[ Sol Cif] (https://github.com/Scif99)
[TiknockTokomak] (https://github.com/TiknockTokomak)
[Hamdi Guerbej] (https://github.com/guerbejhamdi)
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[Rounak Shrivastava] (https://github.com/Rounakshrivastava5)
[Manan Karnik] (https://github.com/MananKarnik)
Mason C
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[Kanan Azizli] (https://github.com/kananazizli)
[Nikolai Baklanov] (https://github.com/Nikolaiko)
[Marja Centina] (https://github.com/murrha)
[Kristin Harris] (https://github.com/reverie64)
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wuteek Indra Sonowal
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Maina Kibe
[Bilal Mohmand] (https://github.com/BilalMohmand58)
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[Lukas Benner] (https://github.com/LukasBenner)
[skyskyha] (https://github.com/skyskyha)
[mia] (https://github.com/MiaPisan)
[Riordanis22] (https://github.com/Riordanis)
[Arquimidio] (https://github.com/Arquimidio)
[Akshata Naik]
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[Anjia Cao]
[David Meadows] (https://github.com/dmeadows8585)
[Aleem Ahmed] (https://github.com/aleem-ahmed)
[Sumanth P]
[Marques Sousa] (https://github.com/marquesmoreirasousa/)
[A Friedman]
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[Liam] (https://github.com/LiamGlenn)
[Victoria] (github.com/vjordan-cs)
Matt Villa Vedant Borkar
[Icy Parkinson] (github.com/icyparkinson)
[Imraan Pattan]
Hamdan Salih
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[Couches] (https://github.com/Couches)
[Salvatore Bottiglieri] (https://github.com/petrosso96)
[Sten P] (https://github.com/Sphvy)
[Raghu Kokku]
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[Siim Sink] (https://github.com/sinkkkk)
[David SY] (https://github.com/DavidSyrup)
[Palmese Davide Mattia] (https://github.com/PalmeseDavideMattia)
[Juan Reyna III] (https://github.com/Juanreyna3)
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[Ashwini Kumar] (https://github.com/ashwini3326)
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Htet 0o Wai Yan -[M.N.S.R.NITHIN]
[Oluwatimilehin Atobatele] (https://github.com/dev-atobatele) -Mili -[Aayush Yadav] (https://github.com/aayush-y)
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[Bony Sureliya] (https://github.com/bonysureliya)
[Dominic Merchelski] (https://github.com/rat-3)
[Yash Anand] (https://github.com/YashxAnand)
[Ajith D]
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[cugab gaming]
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[Gnocchingbird] (https://github.com/gnocchingbird)
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Tze Chung Tai
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[Alisherka7] (https://github.com/Alisherka7)
[Eugene Song] (https://github.com/EugenSong)
[Svenja Jaeger] (https://github.com/gagaraaraa/first-contributions.git)
[Archana Sevak] (https://github.com/ajsevak)
[C.Beare] (https://github.com/SeaBeare)
[Vamsi Kumar] (https://github.com/kuwar81523)
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[Raquel] (https://github.com/rakicodes)
[Izzy H.]
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[Phillip N.] (https://github.com/phuclinh9802)
[Luz Jimenez Vela] (https://github.com/luzloujv)
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[Daniel B.] (https://github.com/Danvs60)
[Samia Alghamdi]
[Eric Skoglund] (https://github.com/Ericmjskoglund)
[Juan M]
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[AdrianRochaPoza] (https://github.com/AdrianRochaPoza)
[alesabio] (https://github.com/alesabio)
[NTP] (https://github.com/duralumin02)
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[Dalan K] (https://github.com/ShakerrRL)
[Pranav Pillai] (https://github.com/pranav1597)
[Orinax Bulbaron] (https://github.com/Orinax)
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[Giorgio Contestabile] (https://github.com/gitNoYokai)
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[Yash Patel] (https://github.com/Yash472001)
[Esther F] (https://github.com/zelf0)
[Denise Namutebi] (https://github.com/DeniseNamutebi)
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[Daniel Jansson]
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[Nokhalal Mahato] (https://github.com/nk412k)
[Himanshu Shekhar] (https://github.com/Shekhar1276)
[Veronica Yap]
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[Bharat] (https://github.com/nicobreins)
[Satyam Kumar] (https://github.com/officSatyam)
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[Prateek Yadav] (https://github.com/prateeky477)
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[Qamarul Arifin Abd Manan] (https://github.com/wisemoon88)
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[Yash Jethani] (https://github.com/abcd1234zyx)
[Shivankar Pilligundla] (https://github.com/shivankar-p)
[Kriza Lacsamana] (https://github.com/klacsamana15)
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[Brendan Jensen]
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[Somesh Bhandare]
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[Alhassane Toure] (https://github.com/Hassan0895)
[David Sampimon] )(https://github.com/davidsampimon/)
[Priyank Harjilawala] (https://github.com/Priyank1712)
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[Dharmik Gohil] )(https://github.com/dharmik9829/)
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[Jandir Porta] (https://github.com/jandirdlctm)
[Roisul Islam Rumi] (https://github.com/RoisulIslamRumi)
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Harshitha Devi Ganajala (https://github.com/harshi1122)
[Lance Condie] (https://github.com/Condielj)
[Kranz Aklilu] (https://github.com/KranzAklilu)
[Lapyem Joel Okello] (https://github.com/lap-jo)
[Muhammad Qazi] (https://github.com/muhammadqazi)
[Gosia Marczak] (https://github.com/ilmasota)
[Carlos Martinez] (https://github.com/Cima9642)
[Khova Krishna Pilato] (https://github.com/krishnaPj)
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[Oghenero Ologe] (https://github.com/Nero2005/)
[Hein Khant] (https://github.com/HeinKhant14)
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[Nakul Rathore]
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Vijay Ponnavolu
[Haytham Daoula] (https://github.com/DHaytham)
[Ayush Dobal]
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[Ellie Foote] (https://www.github.com/elliefoote)
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[Ashish Poudel] (https://github.com/ashishpoudel523/)
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[Gowtham Rajeshshekaran] (https://github.com/gowtham-ra)
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DendeSon (https://https://github.com/DendeSon)
[Lrabbit] (https://github.com/litter-rabbit)
Cameron Montesano (https://github.com/ckmontesano)
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[GETTUM] (https://github.com/GETTUM)
[Ilementvo] (https://github.com/ilementvo)
[Todd Dalton]
[Dakota Smith] (https://github.com/dakotaleesmith)
[Rahul Kumar] (https://github.com/RK456)
[Ayyoub Hamame] (https://github.com/bouyyah)
[Harshit Sharan] (https://github.com/HarshitSharan/)
[Elias Rodrigues] (https://github.com/eliasroodrigues/)
Isaac Davis (https://github.com/iad44)
Benjamin Le Dû (https://github.com/benjiben223)
Shubham Kanekal
Tran Linh Dang
DataThink2021 (https://github.com/Data-Think-2021)
Binil Tom Jose(https://github.com/BinilTomJose1278)2
Olteanu Alin (https://github.com/alin1k)
[Mario Medina] (https://github.com/Magic-Mario)
[Kacper Ochnik] (https://github.com/TeriyakiGod)
[Willamys Cleyton] (https://github.com/WillamysC)
[Khanya Kupelo] (https://github.com/khanya-kupelo)
[Otabek Sobirov] (https://github.com/Otabek8866)
Unkown Crafts(https://github.com/FakeZombieCraft/first-contributions) -Akash Hasamnis
[Siddhant Gambhir] (https://github.com/sidGambhir)
[Nicolas Georgiou] (https://github.com/DeadlyAlien)
[Aleksi Jalmanen] (https://github.com/alluvm)
Ujjwal Agarwal
[Isaac Allinson] (https://github.com/IsaacA2151)
Md Zubaer -[Divyam Bhutani] (i want to learn -)
[Krish Veera] (https://github.com/krishrveera)
[Jebus] (https://github.com/Jebushdd)
[Siddharth Singh] (https://github.com/SidSin)
[Anant] (https://github.com/Anant16)
[Daniel Langwost] (https://github.com/LadanCode)
[Arman Moztarzadeh] (https://github.com/armanmoztar)
[Evan Myllen] (https://github.com/muskievan95)
[Mohammed Daniyal] (https://github.com/danides450/first-contributions)
[Imran Yafith] (https://github.com/pixelfox01)
[Sreekanth Kumar] (https://github.com/Sree9446086944)
- [VishNiki]
[Jagrit Sharma] (https://github.com/JagritSharma06)
[Tyler Clark] (https://github.com/TheAngryTaqutio)
[Jason Kluge] (https://github.com/kehngid)
[Anish Vedantham] (https://github.com/garciajump)
[Mohammed Aslam] (https://github.com/mohammedaslamps)
[tyfal] (https://github.com/tyfal)
[Ashish Poudel] (https://github.com/ashishpoudel523/)
[Andrew Ross] (https://github.com/namenotinuse)
[Venkata Sai Manoj Illendula] (https://github.com/ivsaimanoj)
[Anish Kuriya] (https://github.com/anishk11/)
Chris McCorkle
[Sam Asher]
[Hailey Dann] (https://github.com/hailey-d)
Jacob Olson
[Norm W] (https://github.com/otemon)
[Labib Asari] (https://github.com/labeeb-7z)
[Brian Ruiz]
[Bijil Subhash] (https://github.com/bijilsubhash)
[Bref] (https://github.com/bref1306)
[Logan Eyeshenberg] (https://github.com/ericgchu)
[Sanchit-Batra] (https://github.com/Sanchit-Batra)
[Anson Antony] (https://github.com/ansonantony)
[Rushil Joshi] (https://github.com/rushiljoshi00) Christopher K Calahan Jr
[Gilberto Valadares] (https://github.com/gilbertomavs/gilbertomavs)
Francis Palattao -[Joe Iannotta] (https://github.com/cessiumbrain) Zelalem Tadesse [Kaleb Kohn] Luke Frazer José Valles
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Hendrik Vogel
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[Vinay Jain] (https://github.com/vinayjain18)
[Yash Navik] (https://github.com/Yashnavik)
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Sim Lim
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Rahul Again -Saiwunna21 -Nigel Monfries -[Swapnil Prasad] -Prashasth Nair -HPH -Deep-Ramani
Damien Lhaurado Dheeraj Zack Bryant
[GOURAV SINGH}(https://github.com/Gourav1616Singh)
[Hrijul Chauhan] (https://github.com/HrijulChauhan)
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[Anjali Sajeevan]
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[Gyanashree Giri] (https://github.com/GGi347)
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nekoism [Faza]
[Davi do Nascimento Santos] (https://github.com/Davi-do-Nascimento-Santos)
[Ryan Barkhoff] (https://github.com/Grizzlybow)
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[S4LIENT] (https://github.com/W1LD-F1R3)
[Njoku Okechukuw Valentine] (https://github.com/bonsoirval)
[mhaikalazizan] (https://github.com/mhaikalazizan)
[Viss] -David Tawiah Glover
[lordson fernando]
[Nijil Chandran]
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[Vijay Raghuwanshi] (https://github.com/ervijayraghuwanshi)
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[Vicente Soriano] (http://github.com/vicente-s)
[Antro Safin] (https://github.com/AntroSafin)
[Rojan Sapkota] (https://github.com/RojanGamingYT)
[Sumukh Mg] (https://github.com/sumukhmg)
[Ilija Kovacevic] (https://github.com/ili16)
[Arif Mudi Priyatno] (https://github.com/arifmudi)
[srishti mittal] (https://github.com/mittal-srishti4)
[Jenny Klein]
[xpctnc] (https://github.com/xpctnc)
[Avishkar Vichare] (https://github.com/AvishkarVichare)
[Balogun Muhammad Kassim] (https://github.com/Yondiame)
[Dylan VanStaden] (https://github.com/kernenovae)
[Vijay] (https://github.com/vijayaraghavanm)
[stkolanu] (https://github.com.stkolanu)
[Brandon Peeler] (https://github.com/disastrousspecialist)
[Si-off] (https://github.com/Si-off)
[stevie-strange] (https://github.com/stevie-strange)
[Dylan Frohling] (https://github.com/justrosy)
[Ifra Rabbani] (https://github.com/irabba2)
[apwhitelaw] (https://github.com/apwhitelaw) sylucck
Tito Ruiz
[Kgosietsile Modise] (https://github.com/modisek)
Siddhant Kumar
Varun Agrawal
Pratyush Sinha
Prabhu -Tejender Upadhyay
Kshitij Barnwal
Brian Xu
James Loewen
Caitlynne Kezys
David Zheng
Eyup Ensar Coban
Willis K
Cade Merritt
Pablo Paliza (https://github.com/unit4216)
[Suprith Gurudu] (https://github.com/Suprith-Reddy) -[Soumya Podha]https://github.com/soumyapodha
[Aaditya] (https://github.com/songoku4) -Kynnedy Esteves (https://github.com/kynnedye)
Jack Gilliam (https://github.com/jackgilliam)
[Buse Koseoglu] (https://github.com/busekoseoglu)
TayCel (https://github.com/TayCel)
Kristin Wiseman (https://github.com/kristin-wiseman)
Omar Elwaliely (https://github.com/omarelwaliely)
[Mauricio Martino] (https://github.com/sbrj)
[Kumar Prince] (https://github.com/thekrprince)
[Mqlvin] (https://github.com/Mqlvin)
[Alex Prezioso] (https://github.com/a-prezioso)
[Tom Welsh] (https://github.com/twelsh)
[Anushka Jain] (https://github.com/Anushka2040)
[Serhat Alkan] (https://github.com/srtlkn35)
[Poornima Taranath] (https://github.com/poornima-taranath)
[Herman Ciechanowiec] (https://github.com/ciechanowiec)
[Vaibhav Barodawala] (https://github.com/reinzmet)
[Vaibhav Pathak] (https://github.com/mrdaybird/)
[TusharKrSoni] (https://github.com/TusharKrSoniTKS/)
Titamah Simpson
Sawa -Omar Maslamani
asko1 -Chidiogo Onoh Jawadur
[Brian Bawden] Usman Naveed
[Gabriela Galindo] (https://github.com/gabgg71)
[Syahirah Azahri] (https://github.com/syhrah99/)
Harsha Vardhan(thunder07)
[Driss SQALLI HOUSSAINI] (https://github.com/dsqalli)
Alejandro Rodriguez(Vzla)
[Zac Driscoll]
Reva Vijayn
Jess Hand
[Tina Lambert] (https://github.com/tinalambert)
Andrew Freeman
[Prisca Chidimma] (https://github.com/Priceless-P)
[Judy Bui] (https://github.com/JudyBui127)
[Amie Walton] (https://github.com/amielouise2)
[Christopher Beharry-Yambo] (https://github.com/cabyambo)
[Omar H] (https://github.com/KnighthawkF117)
[Claudia Brito] (https://github.com/claudiabrito96)
[Austin Stephens] (https://github.com/AustinStephens)
[Lukasz Przybylka] (https://github.com/l-przybylka)
[Quinton] (https://github.com/qwiebe)
[Pradhuman Soni] (https://github.com/whopradhuman)
[Micah Bowonthamachakr] (https://github.com/micahbow)
[Ben Jackson] (https://github.com/benjacksondev)
[Nick Strawser] (https://github.com/nickstrawser)
[Arpit Babbar] (https://github.com/arpitbabbar)
[Anoop S] (https://github.com/anoopanni)
[OmarDavidF] (https://github.com/OmarDavidF) -[Kunal Gaur] (https://github.com/kunalgaur7983)
[d2bin] (https://github.com/d2bin)
[relyzer] (https://github.com/relyzer)
Sobhi Hosni
[Gouse Mohiddin] (https://github.com/gousemohiddin44)
[Zach Simmons] (https://github.com/zjsimmons13)
[Vishal Pathak] (https://github.com/pathakvishal1111) Justin Villena
Charles Ulrich
Felicity Homman (https://github.com/felicity-homman)
Howard (https://github.com/rthkkona)
Alpha Bah
Navneet Thakur
Alon Oziel
Lidor Waldman
Dimitri Distefano
William Manuel
Reese Quinn
Sayan Maity
Natalie Heywood
Mikhail Budko (https://github.com/mikhailbudko)
Emma Bailly
Isaiah Hernandez
Mugdhatanu Dev Goswami
Relly Valentine
Odell Blackmon III
Alexander Tönges
Karttekay Grover
Max Morgan (https://github.com/decepsis)
Phi Doan
kishan Yadav
Zhiqing Qu
Prashant Bhapkar
Ellie Brinkman
[Ihuoma Anosike]
Joshua Weinstein
Saiful Islam
Oliver Yuan
Vivian Sung
Kemari Chen Loy
Andres Wolfe
Jacob Ashmore
Nooh AlMahfoodhi (https://github.com/Noah-Comma)
chetan nada
Benjamin Gelok
Ben Winans
Yibo Kong
Simon Karofillidis
Sijia Li
Mohit Tamang
Justin Golabek
Ashish Satyavarapu -herman ombasa
[Hamish Payne] (https://github.com/hampay)
Christina Kahn
Pranay Singh
Kevin Zak
Dylan DeAlmeida Matt Mendivil
Kaj Wiegerink
Nikhil Kumawat
Gurunandan S
Derek Musial
Diego Little
Siddhartha Purwar
Juliette Montes
Grace Tholl
Yuko Matsumoto
Tianlan Yang
Benjamin Cortese
Mayank Kashyap
Bo Chung
Courtney Hardy
Rachel Peterson
Yonas Bahre
Ayush Krishnappa
Rosario Firmino Palazzolo -Arthur Berry
Jonathan Joseph -Anas Muhammed
David Cooney
Aaron Upchurch Go Gators
Daniel Pinto - Go Gators
Ryan Roth
Ali Abusulb - Go Gators
Yaswant Krishna
Nicolas Perez
Ashish Suman
Kamil Roszuk
[Veronica Soden]
[Carlos Briceno] (https://github.com/carlosbm14)
Lukman Memon
[ed-987] (https://github.com/ed-987)
[Khang Bui] (https://github.com/KhangHB)
[Sudip Kunda] (https://github.com/cbjuju)
[Moulya Ramesh]
[Hao Zheng] (https://github.com/marla0530)
[Moiz Rehman] (https://github.com/MoizRehman98)
[Allen Lin] (https://github.com/allenlinsh)
[Kevin Tandi] (https://github.com/kevintandi)
[Vats Patel] (https://github.com/Vats14) Tristan Bottone -Daymao Silva
[Cindel Guerrero] (https://github.com/Cindel17)
[ACF] (https//github.com/adriancf-br)
[Farid Zouheir] (https://github.com/zhrfrd)
[Conner Gallimore]
Nishit Sheth Nathan Hill
[Eduard Beiline] (https://github.com/Eduard953)
[Ayesha Tahamid] (https://github.com/ayeshatahamid)
[Dhavalketu Darji] (https://github.com/dhavalketu)
James Smith
Jason Ghent
[Laura C]
[ce3team] (https://github.com/ce3team) -Nirbyoleek Das
[Pratik Ramteke] (https://github.com/pratikramteke)
[AungThuZaw] (https://github.com/AungThuZaw20)
[Hassan] (https://github.com/hassansahhin)
[Esra Zeybek] (https://github.com/ElsaZey)
[Daniel Corwin] (https://github.com/dcrwn)
[Furqan Amjad] (https://github.com/megaz90)
[John Shoemaker] (https://github.com/jshoemaker76)
[Avinash Prasad] (https://github.com/avionmission)
[Nicholas Honen] (https://github.com/nickhonen)
[Byoungyoon Park] (https://github.com/rustiebeats)
Malik Rossi
Tereza Yagomba
Vinayaka Hegde
Brant Norris
[Kevin Grow] (https://github.com/kdgrow)
Ashish Choudhary
[Simon Prato] (https://github.com/SimonPrato11)
[Serena Wang] (https://github.com/Serenaaaaaaaa)
Graham Vaith
Jonathan Lagos
Dilimulati Diliyaer
Yashwant Sontakke
Dexter Yan (https://github.com/DexterYan69)
[Alvin Masaba] (https://github.com/funkyman3121)
[Amrendra Singh] (https://github.com/amrendra01)
Evangelos Spyromilios -> 42Wolfsburg (https://github.com/V-Spyromilios)
[Daniel Ty] (https://github.com/tydan3)
[designer alabi] (https://github.com/designeralabi)
[Perrine Cribier-Delande] (https://github.com/delcrip)
[Rami Anand] (https://github.com/rameshanandakrishnan)
[Dhruv Chandrani] (https://github.com/dchandrani)
[Semir Teskeredzic] (https://github.com/semirteskeredzic)
[Thomas S Nielsen] (https://github.com/Quball)
[Harsh Vardhan Rana] (https://github.com/iamharshvardhan)
[42wob] (https://github.com/qduong42/)
[Eddie Ferro] (https://github.com/EddieFerro)
[JGM01] (https://github.com/JGM01/)
Anthony Khoury Ajith
[albinary10] (https://github.com/albinary10)
[tofdaj] (https://github.com/tofdaj)
[ahmedr2001] (https://github.com/ahmedr2001)
[Zain-Amroti] (https://github.com/zainamroti)
[Bhavani Prasad] (https://github.com/bhavaniatja)
[chadcoder] (https://github.com/chadcoder)
[Vaibhav] (https://github.com/vaibhavvsharma)
[Kaustubh] (https://github.com/kaustubhr)
[hamseungyeal] (https://github.com/hamseungyeal)
[sachin] (https://github.com/sachin11226)
[Virack Chhom] (https://github.com/chhomchhom)
[materialcontext] (https://github.com/materialcontext)
[Mukesh Venkatesan] (https://github.com/Mukeshvj99)
[mondara] (https://github.com/Mondara)
Andres Gaitan
Anh Nguyen
[John Bang] (https://github.com/gowrath)
[JonathanC] (https://github.com/Jonathan-Challenger) Heng Sun
[James Yang] (https://github.com/TwistedBrainHead)
[willberg845] (https://github.com/willberg845)
[nchavan70] (https://github.com/nchavan70)
[Emiliano] (https://github.com/Emiliano-Russo)
[Massurio] (https://github.com/massurio)
[Corey Wolfe] (https://github.com/CWolfe1320)
[lyannul] ("https://github.com/lyannul")
[Mim1c] (https://https://github.com/Mim1c)
[Anjan] (https://github.com/anjanbaradwaj)
[MTM] (https://github.com/MyoThetMaung)
[Amanda Adoyi] (https://github.com/lonercode)
[Virtuoso-] (https://github.com/VirtuosoLucidity)
[John Farina] (https://github.com/jfarina5)
[Manoj Gopale] (https://github.com/ManojGopale)
[Russell Buck] (https://github.com/buckage)
[Subinoy Dutta] (https://github.com/subi9) Nathalie Bonin
Jack Wu
Lorenzo Fratini
[Eddie-ZQ] (https://github.com/Eddie-Zq)
[casperera] (https://github.com/casperera)
[Gmelon] (https://github.com/gmelon)
[Puneet Jain] (https://github.com/puneetjain05)
[B Pinches] (https://github.com/benpinc) [Laura Markus] (https://github.com/lauramarkus)
[Sachin garampalli] (https://github.com/Indicgamer)
[Aryan Raj] (hhtps://github.com/aryan0103raj)
[Omgandhi18] (https://github.com/Omgandhi18)
[Daniel Jordan] (https://github.com/dan2811)
[ricecooker250] (https://github.com/ricecooker250)
[Arson James] (https://github.com/ArsonJames)
[Jeet Debnath] (https://github.com/JxxT)
[Taca] (https://github.com/tic-tacs)
kkatottn yejashi
[Steven Menendez]
[Wong Jian Hui] (https://github.com/nicwongg)
Saad Rizwan 🇵🇰
[Kyle Blackmon] (https://github.com/jkyleBlackmon)
[Steven Stonaker] (https://github.com/sstonaker)
[LucasFab] (https://github.com/LucasFab)
[Daniel Lang] (https://github.com/daniellang09)
[Rajdeep Saha]((https://github.com/saha-rajdeep)
[Pramod Shivaprasad] (https://github.com/Pramod2392)
[Timo Chen] (https://github.com/kunkun9811)
[Tamas Kiraly] (https://github.com/gitkiraly)
[kiprotich brian] (https://github.com/biiruto)
[Nishant Barnwal] (https://github.com/Nishant-Barnwal)
[Lily Maloney] (https://github.com/Lukewarm-Water)
[Rachel West] (https://github.com/piggyplum)
[Nathan Lin] (https://github.com/nathanlin109)
[Elliot Rodger] (https://github.com/ElliotR1997)
[Agrim Saharia] (https://github.com/agrimsaharia)
[Paulina Liwanag] (https://github.com/linaliwanag)
[Lucas Walters] (https://github.com/theLucasWalters)
[Divya Patil] (https://github.com/predystopic-dev) Markos Sankey
[paritoshbhtt (https://github.com/paritoshbhtt)]
[Philip Maglieri] (https://github.com/Mr-PMAG)
[Sudarshan S] (https://github.com/sudarshan-hub)
[Krishna Sruthi Velaga] (https://github.com/KSruthiVel) -IzzyHatake
[Hussain Ashraf] (https;//github.com/hussainashraf)
[Yun Zhe Wong] (https://github.com/yunzhewong)
[Weiqing Han] (https://github.com/weiqinghan)
[Sammy White] (https://github.com/SammyWhite000)
[Alex Morrell] (https://github.com/amorrell2002)
[Joseph Hargrove] (https://github.com/TreetopLover)
[lainiecode] (https://github.com/lainiecode)
[Daljeet Singh] (https://github.com/daljeetseera)
[David Brudnicki] (https://github.com/dbrudnicki)
[Jakey08] (https://github.com/Jakey08)
[oli310] (https://github.com/oli310)
Aaza [Julian Coda-Forno] (https://github.com/Julian-CF)
[Noah] (https://github.com/noah-yac)
[YangSeokwon] (https://github.com/Y-seokwon/first-contributions.git)
[Shilpa Elluru]ttps://github.com/shilpa-elluru
[Sanzida Luna] https://github.com/SanzidaMojibLuna
[Ankit Choudhary] https://github.com/ankit017
[Matthew McAndrews] (https://github.com/MatthewMcAndrews)
[Rahul Goswami] https://github.com/gosrahul21
[Avinash Kamat] https://github.com/avikamat96
[Joseph Hardin] https://github.com/josephphardin
[dewhallez] https://github.com/dewhallez
[dpmoody] https://github.com/Dan-Moody
[Willen Yang] (https://github.com/yangxile4)
[Keen1] (https://github.com/Keen1)
[Deepmala Mittal] (https://github.com/deepmalamittal)
[SungHyun Kim] (https://github.com/SungHyun627)
[Sanchit Arora] (https://github.com/sanchitarorra)
[Wenxin Liu] (https://github.com/wenxin-liu)
[Mansi Vashistha] (https://github.com/Mansihub)
[Brijesh Kumar Sharma] (https://github.com/Brijesh-kumar-sharma)
[Trevor James Geiger] (https://github.com/trevorgeiger)
[Kayla Oates] (https://github.com/KaylaOates)
[Mike G.]
[Gabe Myers] (https://github.com/gabethemyers)
[Iven Yarovoy]((https://github.com/ivenyarovoy)
[Tom Latham] (https://github.com/ThomasLatham)
[Souvik Pan] (https://github.com/ZouvikPan)
[Jeremy] (https://github.com/jeje-01350)
[Chase Wrenn] (https://github.com/chasewrennufl)
[Rotem Weisz] (https://github.com/rotem175)
[Walt W] (https://github.com/WaltW358)
[chear5967] (http://github.com/chear5967)
[Rajat Sachan] (https://github.com/rajatsachan8)
[Gaman Jain] (https://github.com/gamanjain)
[Bastien Oeuvrard] (https://github.com/Sairkko)
[Guy Kayam] (https://github.com/GuyKayam)
[Yannelly Mercado] (https://github.com/yannellym)
[Drew Hosick] (https://github.com/drewhosick)
Hope Chijuka (https://github.com/Hopeuche360)
[Abshir Mohamed] (https://github.com/roycas99)
[David Brent]
[Prem Sundar]
[Megan Riley] (https://github.com/meganriley)
[Giovanni Cornejo] (https://github.com/Gearsman24)
[Thomas] (https://github.com/MediumChan)
[Tom Blanchard] Morbius
[catstaffo] (https://github.com/catstaffo)
[bruh moment]
[Sean O'Mahony]
[Jaai Joshi] (https://github.com/Jaaij26)
[Dustin Voelker] (https://github.com/djvoelker)
[Chodak Chokphel]
[Marquise Hurtt] (https://github.com/DONMAAD)
[Tejaswi Bachu] (https://github.com/tejaswi-bachu)
[Brian Ervin]
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[Sylvia Anahime] (https://github.com/TheLadySylvia)
[Gabriel Borghetti] (https://github.com/GabrielBorghetti)
[Kevin Yuan](https://github.com/kevkev99
[Lucy Lee] (https://github.com/lucylee418)
[Tad Mac] (https://github.com/tad-mac)
[Bala Ks] (https://github.com/Bala417)
[Herman Gonzalez] (http://github.com/hermalez)
[Webhead3893] (https://github.com/webhead3893)
[Syed Barkat Uddin Nizami] (https://github.com/BarkatNizami)
[Boris Russanov] (https://github.com/Boris-Russanov)
[Kavin Haran}(https://github.com/kavinjo)
[Prasad Naik] (https://github.com/naik24)
Alessandro Garcia
Riddhi Banerjee
[Quincy Miller] (https://github.com/QuincyMillerDev)
[Navneet Kumar] (https://github.com/NavneetKumar2907)
[Dejan Aksović])(https://github.com/AllEffort)
[Joshua Hinojo] (https://github.com/jgone99)
[Prashant Singh] (https://github.com/Prashant-17-11)
[Maddy Kilmurray] (https://github.com/MaddyKilmurray)
[Sharad Maurya] (https://github.com/GODSPE3D)
[Diya Yang]
[Steven Anthony] (https://github.com/sthony)
[Rodrigo Vélez] (https://github.com/llRodroll)
[Vivek Kumar Dubey](Vivek Kumar Dubey)
[Nagulapally Anudeep] (https://github.com/Nagulapally-Anudeep)
[Amir Bibi] (https://github.com/amirbibi)
Vaibhav Shukla - aka MrVaiBH
[Raul Quintanilla] (https://github.com/RaulQuintanilla)
[Nicholas Willson] (https://github.com/njdubzz/)
Daniel Belarmino [Zevelix] (https://github.com/zevelix)
Tanmay Arora
[Willen Yang] (https://github.com/yangxile)
[Willen Yang] (https://github.com/yangxile3)
[Rebecca Best] (https://github.com/bestbec)
[Dingani Brian Nkala] (https://github.com/dinganibrian)
[Ujjwal Pandey] (https://github.com/Ryednap/first-contributions)
[Somesh Mehta]
[Saurabh Sharma]
[WaiSkats] (https://github.com/WaiSkats)
[Carol Bolger] (https://github.com/RealWorldApplications)
[Pranay Raman] (https://github.com/PranayRaman/first-contributions)
[Abideen Bello] (https://github.com/bideeen)
[Peter Walser] (https://github.com/sirofwalls)
[Paul Friedrich] (https://github.com/Paul1911)
[Parseluni] (https://github.com/Parseluni)
[Keshav Bansal] (https://github.com/keshavbansal20)
[Albert Osei Frimpong] (https://github.com/Alotab)
[Swapnil Nayak] (https://github.com/swapnilnyk10)
Anurag Sharma [Stanislav Kubernat] (https://github.com/StaniKub/)
[Tim Wong] (https://github.com/timwong00)
[Sowmya] (https://github.com/sowmya-hub) [Naomi Fathers] (https://github.com/naomifathers)
[K Hari Aneesh Siddhartha] (https://github.com/ansid0102)
[Behnaz Khoshnood] (https://github.com/behnazkhoshnood)
[Junaid Ahmed] (https://github.com/junaidAhmed8819) [Riya Kumari Jha] (https://github.com/riyajha2305)
[JosefineFH] (https://github.com/JosefineFH)
[Chukwuemeka Aladimma] (https://github.com/Acel-01)
[Andrew Little] (https://github.com/mellodog )
[Akemi Murayama] (https://github.com:akemim12)
[Kieran Canter] (https://github.com/KieranCanter)
[pitta vamsi] (https://github.com/Pittavamsi)
[jrojas] (https://github.com/jrojas10)
[Eunjnnn] (https://github.com/Eunjnnn)
[neelish] (https://github.com/immidineelish)
[Rhona] (https://github.com/rhonall)
[Bradtmoeller] (https://github.com/denschiro)
[scornaby-ufo] -[Zhen Wu] - Go Gators
[Poorva Gupta] (https://github.com/poorvaa18)
[Nimesha Chathurangi] (https://github.com/Nimesha1996)
[Austin Nicholas] (https://github.com/adenix)
[SK MIRAJ] (https://github.com/miraj0507)
[Pedro Ferreira] (https://github.com/bacilo)
[ba-13] (https://github.com/ba-13)
[Michael Chatzidakis]
[J. Lin] (https://github.com/j1in)
[Vishnu unni] (https://github.com/sreevishnu01)
[Diamond Rivero] (https://github.com/diamant3)
[Mohammad Ali Ashraf] (https://github.com/programmingLover12)
[Michael Bui] (https://github.com/michaelbui99)
[Mukuflash] (https://github.com/MukuFlash03)
[Shruthi Pillai] (https://github.com/shrum99)
[Acigam] (https://github.com/Acigam)
[Noemi Andras] (https://github.com/noemiandras)
[Preeti Tibrewala] (https://github.com/preetitibrewala)
[Muskan Gupta] (https://github.com/gmuskan95)
[Sheryl Delrosario] (https://github.com/sheryldelrosario)
[Tamika Hayes] (https://github.com/TamikaHayes)
[Wase Zahin] (https://github.com/Wase-Zahin)
[Sangeeta Raut] George Kakarlis
[Sourabh Raut] ( https://github.com/xsraut )
[Ayush Yadav] (https://github.com/yadav-ayush)
[Tyler Parris] (https://github.com/tparris4)
[Hesbon Mokua] (https://github.com/hezthewolf)
[Alberto Patino] (https://github.com/albertopatinno/)
Mohammed Aadil [Muhammad Zohaib] (https://github.com/ZohaibAsif)
[Eric Marzouk] (https://github.com/EricM5) Kendall Felder
[Shreyas Kulkarni] (https://github.com/SHREYAS290601)
[Jei Pratheesh] (https://github.com/JeiRaju)
[Xinyi Tay] (https://github.com/xinyitay)
[Daniel Tassew] (https://github.com/daniel-tassew)
[Menachem Rapp] (https://github.com/MenachemRapp)
[Punkalope] (https://github.com/Punkalope)
[Anke Pfeiffer] (https://github.com/AnkePfei2fer)
Sankar Pitchuka
Rebecca Ahn
Mohamed Habarneh
[Cecil Zhang] (https://github.com/jzhang9632)
[Stefano Baccetti] (https://github.com/Stefino76)
[Vedika Gadia]
[Liju Daniel]
Prakhar Shukla Aditya Agarwal
[Banka Mani Bhargava] (https://github.com/manibhargava4)
[Xile Yang] (https://github.com/yangxile)
Brody Moore Pranjal
[IamDoctorData] (https://github.com/IamDoctorData)
[Harsh] (https://github.com/harsweet)
[Julio Vargas] https://github.com/JulioCeVa -[Devashish Daharia] https://github.com/dev404error
[Felipe Martins] (https://github.com/felipemartins334)
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- Rutuja Dongre
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- Abd
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- Ivo Pavlov
- BrotatoBoi ;p
- Temitope Babatola
- [William]
- Kacper S.
- Krishanu Shashwat
- Jaime Sanchez
- rebekkalu
- Miguel Awili
- Arnav Andrew Jose
- Komilos
- Miguel
- Grace
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- Mikkel L. Mouridsen
- Joel Poh
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- [Silvia Piovesan] (https://github.com/silviapio)
- Enigmacoder-bot
- Tristan Schaaf
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- Esben Sørensen
- Georg Magneshaugen
- Abc Singh
- James Faith Shameh
- [Gulnur Kaztai] (https://github.com/gulnurkaztai)
- [Stany Vanhemelrijck (https://github.com/stanyvh)
- Regis Zaleman
- Clayton Hamilton, PharmD
- Antra Tripathi
- Dennis Joel Mwagiru
- Yaron Pentchak
- [Brian Gor] (https://github.com/briangor)
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- diulv
- Joewat96
- [Robert Aguilar] (https://github.com/RAguilar777)
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- Austin Accomando
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- linteresting
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- b0bdN
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- Gigolino2001
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- zchazc
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- KA
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- Houston Barnett-Gearhart
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- Peter G.
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- [screencancer] (https://github.com/screencancer)
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- swoorr
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- reidoh
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- Marcel Schliesser
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- Razo
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Thomas Erhel
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- 2293736867
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- Alexander Tsapkov
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- Anno
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- Jorge Agoiz Pedraja
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- Linh Nguyen Nhat
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- MengXiangYun
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- Cami Queiroz
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- or bunfad
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- Stop reading names (https://github.com/parthnagdev)
[Tiffany Wu] (https://github.com/tiff-wu)
[Valentyn Grygoriev] (https://github.com/zigfridus)
[Chris D'Entremont] (https://github.com/dentremontcatwit) -Mostafa Abdollahi -Inkadrum
[João Bini] (https://github.com/joaopbini)
[Ben Hoffman] (https://github.com/binihoffman)
Vivek Chulani -Jayathi
[Naman Garg]
[Zyon Amadeus] (https://github.com/InfinitePondera)
[Ana Palma] (https://github.com/CogumeloAmarelo)
[Aaron Jarda Johnson] (https://github.com/JardaCS)
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[Mateusz K] (https://github.com/marzipan14)
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[Likhita Manchikanti] (https://github.com/likhitamanchikanti)
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