A Ruby library for using the BreweryDB API.
Tested and known to work with the following Rubies:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'brewery_db'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install brewery_db
You must have a valid API key to use the BreweryDB API. If you don't yet have one, you may request one here.
You can use the following method to configure your API key:
brewery_db = BreweryDB::Client.new do |config|
config.api_key = API_KEY
Once an API key has been set, resources can be called on the client instance.
brewery_db.beers.all(abv: '5.5')
brewery_db.breweries.all(established: 2006)
brewery_db.fermentables.all(country: 'Brazil')
brewery_db.search.all(q: 'IPA')
brewery_db.search.beers(q: 'IPA')
brewery_db.search.breweries(q: 'IPA')
brewery_db.search.guilds(q: 'IPA')
brewery_db.search.events(q: 'IPA')
brewery_db.locations.all(locality: 'San Francisco')
The BreweryDB API also provides WebHooks which can be use to:
keep your local data stores in sync with the main BreweryDB API. Instead of having to constantly query the API, webhooks will send you a message when something changes.
This library provides a simple abstraction over the data posted by those webhooks.
webhook = BreweryDB::WebHook.new(webhook_params_hash)
The webhook_params_hash
should contain the key
, nonce
, action
, etc.
sent as the payload of the webhook. A BreweryDB::WebHook
object can validate
the posted data by SHA1 hashing your API key with the nonce
value and
comparing it to the key
value (as per the docs).
webhook.valid?(API_KEY) #=> true or false
The BreweryDB::WebHook
object also provides an idiomatic Ruby wrapper over
the parameters. For example, one of the parameters posted in a webhook is
, which is the BreweryDB id for a brewery, beer, etc. This
parameter is exposed by an instance of BreweryDB::WebHook
webhook.attribute_id #=> 'x6bRxw'
The full list of parameters available are:
webhook.action #=> 'insert'
webhook.attribute #=> 'beer'
webhook.attribute_id #=> 'x6bRxw'
webhook.key #=> 'some-long-key-value-here'
webhook.nonce #=> 'some-long-nonce-value-here'
webhook.sub_action #=> 'brewery-insert'
webhook.sub_attribute_id #=> 'q6vJUK'
webhook.timestamp #=> '1350573527'
- Fork it.
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
). - Create a new Pull Request.
Thanks to the following people who have contributed patches or helpful suggestions:
Copyright © 2012 Tyler Hunt. See LICENSE for details.