Installation | Codebase Architecture | Configs | Dataset Prepare | Develop by Your Own
This repository provides an easy to get started and modify pipeline for image segmentation task. Models from segmentation_models.pytorch and MMSegmentation can be applied as basic network architectures.
Demo (DeepLabV3+, trained on Weizmann Horse Dataset)
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- Nov 09, 2022 create codebase, including smp-based arch and mmseg-based arch, support folder dataloader for train and test
clone the current repository using git:
git clone
cd image-classification-pipeline
pip install -r requirements.txt
or you can use this repository as template and develop in your own way.
The codebase is organized as follows:
- archs : network architectures
- data
- data_augment : augmentation functions, you can design your own aug settings
- : each class in each subfolder of dataroot
- : each class in each subfolder of dataroot
- datasets : sample dataset for testing the codebase
- losses : implement customized losses, pre-implemented soft-ce-dice loss as example
- metrics : metrics for evaluation, e.g. FWIoU, mIoU, Acc.
- models : model class which contains data feeding, train, eval, save model, inference etc.
- options
- scripts : useful scripts for pre-/post-processing of datasets
- utils : utility functions collection
- : train script which parses the config and run train/eval
- : test script which parses the config and run inference
Here we use options/train/000_horse_smparch_template.yml
as example to illustrate the format and meaning of necessary variables for the config yaml file.
# basic settings
exp_name: ~ # empty, will be overwritten by filename when start training
model_type: BaselineModel # corresponding to models folder (module), currently only basemodel
log_dir: ./tb_logger # where the tensorboard logger saved
save_dir: ../exps_horse_test # where the ckpts saved
device: cuda # cuda or cpu
multi_gpu: false # if true, use all visible gpus to train
type: SimpleFolderDataloader # refer to data module to find the implemented dataloaders
dataroot_img: datasets/weizmann_horse_split/train_split/images # data root for train images
dataroot_lbl: datasets/weizmann_horse_split/train_split/masks # data root for train masks
img_exts: ['jpg'] # image extensions, support multiple different exts.
lbl_exts: ['png'] # mask extensions
augment_type: simple_aug # augmentation type, name of data/data_augment/*.py
size: 512 # params for augment function
batch_size: 8
num_workers: 4
val_dataset: # val dataset params meanings the same as above
type: SimpleFolderDataloader
dataroot_img: datasets/weizmann_horse_split/valid_split/images
dataroot_lbl: datasets/weizmann_horse_split/valid_split/masks
img_exts: ['jpg']
lbl_exts: ['png']
augment_type: simple_aug
size: 512
train: # training settings, meaning as names
num_epoch: 100
type: SMPArch
load_path: ~
backbone: DeepLabV3Plus
in_channels: 3
encoder_name: resnet50
classes: 2
type: Adam
lr: !!float 5e-4
weight_decay: 0
betas: [0.9, 0.99]
type: MultiStepLR
milestones: [80]
gamma: 0.1
type: celoss # support softceloss/diceloss/softce_diceloss
type: miou # supports miou/fwiou/acc
eval_interval: 1 # eval model using val dataset each 1 epoch.
Default dataset should be in the following format, or some modifications for dataloader should be made.
For simple training a semantic segmentation model, writing your own yml config (as shown in 0x03) is enough. But if the pre-implemented model cannot meet your requirement, you can also add/modify your own customized components in a minimal cost of development.
Write a
under data
folder, and import the class in
, then you can select your customized dataloader classname in yml config.
Returned dict should be the same as SimpleFolderDataset
if you still use BaselineModel
, otherwise it is not restricted.
Write a
under archs
folder, and import the class in
. Then select in yml model_arch -> type
, params to construct the arch should be passed using arguments under load_path
write a
under models
folder, and import in
. Model can be selected using model_type
in yml config.
refer to the metrics
and losses
can develop your own metric and loss class.