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TMFlow Server

Jules van der Toorn edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

The TMFlow server makes it possible to query and update the internal parameters of the robot. Besides that, it broadcasts the full state configuration to all connected clients at a high frequency.

To see all available internal parameters, go to Settings > Connection > Ethernet Slave > Configuration in TMFlow.

To setup a connection with the TMFlow server:

async with techmanpy.connect_svr(robot_ip, [client_id, conn_timeout]) as conn:
   # connection established
  • robot_ip: str | mandatory kwarg
    The IP address of the robot
  • client_id: str | optional kwargs, default = 'SVRpy'
    The used identifier of this client (use a custom value when using multiple clients at the same time)
  • conn_timeout: int (s) | optional kwarg, default = 3
    The duration before a connection attempt times out

Given the connection object conn, various actions can be performed. These will now be discussed.

Subscribing to the broadcast

To subscribe to the broadcast stream:

def on_params(params):
   # broadcasted parameters received

await conn.keep_alive()
  • params: dict(str, obj) | mandatory arg
    The internal parameters that are broadcasted, along with their values. The values can be any of str, int, float, bool

Don't forget to add await conn.keep_alive(), otherwise the program will directly terminate.

Querying internal parameters

To query a specific internal parameter:

robot_model = await conn.get_value(item)
  • item: str | mandatory arg
    The internal parameter that is queried

Returns the requested value, can be any of str, int, float, bool.

To query multiple internal parameters:

params = await conn.get_values(items)
  • items: set(str) | mandatory arg
    The internal parameters that are queried

Returns dict(str, obj) containing the requested internal parameters along with their values. The returned values can be any of str, int, float, bool.

Setting internal parameters

To set a specific internal parameter:

await conn.set_value(key, value)
  • key: str | mandatory arg
    The internal parameter name
  • value: obj | mandatory arg
    Can be any of str, int, float, bool.

To set multiple internal parameters:

await conn.set_values(items)
  • items: dict(str, obj) | mandatory arg
    The internal parameters that must be set, along with their new values. The set values can be any of str, int, float, bool.