juicy-run simplifies CLI script management by automatically locating the closest package.json. Choose and execute scripts using your favorite package manager, such as npm, yarn, pnpm, or bun. Designed for an efficient workflow, juicy-run enhances your command line experience with ease and precision. Additionally, it includes a fuzzy matching feature, allowing you to quickly select the desired script.
- Automatic Detection: Automatically locates the closest package.json for simplified CLI script management.
- Package Manager Compatibility: Supports various package managers including npm, yarn, pnpm, and bun.
- Efficiency and Precision: Designed to enhance the command line experience, making workflow more efficient and precise.
- Fuzzy Finder Feature: Incorporates fuzzy matching for quickly selecting the desired script, enhancing user convenience and speed.
$ npm install -g juicy-run
$ npm install -g juicy-run
running command...
$ jr (--version)
juicy-run/1.3.4 darwin-arm64 node-v18.18.2
$ jr --help [COMMAND]
Run a script from package.json using a specified package manager
$ jr [-p bun|npm|pnpm|yarn]
-p, --packageManager=<option> package manager to use
<options: bun|npm|pnpm|yarn>
Run a script from package.json using a specified package manager
# Run a script with the default package manager
$ jr
# Run a script with a specified package manager (npm)
$ jr --pm npm
# Run a script with a specified package manager (yarn)
$ jr --pm yarn
# Run a script with a specified package manager (pnpm)
$ jr --pm pnpm
# Run a script with a specified package manager (bun)
$ jr --pm bun
See code: src/commands/index.ts
This command configures the global & project-specific package manager for your project. If no project-specific package manager is set, this global will be used as a fallback.
$ jr config [--set-global-pm bun|npm|pnpm|yarn]
--set-global-pm=<option> Set your gloabl package manager for the project. This serves as a fallback when a
project-specific package manager is not defined. Choose from "bun", "npm", "pnpm", or
<options: bun|npm|pnpm|yarn>
This command configures the global & project-specific package manager for your project. If no project-specific package
manager is set, this global will be used as a fallback.
See code: src/commands/config/index.ts