To use Stardust, run the following command to add it to your build.zig.zon
zig fetch --save git+
Then add these lines to your build.zig
const stardust = b.dependency("stardust", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("sd", stardust.module("stardust"));
Include Stardust in your project like this:
const sd = @import("sd");
Initiate the logging system
try sd.sd_setup(some_alloc, default_log_level);
To log some data, do the following:
- Strings will be output a concatonated line
- Strings beginning with a
will be a 'description' - To add trace details include
- Finally, choose the log level with a one of the following:
- .info
- .debug
- .err
- .fatal
sd.log(.{ "This is a debug", "&example description", @src(), .debug });
DEB This is a debug
--> src/main.zig main 01:01
|> example description
If you want a simple log, you only need some strings
sd.log(.{ "Making Tea.." });
This will use the global log level
INF Making Tea..