Class based generic views for mongoengine documents.
Not all views Django provides are implemented. If you find mixins or views that are missing, feel free to implement them and provide a pull request :-)
- Django >= 1.3
- mongoengine >= 0.6
- django-mongodbforms
- DetailView
- ListView
- CreateView
- UpdateView
- DeleteView
Most of the mixins provided by Django to build the above views are also there.
The Django documentation for class based generic views should work for the views provided here. The only difference is that everywhere Django requires model as an attribute, mongogeneric requires a document.
Additionally to the above views, there is a view and a mixin that makes working with embedded document forms easier (e.g. for comments saved together with a post).
Extends: FormMixin
A mixin class that processes embedded forms, using EmbeddedDocumentForm
s from django mongodbforms.
An EmbeddedDocumentForm
that is passed into the template context and
saved if the request is a POST request and the form is valid.
Designates the name of the variable to use in the context.
Extends: BaseEmbeddedFormMixin
, DetailView
Renders a single document and provides a form for an embedded field.