Import AWS Mobile Analytics data into Elasticsearch to view and analyze within Kibana.
- Docker with docker-compose
- Python and requests library
pip install requests
- Start Docker containers for Elasticsearch and Kibana. Starting Kibana can take a while - I've seen it take 5 min on MacBook Pro.
docker-compose up
- Run the Python import script (example with all the arguments)
python \
--name "ColorPal" \
--aws-profile default \
--bucket mobile-analytics-.../awsma/events/{app-id}} \
--year 2017 \
--month 7 \
--day 29 \
--delete-date 2017-07-29 \
Arguments | Description |
--bucket | Required AWS Mobile Analytics S3 bucket - full path up to the year Example: mobile-analytics-.../awsma/events/be2b019... |
--name | Elasticsearch index name - defaults to app . The full index name will be prepended with "awsma_" to use the index mapping template. Also, spaces will be removed and characters will be forced to lowercase. |
--aws-profile | AWS CLI profile name. Will use the default profile name if not set |
--year | Year to import |
--month | Month to import - must also include --year |
--day | Day to import - must also include --year & --month |
--delete-date | Delete a certain date or date range. Months or days with a single digits must have a leading zero. (8 should be 08 ) Single date: 2017-08-01 Or all of a month 2017-08-* |
--no-s3-import | Flag to not import files from S3. Useful if you already have the files downloaded |
- Downloads the AWS Mobile Analytics S3 files locally
- Unzips the S3 gzipped files
- Creates custom mapping if one does not already exist
- Create Elasticsearch index by date
- Import unzipped S3 files into Elasticsearch