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chore: Refactored sql parser
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jsumners-nr committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 9b6de68 commit 2d46a58
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Showing 3 changed files with 511 additions and 87 deletions.
338 changes: 305 additions & 33 deletions lib/db/query-parsers/sql.js
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Expand Up @@ -5,28 +5,37 @@

'use strict'

const logger = require('../../logger').child({ component: 'sql_query_parser' })
const StatementMatcher = require('../statement-matcher')
const defaultLogger = require('../../logger').child({ component: 'sql_query_parser' })
const stringify = require('json-stringify-safe')

const OPERATIONS = [
new StatementMatcher(
new StatementMatcher('update', /^[^\S]*?update[^\S]+?([^\s\n\r,;]+)/gim),
new StatementMatcher(
new StatementMatcher('delete', /^[^\S]*?delete[^\S]+?from[^\S]+([^\s\n\r,(;]+)/gim)
const COMMENT_PATTERN = /\/\\*.*?\\*\//g

// This must be called synchronously after the initial db call for backtraces to
// work correctly

module.exports = function parseSql(sql) {
* In a query like `select * from (select * from foo)`, extract the subquery
* as the statement to retrieve the target identifier from.
* @type {RegExp}
const selectSubquery = /from\s*?\((?<subquery>select.*?)\)\s*?/i

* Matches queries with leading common table expressions and assigns the
* actual query to a match group named `query`.
* @type {RegExp}
const cteMatcher = /^\s*?with[\w\W]*?\)\s*?(?<query>(?:insert|update|delete|select)[\w\W]*)/i

* Parses a SQL statement into the parts we want to report as metadata in
* database transactions.
* @param {string} sql The statement to parse.
* @param {object} [deps] A set of optional dependencies.
* @param {object} [deps.logger] A logger instance.
* @returns {{query: string, collection: null|string, operation: string}} Parsed
* metadata.
module.exports = function parseSql(sql, { logger = defaultLogger } = {}) {
// Sometimes we get an object here from MySQL. We have been unable to
// reproduce it, so we'll just log what that object is and return a statement
// type of `other`.
Expand All @@ -36,9 +45,9 @@ module.exports = function parseSql(sql) {
if (typeof sql !== 'string') {
if (logger.traceEnabled()) {
try {
logger.trace('parseSQL got an a non-string sql that looks like: %s', stringify(sql))
logger.trace('parseSQL got a non-string sql that looks like: %s', stringify(sql))
} catch (err) {
logger.debug(err, 'Unabler to stringify SQL')
logger.debug(err, 'Unable to stringify SQL')
return {
Expand All @@ -48,24 +57,287 @@ module.exports = function parseSql(sql) {

sql = sql.replace(COMMENT_PATTERN, '').trim()
sql = removeMultiLineComments(sql).trim()
sql = removeSingleLineComments(sql).trim()
let result = {
operation: 'other',
collection: null,
query: sql

// We want to remove the CTE _after_ assigning the statement to the result's
// `query` property. Otherwise, the actual query will not be recorded in
// the trace.
sql = removeCte(sql)

// After all of our normalizing of the overall query, if it doesn't actually
// look like an SQL statement, short-circuit the parsing routine.
if (looksLikeValidSql(sql) === false) {
return result

const lines = sql.split('\n')
result = { ...result, ...parseLines(lines) }
result.query = sql.trim()

return result

let parsedStatement
* Iterates the lines of an SQL statement, reducing them to the relevant lines,
* and returns the metadata found within.
* We do not inline this in `parseSql` because doing so will violate a
* code complexity linting rule.
* @param {string[]} lines Set of SQL statement lines.
* @returns {{collection: null, operation: string}} SQL statement metadata.
function parseLines(lines) {
let result = {
operation: 'other',
collection: null

parser: for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
const line = lines[i].toLowerCase().trim()
switch (true) {
case line.startsWith('select'): {
const statement = lines.slice(i).join(' ')
result.operation = 'select'
result = { ...result, ...parseStatement(statement, 'select') }
break parser

case line.startsWith('update'): {
const statement = lines.slice(i).join(' ')
result.operation = 'update'
result = { ...result, ...parseStatement(statement, 'update') }
break parser

case line.startsWith('insert'): {
const statement = lines.slice(i).join(' ')
result.operation = 'insert'
result = { ...result, ...parseStatement(statement, 'insert') }
break parser

case line.startsWith('delete'): {
const statement = lines.slice(i).join(' ')
result.operation = 'delete'
result = { ...result, ...parseStatement(statement, 'delete') }
break parser

return result

* Iterates through the provided string and removes all multi-line comments
* found therein.
* @param {string} input The string to parse.
* @returns {string} Cleaned up string.
function removeMultiLineComments(input) {
const startPos = input.indexOf('/*')
if (startPos === -1) {
return input

const endPos = input.indexOf('*/', startPos + 2)
const part1 = input.slice(0, startPos).trim()
const part2 = input.slice(endPos + 2).trim()
return removeMultiLineComments(`${part1} ${part2}`)

* Removes all single line, and trailing, comments from the input query.
* These are comments that start with `--` or `#`.
* @param {string} input The query that might contain comments.
* @returns {string} The query without any comments.
function removeSingleLineComments(input) {
const resultLines = []
const lines = input.split('\n')
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
let line = lines[i]
if (/^(--|#)/.test(line) === true) {
let pos = line.indexOf(' --')
if (pos > -1) {
line = line.slice(0, pos)
pos = line.indexOf(' #')
if (pos > -1) {
line = line.slice(0, pos)

return resultLines.join('\n')

for (let i = 0, l = OPERATIONS.length; i < l; i++) {
parsedStatement = OPERATIONS[i].getParsedStatement(sql)
if (parsedStatement) {
* Removes any leading common table expression (CTE) from the query and returns
* the query that targets the CTE. The metadata we are interested in, is not
* contained in the CTE, but in the query targeting the CTE.
* @param {string} statement The SQL statement that might have a CTE.
* @returns {string} The SQL statement without a leading CTE.
function removeCte(statement) {
const matches = cteMatcher.exec(statement)
if (matches === null) {
return statement
return matches.groups.query

* Tests the start of the statement to determine if it looks like a valid
* SQL statement.
* @param {string} sql SQL statement with any comments stripped.
* @returns {boolean} True if the statement looks good. Otherwise, false.
function looksLikeValidSql(sql) {
return /^\s*?(?:with|select|insert|update|delete)/i.test(sql.toLowerCase())

* Extracts the collection, database, and table information from an SQL
* statement.
* @param {string} statement The SQL statement to parse.
* @param {string} [kind] The type of SQL statement being parsed. This
* dictates how the algorithm will determine where the desired fields are.
* Valid values are: `insert`, `delete`, `select`, and `update`.
* @returns {{database: string, collection, table}} The found information.
function parseStatement(statement, kind = 'insert') {
let splitter
switch (kind) {
case 'insert': {
splitter = /\s*?\binto\b\s*?/i

case 'delete': {
splitter = /\s*?\bfrom\b\s*?/i

case 'select': {
const subqueryMatch = selectSubquery.exec(statement)
if (subqueryMatch !== null) {
statement = subqueryMatch.groups.subquery

if (/\bfrom\b/i.test(statement) === false) {
// Statement does not specify a table. We don't need further processing.
// E.g., we have a statement like `select 1 + 1 as added`.
return { collection: 'unknown', table: 'unknown' }

splitter = /\s*?\bfrom\b\s*?/i

case 'update': {
splitter = /\s*?\bupdate\b\s*?/i

if (parsedStatement) {
return parsedStatement
const targetIdentifier = statement.split(splitter).pop().trim().split(/\s/).shift()
return parseTableIdentifier(targetIdentifier)

function parseTableIdentifier(identifier) {
const leadingChars = /^[`'"]/
const trailingChars = /[`'"]$/
let collection
let database
let table

const separatorPos = identifier.indexOf('.')
if (separatorPos > 0) {
const parts = identifier.split('.', 2)
database = parts[0]
table = parts[1]
} else {
table = identifier.replace(leadingChars, '').replace(trailingChars, '')
table = normalizeTableName(identifier)

return {
operation: 'other',
collection: null,
query: sql
if (table !== undefined) {
table = table.replace(leadingChars, '').replace(trailingChars, '')
table = normalizeTableName(table)
if (database !== undefined) {
database = database.replace(leadingChars, '').replace(trailingChars, '')
collection = `${database}.${table}`
if (collection === undefined) {
collection = table

return { collection, database, table }

* Our cross-application tests have tests that do not match any known SQL
* engine's valid syntax for table names. But we need to support them, so this
* function will inspect table names and try to return the correct thing.
* @param {string} tableIdentifier Something that _should_ represent a table
* name.
* @returns {string} The normalized table name.
function normalizeTableName(tableIdentifier) {
// Some of our tests add non-standard characters to table names and expects
// they will be stripped.
tableIdentifier = tableIdentifier.replace(/[;]/g, '')

if (tableIdentifier[0] === '(') {
// We might have a subquery. If there is a single word between the
// parentheticals, we return it as the table name (even though this is not
// valid SQL). Otherwise, we return a special value.

const parts = tableIdentifier.replace(/[()]/g, '').split(/\s/)
if (parts.length === 1) {
return parts[0]

const parenPos = tableIdentifier.indexOf('(')
if (parenPos > 0) {
// We seem to accept `into foo(x,y)` as a valid table name, where we
// decide that "foo" is the actual table name.
return tableIdentifier.slice(0, parenPos)

const commaPos = tableIdentifier.indexOf(',')
if (commaPos > -1) {
// For some reason, we accept `from foo,bar` and decide that "foo" is
// the actual table name.
return tableIdentifier.slice(0, commaPos)

return tableIdentifier

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