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Releases: justas-/PyPPSPP

Functioning Swarm

29 Aug 13:20
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The first swarm-tested release. Tested and verified in CORE networks emulator that offline files sharing is working. This release contains minimal tracker server.

Things still missing:

  1. Partial integrity checking. For now only the full Merkle tree is calculated.
  2. Peer contact details exchange to function without tracker
  3. Bucket / Bytes range / 64-bit based addressing
  4. Scheduler (LEDBAT) - all infrastructure is there, just need to implement
  5. Live discard ranges

Data pulling and pushing

24 Aug 08:58
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First working release of Python3 based PPSPP implementation. Tested against itself and against libswift.

Things missing:

  1. Chunks integrity checking. For now only the root hash is calculated to verify if the file is valid
  2. LEDBAT is not implemented, so there is no dynamic back-off
  3. Bucket based data addressing
  4. 64-bit based chunks addressing
  5. Proper validation / verification of received data for correctness