This repository contains technical information around a research project of mine, called from-barrier-to-icf. The project is about a model to deduce why a structure/object becomes to a barrier and which groups of people it impedes. Main approach is "ask" which requirements something has (e.g. doors usually force you to not be broader then a certain width) and which ICF elements/components it affects.
In this OSF repository conceptual and further documentation is collected and maintained. It is the main source and should be a good starting point, if you want to get familiar with this model.
I am not able to work on this topic at the moment. But i monitor the Github repository as well as the OSF project closely. I am open for ideas and contributions.
If you have a technical contribution, please create an issue here.
If you have a non-technical contribution, like a comment or want to contribute to the wiki, please go to OSF here. Participation requires an OSF account tough.
Since 2015, i am working with the Behindertenverband Leipzig e.V. and help them to improve their data sets, about locations in Leipzig and their degree of accessibility (further information in German).
Further information here.
The code in this repository is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Textual content is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY 4.0.