This is a serial modem simulator
to help during test and development for GPRS connections
. Once started the software will open the Serial port
and answer any connection in it. It will behave as a GPRS Modem
so it will you to develop an external Hardware like Arduino, ESP32, Raspberri Pi Pico, or similar, so that hardware will be able to talk to ModemSimul as if it would be a GSM Module (SIMCOM SIM7600 series
), once you tell ModemSimul to open a GPRS connection it will link to the TCP Port
you configured as the first argument and it will forward connections between this TCP Port
and your hardware connection through the Serial connection
Usage: ./ <tcp port> <serial port> [serial speed [serial config]]
> Example: {} 2222 /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
> Default serial speed will be: 9600
> Default serial config will be: 8N1