Node.js script that fetches the current day-ahead price from the ENTSO-E transparency platform API
and calculates the price in DKK NOK based on exchange rates from Norges Bank's API.
The market balance area name (NO1-NO5 or DK1/DK2) for which to fetch the price must be given as argument.
The price is published to a MQTT topic with QoS=1. The data can easily be consumed by Home Assistant and probably other smart house hubs as well.
Assuming you have Node.js already installed on you machine, simply clone this project and run
npm install
The script is dependent on the following environment variables being present:
Variable | Description |
ENTSOE_TOKEN | Your ENTSO-E API token. Register to apply for a token here |
MQTT_URL | The url for your MQTT server, e.g. 'mqtt://' |
MQTT_USERNAME | The MQTT server user name |
MQTT_PASSWORD | The MQTT server password |
MQTT_TOPIC | The MQTT parent topic to publish data to. If for example set to 'prices/day-ahead/current' the price will be published to a sub-topic for the given area, .e.g. 'prices/day-ahead/current/NO2' |
The script should be executed with the market balance area name as argument, e.g.:
node index.js DK2
The easiest way is to create a shell script, assuming you are running on a Linux distro like Rasbian or Hassbian:
export ENTSOE_TOKEN='<token>'
export MQTT_URL='<url>'
export MQTT_USERNAME='<username>'
export MQTT_PASSWORD='<password>'
export MQTT_TOPIC='prices/day-ahead/current'
node index.js $1
Then use crontab -e to configure this script to be executed at every whole hour:
0 * * * * (cd /full/path/;./ DK2) 2>&1
Configure an MQTT sensor in Home Assistant to import the price data:
- platform: mqtt
name: ''
qos: 1
state_topic: prices/day-ahead/current/DK2
json_attributes_topic: prices/day-ahead/current/DK2
value_template: '{{ value_json.price_including_vat }}'
Then you can easily show a graph in the lovelace UI:
- type: history-graph
title: Spotpris (inkl. Moms)
refresh_interval: 600
hours_to_show: 48
- entity:
name: DK2