap and maxsnap are undeclared. So add them to Y_sampler.cpp:

class Y_sampler_impl: public gramma::sampler_base<Y_sampler, sample_t> {
    protected:       // <<< must be either public or protected, since child class must have access
    int minsnap=1;   // <<<
    int maxsnap=4;   // <<<

and try again

# note, glf2cpp won't overwrite anything without being "forced", so the following is just invoking the compiler
glf2cpp Y.glf -m -b
./Y_sampler | head

It should build and generate random colors and 1 to 4 "huts", but the code() call is generating, (code stub).

Let's edit Y_sampler.cpp again, and modify code

Y_sampler_impl::sample_type Y_sampler_impl::code(){
    // replace following generated line with something a little more interesting
    // return "(code stub)";
    int x = random.uniform(10,99);
    if(x&1) {
    } else {
    return std::to_string(x);

and try again

glf2cpp Y.glf -m -b
./Y_sampler | head

Now if the code is even we get 1 or 2 "huts", and if it's odd we get 3 or 4.

Unfortunately, there's no seperator after command, so we get Blue 32hut!hut! where we might want Blue 32, hut!hut!. We can change the GLF and regenerate just the .inc files. First, change the grammar Y.glf:

    #  while we're at it, let's allow multiple commands
    # start   := command.snap.'\n';
    start   := (command.", "){1,3}.snap.'\n';
    color   := 'Red' | 'Green' | 'Blue';
    command := color.' '.code();
    snap    := 'hut!'{`minsnap`,`maxsnap`};

run once more, but force overwrite the .inc files this time with -f:

glf2cpp Y.glf -m -b -f
./Y_sampler | head

Now we can get from 1 to 3 color/code combos, and the last code determines how many "hut"s we get.

the design of generated code

The generated sampler uses a "curiously recurring template", where the implementation class, X_sampler_impl, is in the middle. This way, the implementation class can be developed independently and there is no runtime overhead.

// X_sampler.cpp
#include <gramma/gramma.hpp>
#include <gramma/sample.hpp>

using char_t = char;
using string_t = std::basic_string<char_t>;
struct denotation_t : public std::variant<int,double,string_t> {...};
using sample_t = gramma::basic_sample<denotation_t, char_t>;

// declaration of implementation
class X_sampler_impl: public gramma::sampler_base<X_sampler, sample_t> {
    // sampler interface
    void icat(sample_t &a, const sample_t &b) {...}
    sample_t denote(const sample_t &a, const denotation_t &b) {...}
    void enter_rule(auto ruleid) {...}
    void exit_rule() {...}

// declaration of generated sampler -
class X_sampler : public X_sampler_impl {...}

// definition of implementation

// definition of generated sampler -
// GRep line 1, column 17
inline X_sampler::sample_type X_sampler::f1() {...}

function argument evaluation order

Unfortunately, argument evaluation order cannot be prescribed in C++. In particular, we can't assume that g1 is executed first in the following expression:

f(g1(), g2(), g3());

We can force the order by injecting sequence points:

auto &&a1=g1();
auto &&a2=g2();
auto &&a3=g3();
f(std::forward<decltype(a1)>(a1), std::forward<decltype(a3)>(a2), std::forward<decltype(a3)>(a3));

but there is a small performance hit -- the compiler can no longer perform copy/move elision.

The glf2cpp option --enforce-ltr will generate this extra code.

Even still, the converting constructor of sample_t might run into this as well. Calls to gfuncs are generated with callable arguments:


This allows gfunc implementations to avoid ever sampling subexpressions. It also allows the gfunc to prescribe the evaluation order.

For simpler gfunc implementations, sample_t has a coverting constructor, from callable to sample. E.g. the following prototype for a gfunc is fine:

sample_t f(sample_t a1, sample_t a2, sample_t a3);

The problem is that the compiler will invoke the callable converting-constructor of sample_t for each argument, in the compiler's arbitrary argument evaluation order.

So, if the order of argument sampling matters then use --enforce_ltr and define your gfuncs with sample_factory_type argument types:

sample_t f(sample_factory_type a1f, sample_factory_type a2f, sample_factory_type a3f) {
    auto &&a1=a1f();
    auto &&a2=a2f();
    auto &&a3=a3f();

    return a1+a2+a3;

GLF syntax

GLF, the gramma language format, is structurally the same as BNF with different syntax for the operators and some extra features:

  • GLF permits "gcode" and "gfunc" terms which hold the place for bits of the sampler implemented elsewhere, e.g. in Python or C++.
  • GLF expressions are untyped, it's up to the sampler.

literals - same syntax as Python strings

Literals are parsed as Python strings:

'this is a literal'
"""this is a 
    multiline literal"""

ranges - ([ .. ]) - character ranges


samples a character uniformly from a to z, inclusive.

Multiple subranges and single characters can be included in the set to be sampled uniformly:

['a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_']

ternary operator (?:) - choice based on computed boolean

`depth<5` ? x : y

The "code" term, depth<5, is a Python expression testing the state variables depth. If the computed result is True, the result is x, else y.

weighted alternation (|) - weighted random choice from alternatives

2 x | 3.2 y | z

selects one of x, y, or z with probability 2/5.3, 2.3/5.3, and 1/5.3 respectively. The weight on z is implicitly 1.

Omitting all weights corresponds to flat random choice, e.g.

x | y | z

selects one of x,y, or z with equal likelihood.

Weights can also be "dynamic", code written in backticks. For example:

recurs := `depth<5` recurs | "token";

this sets the recurse branch weight to 1 if depth <5, and 0 otherwise (because int(True)==1 and int(False)==0).

denotation (/) - denotation

x / y

Denotes the value x with y.

In pseudocode, this is how a sampler interprets the expression above:

sampler.sample('x/y') -> sampler.sample('x').denote('y')

We should think of the syntax, -/- as defining the mapping relation for denotational semantics of the generated language.

A sampler implementation defines the sample type and the denotation type. The sampler method denote handles the association.

concatenation (.) - definite concatenation

x . y

concatenates x and y.

repetition ({...}) - random repeats


generates x exactly 3 times.

If x is non constant in the above expression, we can get 3 different things, e.g.


can generate aaa, aab, aac, ..., ccc.


generates a number n uniformly in the closed interval [1,3] then generates x exactly n times.


samples a number n from a geometric distribution with mean 3, then generates x exactly n times.


same as above, but reject n less than 3.


same as above, but reject n outside of the interval [1,5].

Bounds can be gcode to compute at runtime, e.g.


generates x between 1 and maxrep times, where maxrep is a state variable or parameter.

variables (choose .. ~ .. in ...) - reuse of samples

choose v ~ ("a"|"b")  in  v.v.v.v

samples v once and uses the result 4 times. The result is either aaaa or bbbb.

Multiple variables can be chosen in one statement:

choose v1~x, v2~y  in (v1.v2)

note the scoping though - if y contains a reference to v1, it will be resolved in the containing scope, it won't use the sample of x.

The choose keyword can be omitted, e.g.

v1~x,v2~y in v1.v2


r := '->' . ('stop' | r);

Rules provide recursion in gramma. Care must be taken to avoid runaway recursion, e.g. by weighting the recursing option with a small weight:

r := ('->'|'=>') . ('stop' | .001 r);

parameterized rules

q(a,b) := a . (b | q(a,b));

not_r := q('->'|'=>','stop');

Rules can take parameters which are bound on "call". In particular, not_r is not the same thing as r in the previous grammar, because '->'|'=>' is sampled and bound once when not_r is invoked.

function call (gfuncs) - defined outside of GLF, in the implementation language (Python or C++)

  • in Python, inherit from the GrammaInterpreter class and add decorated functions, see below.
  • functions can be stateful, using and changing sampler instance variables.
  • functions are only invoked when sampled, e.g. only one of f or g is called for each sample of f() | g().
  • concatenations invoke functions left to right, e.g. each sample of first().second().third() calls first then second then third
  • with the C++ generator, invocation order for denotations and function arguments must be enforced with the --enforce-ltr switch, see this section for more detail.

creating grammars

from Antlr4

In some cases, an ANTLR4 grammar can be a good starting place, so the tool g4toglf is provided.

preventing explosion from recursion

TODO: rewrite this..

To identify rules that are being visited excesesively, count (and emit) rule hits while sampling with sideeffect - see StackWatcher in the smtlibv2 example.

To avoid rules, you can weight alternations to avoid them anywhere in the loop of rule name references. You can also compute depth (with sideffect) and use a dynamic alternation to avoid looping references.

other topics


Sampling in Gramma is a form of expression tree evaluation where each node can use a random number generator. E.g. to sample from

"a" | "b"{1,5};

The head of this expression, alternation, randomly chooses between its children, generating either "a" or a random sample of "b"{1,5} with equal odds.

If "a" is chosen, the sample is complete. If "b"{1,5} is chosen, its head, the repetition node, draws a random count between 1 and 5, then samples its child, "b", that number of times. The results are concatenated, returned to the parent alternation node, and the sample is complete.

Each possibility results in a different tree. Pictorially,

    alt       or         alt
     |                    |
    "a"                  rep
                       |     |
                      "b"   "b"

The Tracer sideeffect computes this, so called, "trace tree", storing random number generator and other state when entering and exiting each node.

Note: When sampling from a rule, the trace tree resembles the "recursion tree" of the recursion tree method for evaluating recursive programs. For example, a sample from

r := "a" | "b" . r;

could produce the trace tree

    / \
   |   |
  "b" rule(r)

where the first alternation selected "b" . r, a concatenation whose righthand child samples the rule r recursively.




a probabilistic programming language for fuzzing







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