Basic Requirements:
- Supply Chain Streamline Process Of Artworks
- Verify artwork’s Authenticity Ownership
Seller's Role
- Upload artwork and it's Metadata
- Store Artwork Images and Metadata in the IPFS
- Upload the Corresponding Hash to the Blockchain
- Initiate Delivery and show the full delivery process along with updating the Delivery Status.
- Show Premium artworks in the Art Marketplace for bidding
Buyer's Role
- Browse, search and filter the artworks
- Can Place order to buy preferable artwork with 10% price
- Can confirm buying process by paying remaining 90% after delivery
- Can place a bid for premium artworks
- Can verify the certificate of authenticity
Verifier's Role
- Verify an artwork
- Issue Certificate against the artwork
- Make the certificate soul bound NFT
Starting project with typescript hardhat projects:
- Compile:
npm run compile
- Run test:
npm run test
- Deploy
npm run deploy:<network>
- Verify on etherscan
npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>