Use terminal to enter your 4pm reports
Using Phantom headless web-browser ( to simulate user behaviour, from login to entering daily work reports.
This command line utility enables you to enter reports through terminal, or automate whole process (or part of it) using configuration file (or command line arguments).
Prerequisite: NPM (
npm install -g 4pm-cli
- There are no sanity checks, so if you are stupid, the thing can blow-up your computer.
- Or at least you can end up with strange reports in 4pm (you have been warned).
To run this utility, simply type (and follow steps to enter your report)
$ 4pm
[4PM-CLI] Enter 4pm url: <url>
[4PM-CLI] Enter username: <me>
[4PM-CLI] Enter password: <passing>
* Logged in as Me AllMighty
0) Project 1
1) Project 2
[4PM-CLI] Choose project: 0
0) Task 1
1) Task 2
[4PM-CLI] Choose task: 1
... (and so on) ...
or if you are a bit smarter (use arguments or env variables)
4pm --username <name> --password <pass>
or even better (use conf file)
4pm --conf <conf.json>
where conf.json is (if property is present, program will not ask you for it)
"website": "",
"username": "",
"password": "",
So to make your life easier (only for brave ones -- not recomnended!), you create a cron job
crontab -e
30 4 * * * 4pm --conf ~/4pm-conf.json
where conf file is (behold the %today% placeholder)
"website": "<4pm login site>",
"username": "<me>",
"password": "<passing>",
"description":"Working very very hard...",
"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
<jurepolutnik> wrote this thing. As long as you retain this notice you
can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.