An SPV, BIP32 deterministic bitcoin wallet for iOS
breadwallet is designed to be the simplest, easiest and most secure bitcoin wallet on any platform
breadwallet is the first true bitcoin wallet for iOS, where you hold your money right on your own device without relying on any third party service
- open source
- single backup phrase that works forever
- private keys never leave your device
- "simplified payment verification" for fast mobile performance
- import password protected paper wallets
- "payment protocol" payee identity certification
breadwallet uses "simplified payment verification" or SPV mode for fast performance in a mobile environment.
breadwallet is a BIP32 "deterministic" wallet, meaning that all the bitcoin addresses and private keys are generated from a single "seed". If you know the seed, you can recreate the entire wallet including all balances and transaction history. This allows for a single convenient backup that will work forever.
The wallet seed is securely stored on the iOS keychain and never leaves your device. It is never stored on any server. Your private keys are generated from your seed as needed and then immediately wiped from memory. Additionally, iOS keychain data persists even if the app is deleted. If you accidentally delete breadwallet and reinstall it, your wallet will be automatically recreated from the seed stored on the keychain. (Be sure to do a factory reset if you sell or give away your device!)
The seed is also encoded into a non-sense english phrase, which is your "wallet backup phrase". Never let anyone see your backup phrase or they will have access to your wallet. Write it down and store it in a safe place. In the event your device is damaged or lost you can restore your wallet on a new device using your backup phrase. Be sure to enable a passcode on your device and use remote erase if it is lost or stolen. Future versions of breadwallet will also include a secondary passcode on the app itself.
breadwallet is open source and available under the terms of the MIT license. Source code is available at https://github.com/voisine/breadwallet
WARNING: installation on jailbroken devices is strongly discouraged
Any jailbreak app can grant itself keychain entitlements to your wallet seed and
rob you by self-signing as described here and
including <key>application-identifier</key><string>org.voisine.*</string>
its .entitlements file.