This project is an university. The goal is to develop a software focusing on object oriented programming. As an initial aim, the development process will target a basic and general CRUD system.
I'll use a OOP language not yet defined and use firebase as the database.
Here will be listed things that I still want to do with this repository.
- Learn 1
- UML Diagrams
- Create diagrams to illustrate everything
- Asked
- Not Sure
- DFD (3)
- Entity relationship (1)
- Structure
- Class (1)
- Behavioral
- Use Case (5)
- Sequence (3)
- Activity (3)
- State Machine (3)
- Not Sure
- All
- Structure
- Class *
- Component
- Deployment
- Object
- Package
- Profile
- Composite Structure
- Behavioral
- Use Case *
- Activity *
- State Machine *
- Sequence *
- Communication
- Interaction Overview
- Timing
- Structure
- Asked
- Create a minimal and monolithical user interface
- Loggin Screen
- Logged Screen
- About
- Unlogged Screen
- About
- Put some images to illustrate better my website
- Default logo
- Search Icon
- Add Icon
- Default user image
- Default created item
- Learn 2
- Search for simple CRUD db alternatives
- Firebase
- Search for simple CRUD db alternatives
- Be able to store permanent data
- DB
- Firebase?
- DB
- Create actual docstrings
- Add more things to this readme
- Create a pt-br readme
- Create a menu to direct the reader to each readme
- Create a folder for the readme versions
- Create a folder for images contained within the readmes
- Push the repository folders one level up in a folder named...
- Dense Repo (?)
- Everything (?)