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javadev authored Jan 23, 2025
1 parent bd1485b commit 3abd21a
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Showing 24 changed files with 977 additions and 0 deletions.
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package g3401_3500.s3423_maximum_difference_between_adjacent_elements_in_a_circular_array

// #Easy #2025_01_19_Time_2_(100.00%)_Space_38.80_(100.00%)

import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max

class Solution {
fun maxAdjacentDistance(nums: IntArray): Int {
var maxDiff = 0
for (i in nums.indices) {
val nextIndex = (i + 1) % nums.size
val diff = abs((nums[i] - nums[nextIndex]))
maxDiff = max(maxDiff, diff)
return maxDiff
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3423\. Maximum Difference Between Adjacent Elements in a Circular Array


Given a **circular** array `nums`, find the **maximum** absolute difference between adjacent elements.

**Note**: In a circular array, the first and last elements are adjacent.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** nums = [1,2,4]

**Output:** 3


Because `nums` is circular, `nums[0]` and `nums[2]` are adjacent. They have the maximum absolute difference of `|4 - 1| = 3`.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** nums = [-5,-10,-5]

**Output:** 5


The adjacent elements `nums[0]` and `nums[1]` have the maximum absolute difference of `|-5 - (-10)| = 5`.


* `2 <= nums.length <= 100`
* `-100 <= nums[i] <= 100`
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package g3401_3500.s3424_minimum_cost_to_make_arrays_identical

// #Medium #Array #Sorting #Greedy #2025_01_23_Time_38_(100.00%)_Space_64.36_(97.14%)

import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min

class Solution {
fun minCost(arr: IntArray, brr: IntArray, k: Long): Long {
val n = arr.size
var sum1: Long = 0
var sum2: Long
for (i in 0..<n) {
sum1 = sum1 + abs((arr[i] - brr[i]))
if (k < sum1) {
sum2 = k
for (i in 0..<n) {
sum2 = sum2 + abs((arr[i] - brr[i]))
} else {
return sum1
return min(sum1, sum2)
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3424\. Minimum Cost to Make Arrays Identical


You are given two integer arrays `arr` and `brr` of length `n`, and an integer `k`. You can perform the following operations on `arr` _any_ number of times:

* Split `arr` into _any_ number of **contiguous** **non-empty subarrays** and rearrange these subarrays in _any order_. This operation has a fixed cost of `k`.
* Choose any element in `arr` and add or subtract a positive integer `x` to it. The cost of this operation is `x`.

Return the **minimum** total cost to make `arr` **equal** to `brr`.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** arr = [-7,9,5], brr = [7,-2,-5], k = 2

**Output:** 13


* Split `arr` into two contiguous subarrays: `[-7]` and `[9, 5]` and rearrange them as `[9, 5, -7]`, with a cost of 2.
* Subtract 2 from element `arr[0]`. The array becomes `[7, 5, -7]`. The cost of this operation is 2.
* Subtract 7 from element `arr[1]`. The array becomes `[7, -2, -7]`. The cost of this operation is 7.
* Add 2 to element `arr[2]`. The array becomes `[7, -2, -5]`. The cost of this operation is 2.

The total cost to make the arrays equal is `2 + 2 + 7 + 2 = 13`.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** arr = [2,1], brr = [2,1], k = 0

**Output:** 0


Since the arrays are already equal, no operations are needed, and the total cost is 0.


* <code>1 <= arr.length == brr.length <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* <code>0 <= k <= 2 * 10<sup>10</sup></code>
* <code>-10<sup>5</sup> <= arr[i] <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* <code>-10<sup>5</sup> <= brr[i] <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/g3401_3500/s3425_longest_special_path/Solution.kt
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package g3401_3500.s3425_longest_special_path

// #Hard #2025_01_19_Time_106_(100.00%)_Space_187.68_(100.00%)

class Solution {
private lateinit var adj: Array<ArrayList<IntArray>>
private lateinit var nums: IntArray
private lateinit var dist: IntArray
private lateinit var lastOccur: IntArray
private lateinit var pathStack: ArrayList<Int>
private var minIndex = 0
private var maxLen = 0
private var minNodesForMaxLen = 0

fun longestSpecialPath(edges: Array<IntArray>, nums: IntArray): IntArray {
val n = nums.size
this.nums = nums
adj = Array<ArrayList<IntArray>>(n) { ArrayList<IntArray>() }
for (i in 0..<n) {
adj[i] = ArrayList<IntArray>()
for (e in edges) {
val u = e[0]
val v = e[1]
val w = e[2]
adj[u].add(intArrayOf(v, w))
adj[v].add(intArrayOf(u, w))
dist = IntArray(n)
buildDist(0, -1, 0)
var maxVal = 0
for (`val` in nums) {
if (`val` > maxVal) {
maxVal = `val`
lastOccur = IntArray(maxVal + 1)
pathStack = ArrayList<Int>()
minIndex = 0
maxLen = 0
minNodesForMaxLen = Int.Companion.MAX_VALUE
dfs(0, -1)
return intArrayOf(maxLen, minNodesForMaxLen)

private fun buildDist(u: Int, parent: Int, currDist: Int) {
dist[u] = currDist
for (edge in adj[u]) {
val v = edge[0]
val w = edge[1]
if (v == parent) {
buildDist(v, u, currDist + w)

private fun dfs(u: Int, parent: Int) {
val stackPos = pathStack.size
val `val` = nums[u]
val oldPos = lastOccur[`val`]
val oldMinIndex = minIndex
lastOccur[`val`] = stackPos
if (oldPos >= minIndex) {
minIndex = oldPos + 1
if (minIndex <= stackPos) {
val ancestor = pathStack[minIndex]
val pathLength = dist[u] - dist[ancestor]
val pathNodes = stackPos - minIndex + 1
if (pathLength > maxLen) {
maxLen = pathLength
minNodesForMaxLen = pathNodes
} else if (pathLength == maxLen && pathNodes < minNodesForMaxLen) {
minNodesForMaxLen = pathNodes
for (edge in adj[u]) {
val v = edge[0]
if (v == parent) {
dfs(v, u)
pathStack.removeAt(pathStack.size - 1)
lastOccur[`val`] = oldPos
minIndex = oldMinIndex
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/g3401_3500/s3425_longest_special_path/
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3425\. Longest Special Path


You are given an undirected tree rooted at node `0` with `n` nodes numbered from `0` to `n - 1`, represented by a 2D array `edges` of length `n - 1`, where <code>edges[i] = [u<sub>i</sub>, v<sub>i</sub>, length<sub>i</sub>]</code> indicates an edge between nodes <code>u<sub>i</sub></code> and <code>v<sub>i</sub></code> with length <code>length<sub>i</sub></code>. You are also given an integer array `nums`, where `nums[i]` represents the value at node `i`.

A **special path** is defined as a **downward** path from an ancestor node to a descendant node such that all the values of the nodes in that path are **unique**.

**Note** that a path may start and end at the same node.

Return an array `result` of size 2, where `result[0]` is the **length** of the **longest** special path, and `result[1]` is the **minimum** number of nodes in all _possible_ **longest** special paths.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** edges = [[0,1,2],[1,2,3],[1,3,5],[1,4,4],[2,5,6]], nums = [2,1,2,1,3,1]

**Output:** [6,2]


#### In the image below, nodes are colored by their corresponding values in `nums`


The longest special paths are `2 -> 5` and `0 -> 1 -> 4`, both having a length of 6. The minimum number of nodes across all longest special paths is 2.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** edges = [[1,0,8]], nums = [2,2]

**Output:** [0,1]



The longest special paths are `0` and `1`, both having a length of 0. The minimum number of nodes across all longest special paths is 1.


* <code>2 <= n <= 5 * 10<sup>4</sup></code>
* `edges.length == n - 1`
* `edges[i].length == 3`
* <code>0 <= u<sub>i</sub>, v<sub>i</sub> < n</code>
* <code>1 <= length<sub>i</sub> <= 10<sup>3</sup></code>
* `nums.length == n`
* <code>0 <= nums[i] <= 5 * 10<sup>4</sup></code>
* The input is generated such that `edges` represents a valid tree.
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package g3401_3500.s3426_manhattan_distances_of_all_arrangements_of_pieces

// #Hard #2025_01_19_Time_21_(100.00%)_Space_34.61_(100.00%)

class Solution {
private fun comb(a: Long, b: Long, mod: Long): Long {
if (b > a) {
return 0
var numer: Long = 1
var denom: Long = 1
for (i in 0..<b) {
numer = numer * (a - i) % mod
denom = denom * (i + 1) % mod
var denomInv: Long = 1
var exp = mod - 2
while (exp > 0) {
if (exp % 2 > 0) {
denomInv = denomInv * denom % mod
denom = denom * denom % mod
exp /= 2
return numer * denomInv % mod

fun distanceSum(m: Int, n: Int, k: Int): Int {
var res: Long = 0
val mod: Long = 1000000007
val base = comb(m.toLong() * n - 2, k - 2L, mod)
for (d in 1..<n) {
res = (res + d.toLong() * (n - d) % mod * m % mod * m % mod) % mod
for (d in 1..<m) {
res = (res + d.toLong() * (m - d) % mod * n % mod * n % mod) % mod
return (res * base % mod).toInt()
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3426\. Manhattan Distances of All Arrangements of Pieces


You are given three integers `m`, `n`, and `k`.

There is a rectangular grid of size `m × n` containing `k` identical pieces. Return the sum of Manhattan distances between every pair of pieces over all **valid arrangements** of pieces.

A **valid arrangement** is a placement of all `k` pieces on the grid with **at most** one piece per cell.

Since the answer may be very large, return it **modulo** <code>10<sup>9</sup> + 7</code>.

The Manhattan Distance between two cells <code>(x<sub>i</sub>, y<sub>i</sub>)</code> and <code>(x<sub>j</sub>, y<sub>j</sub>)</code> is <code>|x<sub>i</sub> - x<sub>j</sub>| + |y<sub>i</sub> - y<sub>j</sub>|</code>.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** m = 2, n = 2, k = 2

**Output:** 8


The valid arrangements of pieces on the board are:


* In the first 4 arrangements, the Manhattan distance between the two pieces is 1.
* In the last 2 arrangements, the Manhattan distance between the two pieces is 2.

Thus, the total Manhattan distance across all valid arrangements is `1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 8`.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** m = 1, n = 4, k = 3

**Output:** 20


The valid arrangements of pieces on the board are:


* The first and last arrangements have a total Manhattan distance of `1 + 1 + 2 = 4`.
* The middle two arrangements have a total Manhattan distance of `1 + 2 + 3 = 6`.

The total Manhattan distance between all pairs of pieces across all arrangements is `4 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 20`.


* <code>1 <= m, n <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* <code>2 <= m * n <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* `2 <= k <= m * n`
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package g3401_3500.s3427_sum_of_variable_length_subarrays

// #Easy #Array #Prefix_Sum #2025_01_22_Time_0_(100.00%)_Space_43.77_(58.41%)

class Solution {
fun subarraySum(nums: IntArray): Int {
var res = nums[0]
for (i in 1..<nums.size) {
val j = i - nums[i] - 1
nums[i] += nums[i - 1]
res += nums[i] - (if (j < 0) 0 else nums[j])
return res

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