Code for "Phylogeography and paleoclimatic range dynamics explain variable outcomes to contact across a species' range"
This repository provides all code necessary to run down-stream analyses.
Demographic inference is broken into several sections. These are (1) determining 2N down-sampling, (2) metadata preparation, (3) running Moments, (4) concatenating model runs, and (5) determination of best models and parameter values.
Down-sampling is done using easySFS ( Results should be saved to an Excel file containing the columns (1) POP and (2) BEST, which provides the optimal 2N size.
A metadata file is required to run Moments scripts appropriately. To generate, the code file metadata_writer.R is used. It requires files for both the above down-sampled 2N sizes per population as well as the VCF population map (no header).
This metadata file exports a .txt file with columns for (1) iterations - set to 50, (2) Pair - pair name, (3) pop1 - the ID, (4) pop2 - the ID, proj1 - 2N for pop1, proj2 - the ID for pop2.
Numerous model scripts are provided in the /demo_infer/models/ path. For details see (FIG. 2). For models to run appropriately, a VCF (edited directly in *.py scripts) must be provided, as well as the metadata file created above. *.sh files run all models listed in respective *.py files.
These scripts export outputs to a folder (outputs) which must be created prior to running. File names are written as "PAIRNAME_MODEL_expanded_output.txt"
Models are concatenated in R using the script AIC_concat.R. It binds iterations of all models (e.g., AM, SC...) for all population pairs into a single .csv file (AIC_weights_all_XXperc_linreg_ext*). Note that cyclic models (2C) are concatenated separately from singular models.
Files created by concatenating separate runs inform the scripts wAIC.R, which calculates AIC weights and model scores to help judge the best model. Outputs a script named: AIC_weights_all_XXperc.csv
This script combines cyclic and singular model outputs from the concatenate step above, if desired. Outputs of wAIC.R can then be used in the scrpts AICw_Mscore.R and Tsplit_Tmig.R to determine the best runs by AIC weights, AIC, and model scores; as well as plot certain desired parameters (mij/mji; Tmig/Tsplit).
Accessible in sNMF_structure. Briefly, isolation-by-distance tests should be run (IBD.R) to set expectations about cross-entropy decay and K-clusters. If significant for any lineage, caution should be taken not to inflate K-clusters.
code in sNMF.R runs the function snmf from LEA on a VCF. Also requires a population map ("noTperf_idpoplin.txt"). this is then saved as a project to be called by sNMF_plot.R. The script can then determine optimal K-clusters in three fashions: (1) quantile slope, (2) DAPC a-score, (3) minimum cross-entropy value.
sNMF_plot.R should be provided a (1) VCF, (2) information from ABBA-BABA tests digested through the script /gene_flow/Dsuite_filter_basicplots.R, (3) group coordinates as a .csv with the columns (a) group - population name, (b) lineage, (c) latitude, (d) longitude.
A shortened version of this code which can operate given a single Q-matrix can be found in /sNMF_structure/short_code/tess3Q.R. This file only requires a LEA project or a matrix of ancestry coefficients with columns (1) id - individual id, (2) pop, (3) lin - lineage, (4-n) ancestry estimates per cluster. Row totals across these columns should equal 1.
PCA (/PCA/PCA_full.R) and missing threshold discovery (/VCF_filtering/missing_threhsold.R)
Other scripts are available upon request from the authors.