Scrapes disease-associated miRNA data.
Databases of miRNA-disease association, like HMDD or miRTarBase, provide easily downloadable data dumps, but no easy way to query it programmatically, such as an API, this package exists to alleviate some of those issues.
You can install the latest version of miRminer from Github with:
If you want to get causality information from HMDD3:
sepsis_causal <- get_hmdd_causality("sepsis")
hm101_causal <- get_hmdd_causality("hsa-mir-101")
Or miRNA-target interaction networks:
silicosis_net <- get_hmdd_net("silicosis")
hm101_net <- get_hmdd_net("hsa-mir-101")
Or maybe miRNA-disease association from mirTarBase:
carcinoma_mirnas <- get_mirtar_disease("carcinoma")