Was supposed to be a shared clipboard app, but accessing the clipboard on android doesn't really work anymore :(
Now it's an app to access media files from different devices (desktop, android).
Status: early development
- Kotlin Compose Multiplatform
- server/: code for HTTP server
- run:
./gradlew :server:run
- run:
- composeApp/: code for clients (desktop & android)
- run desktop:
./gradlew :composeApp:run
- run android:
./gradlew assembleDebug installDebug
- run desktop:
- shared/: shared api definitions, etc.
- DI: kotlin-inject & kotlin-inject-anvil
- Background work: Android Work Manager
- Image loading: Coil3
- Navigation: Circuit
- Database: SQLDelight (generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL)
- migrations: db/
- Networking: Ktor
- Serialization: kotlinx-serialization
- Database: Exposed (ORM framework)
for development,postgres
in production
- Networking: Ktor
- Serialization: kotlinx-serialization
export host=http://localhost:8080
export ws_host=ws://localhost:8080/ws
curl "$host/api/v1/installations"
output=$(curl -s -d '{"id":"'$(uuidgen)'","name":"Curl client","desc":"README","os":"desktop","client":"opia_readme/1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "$host/api/v1/installations")
echo "$output"
export installation_id=$(jq -r '.data.id' <<< "$output")
echo "installation_id: $installation_id"
# 044 668 18 00 (https://github.com/google/libphonenumber)
export phone_no="+41446681800"
output=$(curl -s -d '{"content":"'$phone_no'"}' -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/accounts/properties")
echo "$output"
export account_phone_no_id=$(jq -r '.data.id' <<< "$output")
echo "account_phone_no_id: $account_phone_no_id"
export phone_verification_code=$(jq -r '.data.verification_code' <<< "$output")
echo "phone_verification_code: $phone_verification_code"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/accounts"
output=$(curl -s -d '{"name":"User Name","secret":"secret12"}' -H "Challenge-Response: $account_phone_no_id=$phone_verification_code" -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/accounts")
echo "$output"
export account_id=$(jq -r '.data.id' <<< "$output")
echo "account_id: $account_id"
export sess_id=$(jq -r '.hints.session.id' <<< "$output")
echo "sess_id: $sess_id"
export access_token=$(jq -r '.hints.session.access_token' <<< "$output")
echo "access_token: $access_token"
export refresh_token=$(jq -r '.hints.session.refresh_token' <<< "$output")
echo "refresh_token: $refresh_token"
output=$(curl -s -d '{"name":"Signup Name","secret":"secret12","email":"[email protected]"}' -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/accounts/signup")
echo "$output"
export account_id=$(jq -r '.data.id' <<< "$output")
echo "account_id: $account_id"
export sess_id=$(jq -r '.hints.session.id' <<< "$output")
echo "sess_id: $sess_id"
export access_token=$(jq -r '.hints.session.access_token' <<< "$output")
echo "access_token: $access_token"
export refresh_token=$(jq -r '.hints.session.refresh_token' <<< "$output")
echo "refresh_token: $refresh_token"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/accounts/$account_id/installations"
curl "$host/api/v1/auth_sessions"
- requires
- redo when receiving "invalid or expired token", though apps use refresh route
output=$(curl -s -d '{"unique":"'$phone_no'","secret":"secret12","cap_chat":true}' -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/auth_sessions")
echo "$output"
export sess_id=$(jq -r '.data.id' <<< "$output")
echo "sess_id: $sess_id"
export access_token=$(jq -r '.data.access_token' <<< "$output")
echo "access_token: $access_token"
export refresh_token=$(jq -r '.data.refresh_token' <<< "$output")
echo "refresh_token: $refresh_token"
output=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" -H "Refresh-Token: Bearer $refresh_token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/auth_sessions/refresh")
echo "$output"
export sess_id=$(jq -r '.data.id' <<< "$output")
echo "sess_id: $sess_id"
export access_token=$(jq -r '.data.access_token' <<< "$output")
echo "access_token: $access_token"
export refresh_token=$(jq -r '.data.refresh_token' <<< "$output")
echo "refresh_token: $refresh_token"
- server returns medias for which this installation-link-id has submitted no receipt, or where the receipt mismatches the server-side media's
output=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/medias")
echo "$output"
export media_id=$(jq -r '.data[0].id' <<< "$output")
echo "media_id (latest unreceived): $media_id"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/medias?all"
# download an image (6.4M), src: https://images.nasa.gov/details/GSFC_20171208_Archive_e002152
(ls "$file_path" && echo "exists: $file_path") || (echo "downloading..." && wget -O "$file_path" "https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/GSFC_20171208_Archive_e002152/GSFC_20171208_Archive_e002152~orig.jpg")
export media_id=$(uuidgen)
size=$(wc -c < "$file_path")
curl -X POST -F "path=/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Carina Nebula.jpg" -F "file=@$file_path" -F "size=$size" -F "dir=/storage/emulated/0/Pictures" -F "cre=$(date +%s%3N)" -F "mod=$(date +%s%3N)" -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" "$host/api/v1/medias/$media_id/thumb"
# download a video (125.2M), src: https://archive.org/details/stargate-collection-1994-2018
(ls "$file_path" && echo "exists: $file_path") || (echo "downloading..." && wget -O "$file_path" "https://archive.org/download/stargate-collection-1994-2018/Stargate%20Collection%20%281994-2018%29/Stargate%20SG1%20S01-S10%20%281997-%29%20%2B%202%20Movies/SG-1%20S04%20%28360p%20re-blurip%29/SG-1%20S04E06%20Window%20of%20Opportunity.mp4")
export media_id=$(uuidgen)
size=$(wc -c < "$file_path")
curl -X POST -F "path=/storage/emulated/0/Movies/SG-1 S04E06 Window of Opportunity.mp4" -F "file=@$file_path" -F "size=$size" -F "dir=/storage/emulated/0/Videos" -F "media-type=Video" -F "cre=$(date +%s%3N)" -F "mod=$(date +%s%3N)" -H "Installation-Id: $installation_id" "$host/api/v1/medias/$media_id/file"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/medias/$media_id/thumb/raw" -o /tmp/thumb.jpg
ls -lah /tmp/thumb.jpg # size info
xdg-open /tmp/thumb.jpg
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/medias/$media_id/file/raw" -o /tmp/file
ls -lah /tmp/file # size info
xdg-open /tmp/file
vlc /tmp/file
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$host/api/v1/media_receipts"
curl -d '{"has_thumb":"true"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/medias/$media_id/receipts"
-only is also possible and valid
curl -d '{"has_file":"true"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "$host/api/v1/medias/$media_id/receipts"
- thymeleaf & htmx web client vs wasmJS web client
- end-to-end encryption using Noise
- password hashing (preferably argon2id)
- tests for stable components
- src: https://fonts.google.com/icons, converted to xml using Resource Manager 'from local file'