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Terraform module for Datadog Kubernetes

This module mainly check on Kubernetes resource level and cluster health. System level monitoring can best be implemented with the system module. Docker/Container level monitoring can best be implemented with the docker module.

Recent changes:

This module is part of a larger suite of modules that provide alerts in Datadog. Other modules can be found on the Terraform Registry

We have two base modules we use to standardise development of our Monitor Modules:

Modules are generated with this tool:

Example Usage

module "kubernetes" {
  source = "kabisa/kubernetes/datadog"

  notification_channel = "[email protected]"
  service              = "Kubernetes"
  env                  = "prd"
  filter_str           = "kube_cluster_name:production"

Module Variables


Monitor name Default enabled Priority Query
CPU Limits Low Perc State False 3 max(last_5m):( sum:kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limit{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / sum:kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacity{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
CPU Limits Low Perc True 3 max(last_5m):(sum:kubernetes.cpu.limits{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
CPU Limits Low False 3 min(last_5m):max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} - sum:kubernetes.cpu.limits{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} < ${-30}
CPU On Dns Pods High True 2 avg(last_30m):avg:docker.cpu.usage{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host,container_name} > 85
CPU Requests Low Perc State False 3 max(last_5m):( sum:kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requested{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / sum:kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacity{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} ) * 100 > 95
CPU Requests Low Perc True 3 max(last_5m):100 * sum:kubernetes.cpu.requests{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} / max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} > 95
CPU Requests Low False 3 max(last_5m):max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} - sum:kubernetes.cpu.requests{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} < 0.5
Daemonset Incomplete True 2 min(last_15m):max:kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduled{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set,kube_cluster_name} - min:kubernetes_state.daemonset.ready{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set,kube_cluster_name} > 0
Daemonset Multiple Restarts True 3 max(last_15m):clamp_min(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set} - hour_before(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set}), 0) > 5.0
Datadog Agent True 2 avg(last_5m):avg:datadog.agent.running{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} < 1
Deploy Desired Vs Status True 3 avg(last_15m):max:kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desired{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name} - max:kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_available{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name} > 10
Deployment Multiple Restarts True 3 max(last_15m):clamp_min(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_deployment} - hour_before(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_deployment}), 0) > 5.0
Hpa Status True 3 avg(last_15m):avg:kubernetes_state.hpa.condition{tag:xxx} by {hpa,kube_namespace,status,condition} < 1
Memory Limits Low Perc State False 3 max(last_5m):( sum:kubernetes_state.container.memory_limit{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / sum:kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatable{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
Memory Limits Low Perc True 3 max(last_5m):( max:kubernetes.memory.limits{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}/{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
Memory Limits Low False 3 avg(last_5m){tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} - max:kubernetes.memory.limits{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} < 3000000000
Memory Requests Low Perc State False 3 max(last_5m):( max:kubernetes_state.container.memory_requested{tag:xxx} / max:kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatable{tag:xxx} ) * 100 > 95
Memory Requests Low Perc True 3 max(${var.cpu_requests_low_perc_evaluation_period}):( max:kubernetes.memory.requests{${local.cpu_requests_low_perc_filter}} /{${local.cpu_requests_low_perc_filter}} ) * 100 > ${var.cpu_requests_low_perc_critical}
Memory Requests Low False 3 avg(last_5m){tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} - max:kubernetes.memory.requests{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} < 3000000000
Network Unavailable True 3 avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:networkunavailable AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} >
Node Diskpressure True 3 avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:diskpressure AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} >
Node Memory Used Percent True 2 avg(last_5m):( 100 * max:kubernetes.memory.usage{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} ) /{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} > 90
Node Memorypressure True 3 avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:memorypressure AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} >
Node Ready True 2 avg(last_5m):count_nonzero(sum:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND (NOT condition:ready) AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host}) > 1
Node Status True 2 avg(last_5m):avg:kubernetes_state.node.status{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,node} < 1
Persistent Volumes True 3 avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.persistentvolume.by_phase{tag:xxx AND phase:failed} > 1
Pid Pressure True 3 avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:pidpressure AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} >
Pod Count Per Node High True 2 min(last_10m):sum:kubernetes.pods.running{tag:xxx} by {host} > 100.0
Pod Ready True 3 min(last_30m):sum:kubernetes_state.pod.count{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,kube_namespace} - sum:kubernetes_state.pod.ready{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,kube_namespace} > 0
Pod Restarts False 2 change(avg(last_10m),last_10m):exclude_null(avg:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {pod_name}) > 5
Pods Failed True 3 min(last_10m):default_zero(max:kubernetes_state.pod.status_phase{phase:failed${var.filter_str_concatenation}tag:xxx} by {kube_namespace}) >
Pods Pending True 3 min(last_10m):default_zero(max:kubernetes_state.pod.status_phase{phase:pending${var.filter_str_concatenation}tag:xxx} by {kube_namespace}) >
Replicaset Incomplete True 3 min(last_15m):max:kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desired{tag:xxx} by {kube_replica_set,kube_cluster_name} - min:kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_ready{tag:xxx} by {kube_replica_set,kube_cluster_name} >
Replicaset Unavailable True 2 max(last_5m):( ${local.rs_pods_ready} ) / ${local.rs_pods_desired} / ( ${local.rs_pods_desired} - 1 ) <= 0

Getting started developing

pre-commit was used to do Terraform linting and validating.


  • Install pre-commit. E.g. brew install pre-commit.
  • Run pre-commit install in this repo. (Every time you clone a repo with pre-commit enabled you will need to run the pre-commit install command)
  • That’s it! Now every time you commit a code change (.tf file), the hooks in the hooks: config .pre-commit-config.yaml will execute.

CPU Limits Low Perc State

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):( sum:kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limit{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / sum:kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacity{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
variable default required description
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_enabled False No CPU state limits are only available when the state metrics api is deployed
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_warning 95 No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_critical 100 No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_evaluation_period last_5m No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_note "" No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_filter_override "" No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_notify_no_data False No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_ok_threshold None No
cpu_limits_low_perc_state_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

CPU Limits Low Perc

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):(sum:kubernetes.cpu.limits{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
variable default required description
cpu_limits_low_perc_enabled True No
cpu_limits_low_perc_warning 95 No
cpu_limits_low_perc_critical 100 No
cpu_limits_low_perc_evaluation_period last_5m No
cpu_limits_low_perc_note "" No
cpu_limits_low_perc_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
cpu_limits_low_perc_filter_override "" No
cpu_limits_low_perc_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_limits_low_perc_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_limits_low_perc_notify_no_data False No
cpu_limits_low_perc_ok_threshold None No
cpu_limits_low_perc_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

CPU Limits Low

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


min(last_5m):max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} - sum:kubernetes.cpu.limits{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} < ${-30}
variable default required description
cpu_limits_low_enabled False No This monitor is based on absolute values and thus less useful. Prefer setting cpu_limits_low_perc_enabled to true.
cpu_limits_low_warning 0 No
cpu_limits_low_critical ${-30} No
cpu_limits_low_evaluation_period last_5m No
cpu_limits_low_note "" No
cpu_limits_low_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
cpu_limits_low_filter_override "" No
cpu_limits_low_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_limits_low_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_limits_low_notify_no_data False No
cpu_limits_low_ok_threshold None No
cpu_limits_low_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

CPU On Dns Pods High


avg(last_30m):avg:docker.cpu.usage{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host,container_name} > 85
variable default required description
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_enabled True No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_warning 70 No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_critical 85 No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_evaluation_period last_30m No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_note "" No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_docs "" No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_filter_override "" No
dns_filter_tags ['kube_service:kube-dns', 'short_image:coredns', 'short_image:ucp-coredns', 'short_image:ucp-kube-dns'] No Getting all the DNS containers by default is hard to do.
What we try is to make a list of datadog tags / filters that should help us find those
We then build a filter in the following way: ($originalfilterstring) AND (item1 OR item2 OR item3...)
If that doesn't work for your use-cause you can override the filter list or use cpu_on_dns_pods_high_filter_override
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_notify_no_data False No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_ok_threshold None No
cpu_on_dns_pods_high_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

CPU Requests Low Perc State

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):( sum:kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requested{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / sum:kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacity{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} ) * 100 > 95
variable default required description
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_enabled False No CPU state limits are only available when the state metrics api is deployed
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_warning 80 No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_critical 95 No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_evaluation_period last_5m No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_note "" No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_filter_override "" No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_notify_no_data False No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_ok_threshold None No
cpu_requests_low_perc_state_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

CPU Requests Low Perc

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):100 * sum:kubernetes.cpu.requests{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} / max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} > 95
variable default required description
cpu_requests_low_perc_enabled True No
cpu_requests_low_perc_warning 80 No
cpu_requests_low_perc_critical 95 No
cpu_requests_low_perc_evaluation_period last_5m No
cpu_requests_low_perc_note "" No
cpu_requests_low_perc_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
cpu_requests_low_perc_filter_override "" No
cpu_requests_low_perc_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_requests_low_perc_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_requests_low_perc_notify_no_data False No
cpu_requests_low_perc_ok_threshold None No
cpu_requests_low_perc_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

CPU Requests Low

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):max:system.cpu.num_cores{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} - sum:kubernetes.cpu.requests{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,host} < 0.5
variable default required description
cpu_requests_low_enabled False No This monitor is based on absolute values and thus less useful. Prefer setting cpu_requests_low_perc_enabled to true.
cpu_requests_low_warning 1 No
cpu_requests_low_critical 0.5 No
cpu_requests_low_evaluation_period last_5m No
cpu_requests_low_note "" No
cpu_requests_low_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
cpu_requests_low_filter_override "" No
cpu_requests_low_alerting_enabled True No
cpu_requests_low_no_data_timeframe None No
cpu_requests_low_notify_no_data False No
cpu_requests_low_ok_threshold None No
cpu_requests_low_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Daemonset Incomplete

In kubernetes a daemonset is responsible for running the same pod across all Nodes. An example for when this fails, is when the image cannot be pulled, the pod fails to initialize or no resources are available on the cluster\nThis alert is raised when (desired - running) > 0


min(last_15m):max:kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduled{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set,kube_cluster_name} - min:kubernetes_state.daemonset.ready{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set,kube_cluster_name} > 0
variable default required description
daemonset_incomplete_enabled True No
daemonset_incomplete_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) > daemonset_incomplete_critical
daemonset_incomplete_evaluation_period last_15m No
daemonset_incomplete_note "" No
daemonset_incomplete_docs In kubernetes a daemonset is responsible for running the same pod across all Nodes. An example for when this fails, is when the image cannot be pulled, the pod fails to initialize or no resources are available on the cluster\nThis alert is raised when (desired - running) > 0 No
daemonset_incomplete_filter_override "" No
daemonset_incomplete_alerting_enabled True No
daemonset_incomplete_no_data_timeframe None No
daemonset_incomplete_notify_no_data False No
daemonset_incomplete_ok_threshold None No
daemonset_incomplete_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Daemonset Multiple Restarts

If a container restarts once, it can be considered 'normal behaviour' for K8s. A Daemonset restarting multiple times though is a problem


max(last_15m):clamp_min(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set} - hour_before(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_daemon_set}), 0) > 5.0
variable default required description
daemonset_multiple_restarts_enabled True No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_warning None No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_critical 5.0 No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_evaluation_period last_15m No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_note "" No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_docs If a container restarts once, it can be considered 'normal behaviour' for K8s. A Daemonset restarting multiple times though is a problem No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_filter_override "" No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_alerting_enabled True No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_no_data_timeframe None No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_notify_no_data False No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_ok_threshold None No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_name_prefix "" No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_name_suffix "" No
daemonset_multiple_restarts_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).
daemonset_multiple_restarts_notification_channel_override "" No

Datadog Agent


avg(last_5m):avg:datadog.agent.running{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} < 1
variable default required description
datadog_agent_enabled True No
datadog_agent_evaluation_period last_5m No
datadog_agent_note "" No
datadog_agent_docs "" No
datadog_agent_filter_override "" No
datadog_agent_alerting_enabled True No
datadog_agent_no_data_timeframe None No
datadog_agent_notify_no_data False No
datadog_agent_ok_threshold None No
datadog_agent_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Deploy Desired Vs Status

The amount of expected pods to run minus the actual number


avg(last_15m):max:kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desired{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name} - max:kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_available{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name} > 10
variable default required description
deploy_desired_vs_status_enabled True No
deploy_desired_vs_status_warning 1 No
deploy_desired_vs_status_critical 10 No
deploy_desired_vs_status_evaluation_period last_15m No
deploy_desired_vs_status_note "" No
deploy_desired_vs_status_docs The amount of expected pods to run minus the actual number No
deploy_desired_vs_status_filter_override "" No
deploy_desired_vs_status_alerting_enabled True No
deploy_desired_vs_status_no_data_timeframe None No
deploy_desired_vs_status_notify_no_data False No
deploy_desired_vs_status_ok_threshold None No
deploy_desired_vs_status_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Deployment Multiple Restarts

If a container restarts once, it can be considered 'normal behaviour' for K8s. A Deployment restarting multiple times though is a problem


max(last_15m):clamp_min(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_deployment} - hour_before(max:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {kube_deployment}), 0) > 5.0
variable default required description
deployment_multiple_restarts_enabled True No
deployment_multiple_restarts_warning None No
deployment_multiple_restarts_critical 5.0 No
deployment_multiple_restarts_evaluation_period last_15m No
deployment_multiple_restarts_note "" No
deployment_multiple_restarts_docs If a container restarts once, it can be considered 'normal behaviour' for K8s. A Deployment restarting multiple times though is a problem No
deployment_multiple_restarts_filter_override "" No
deployment_multiple_restarts_alerting_enabled True No
deployment_multiple_restarts_no_data_timeframe None No
deployment_multiple_restarts_notify_no_data False No
deployment_multiple_restarts_ok_threshold None No
deployment_multiple_restarts_name_prefix "" No
deployment_multiple_restarts_name_suffix "" No
deployment_multiple_restarts_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).
deployment_multiple_restarts_notification_channel_override "" No

Hpa Status

The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of Pods in a replication controller, deployment, replica set or stateful set based on observed CPU utilization\nWhen the HPA is unavailable, the situation could arise that not enough resources are provisioned to handle the incoming load\n


avg(last_15m):avg:kubernetes_state.hpa.condition{tag:xxx} by {hpa,kube_namespace,status,condition} < 1
variable default required description
hpa_status_enabled True No
hpa_status_evaluation_period last_15m No
hpa_status_note "" No
hpa_status_docs The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of Pods in a replication controller, deployment, replica set or stateful set based on observed CPU utilization\nWhen the HPA is unavailable, the situation could arise that not enough resources are provisioned to handle the incoming load\n No
hpa_status_filter_override "" No
hpa_status_alerting_enabled True No
hpa_status_no_data_timeframe None No
hpa_status_notify_no_data False No
hpa_status_ok_threshold None No
hpa_status_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Memory Limits Low Perc State

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):( sum:kubernetes_state.container.memory_limit{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} / sum:kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatable{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
variable default required description
memory_limits_low_perc_state_enabled False No Memory state limits are only available when the state metrics api is deployed
memory_limits_low_perc_state_warning 95 No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_critical 100 No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_evaluation_period last_5m No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_note "" No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_filter_override "" No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_alerting_enabled True No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_no_data_timeframe None No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_notify_no_data False No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_ok_threshold None No
memory_limits_low_perc_state_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Memory Limits Low Perc

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):( max:kubernetes.memory.limits{tag:xxx}  by {host,kube_cluster_name}/{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name}) * 100 > 100
variable default required description
memory_limits_low_perc_enabled True No
memory_limits_low_perc_warning 95 No
memory_limits_low_perc_critical 100 No
memory_limits_low_perc_evaluation_period last_5m No
memory_limits_low_perc_note "" No
memory_limits_low_perc_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
memory_limits_low_perc_filter_override "" No
memory_limits_low_perc_alerting_enabled True No
memory_limits_low_perc_no_data_timeframe None No
memory_limits_low_perc_notify_no_data False No
memory_limits_low_perc_ok_threshold None No
memory_limits_low_perc_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Memory Limits Low

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


avg(last_5m){tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} - max:kubernetes.memory.limits{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} < 3000000000
variable default required description
memory_limits_low_enabled False No This monitor is based on absolute values and thus less useful. Prefer setting memory_limits_low_perc_enabled to true.
memory_limits_low_warning 4000000000 No
memory_limits_low_critical 3000000000 No
memory_limits_low_evaluation_period last_5m No
memory_limits_low_note "" No
memory_limits_low_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
memory_limits_low_filter_override "" No
memory_limits_low_alerting_enabled True No
memory_limits_low_no_data_timeframe None No
memory_limits_low_notify_no_data False No
memory_limits_low_ok_threshold None No
memory_limits_low_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Memory Requests Low Perc State

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(last_5m):( max:kubernetes_state.container.memory_requested{tag:xxx} / max:kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatable{tag:xxx} ) * 100 > 95
variable default required description
memory_requests_low_perc_state_enabled False No Memory state limits are only available when the state metrics api is deployed
memory_requests_low_perc_state_warning 85 No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_critical 95 No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_evaluation_period last_5m No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_note "" No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_filter_override "" No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_alerting_enabled True No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_no_data_timeframe None No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_notify_no_data False No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_ok_threshold None No
memory_requests_low_perc_state_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Memory Requests Low Perc

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


max(${var.cpu_requests_low_perc_evaluation_period}):( max:kubernetes.memory.requests{${local.cpu_requests_low_perc_filter}} /{${local.cpu_requests_low_perc_filter}} ) * 100 > ${var.cpu_requests_low_perc_critical}
variable default required description
memory_requests_low_perc_enabled True No
memory_requests_low_perc_warning 85 No
memory_requests_low_perc_critical 95 No
memory_requests_low_perc_evaluation_period last_5m No
memory_requests_low_perc_note "" No
memory_requests_low_perc_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
memory_requests_low_perc_filter_override "" No
memory_requests_low_perc_alerting_enabled True No
memory_requests_low_perc_no_data_timeframe None No
memory_requests_low_perc_notify_no_data False No
memory_requests_low_perc_ok_threshold None No
memory_requests_low_perc_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Memory Requests Low

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.


avg(last_5m){tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} - max:kubernetes.memory.requests{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} < 3000000000
variable default required description
memory_requests_low_enabled False No This monitor is based on absolute values and thus less useful. Prefer setting memory_requests_low_perc_enabled to true.
memory_requests_low_warning 4000000000 No
memory_requests_low_critical 3000000000 No
memory_requests_low_evaluation_period last_5m No
memory_requests_low_note "" No
memory_requests_low_docs If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (and allowed) for a container to use more of a resource than its request for that resource specifies. However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit. No
memory_requests_low_filter_override "" No
memory_requests_low_alerting_enabled True No
memory_requests_low_no_data_timeframe None No
memory_requests_low_notify_no_data False No
memory_requests_low_ok_threshold None No
memory_requests_low_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Network Unavailable

All your nodes need network connections, and this status indicates that there’s something wrong with a node’s network connection. Either it wasn’t set up properly (due to route exhaustion or a misconfiguration), or there’s a physical problem with the network connection to your hardware.


avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:networkunavailable AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} > 
variable default required description
network_unavailable_enabled True No
network_unavailable_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) > network_unavailable_critical
network_unavailable_evaluation_period last_5m No
network_unavailable_note "" No
network_unavailable_docs All your nodes need network connections, and this status indicates that there’s something wrong with a node’s network connection. Either it wasn’t set up properly (due to route exhaustion or a misconfiguration), or there’s a physical problem with the network connection to your hardware. No
network_unavailable_filter_override "" No
network_unavailable_alerting_enabled True No
network_unavailable_no_data_timeframe None No
network_unavailable_notify_no_data False No
network_unavailable_ok_threshold None No
network_unavailable_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Node Diskpressure

Disk pressure is a condition indicating that a node is using too much disk space or is using disk space too fast, according to the thresholds you have set in your Kubernetes configuration. This is important to monitor because it might mean that you need to add more disk space, if your application legitimately needs more space. Or it might mean that an application is misbehaving and filling up the disk prematurely in an unanticipated manner. Either way, it’s a condition which needs your attention.


avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:diskpressure AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} > 
variable default required description
node_diskpressure_enabled True No
node_diskpressure_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) > node_diskpressure_critical
node_diskpressure_evaluation_period last_5m No
node_diskpressure_note "" No
node_diskpressure_docs Disk pressure is a condition indicating that a node is using too much disk space or is using disk space too fast, according to the thresholds you have set in your Kubernetes configuration. This is important to monitor because it might mean that you need to add more disk space, if your application legitimately needs more space. Or it might mean that an application is misbehaving and filling up the disk prematurely in an unanticipated manner. Either way, it’s a condition which needs your attention. No
node_diskpressure_filter_override "" No
node_diskpressure_alerting_enabled True No
node_diskpressure_no_data_timeframe None No
node_diskpressure_notify_no_data False No
node_diskpressure_ok_threshold None No
node_diskpressure_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Node Memory Used Percent


avg(last_5m):( 100 * max:kubernetes.memory.usage{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} ) /{tag:xxx} by {host,kube_cluster_name} > 90
variable default required description
node_memory_used_percent_enabled True No
node_memory_used_percent_warning 80 No
node_memory_used_percent_critical 90 No
node_memory_used_percent_evaluation_period last_5m No
node_memory_used_percent_note "" No
node_memory_used_percent_docs "" No
node_memory_used_percent_filter_override "" No
node_memory_used_percent_alerting_enabled True No
node_memory_used_percent_no_data_timeframe None No
node_memory_used_percent_notify_no_data False No
node_memory_used_percent_ok_threshold None No
node_memory_used_percent_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Node Memorypressure

Memory pressure is a resourcing condition indicating that your node is running out of memory. Similar to CPU resourcing, you don’t want to run out of memory. You especially need to watch for this condition because it could mean there’s a memory leak in one of your applications.


avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:memorypressure AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} > 
variable default required description
node_memorypressure_enabled True No
node_memorypressure_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) > node_memorypressure_critical
node_memorypressure_evaluation_period last_5m No
node_memorypressure_note "" No
node_memorypressure_docs Memory pressure is a resourcing condition indicating that your node is running out of memory. Similar to CPU resourcing, you don’t want to run out of memory. You especially need to watch for this condition because it could mean there’s a memory leak in one of your applications. No
node_memorypressure_filter_override "" No
node_memorypressure_alerting_enabled True No
node_memorypressure_no_data_timeframe None No
node_memorypressure_notify_no_data False No
node_memorypressure_ok_threshold None No
node_memorypressure_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Node Ready

Checks to see if the node is in ready status or not


avg(last_5m):count_nonzero(sum:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND (NOT condition:ready) AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host}) > 1
variable default required description
node_ready_enabled True No
node_ready_critical 1 No
node_ready_evaluation_period last_5m No
node_ready_note "" No
node_ready_docs Checks to see if the node is in ready status or not No
node_ready_filter_override "" No
node_ready_alerting_enabled True No
node_ready_no_data_timeframe None No
node_ready_notify_no_data False No
node_ready_ok_threshold None No
node_ready_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Node Status

This cluster state metric provides a high-level overview of a node’s health and whether the scheduler can place pods on that node. It runs checks on the following node conditions\n


avg(last_5m):avg:kubernetes_state.node.status{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,node} < 1
variable default required description
node_status_enabled True No
node_status_evaluation_period last_5m No
node_status_note "" No
node_status_docs This cluster state metric provides a high-level overview of a node’s health and whether the scheduler can place pods on that node. It runs checks on the following node conditions\n No
node_status_filter_override "" No
node_status_alerting_enabled True No
node_status_no_data_timeframe None No
node_status_notify_no_data False No
node_status_ok_threshold None No
node_status_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Persistent Volumes


avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.persistentvolume.by_phase{tag:xxx AND phase:failed} > 1
variable default required description
persistent_volumes_enabled True No
persistent_volumes_warning 0 No
persistent_volumes_critical 1 No
persistent_volumes_evaluation_period last_5m No
persistent_volumes_note "" No
persistent_volumes_docs "" No
persistent_volumes_filter_override "" No
persistent_volumes_alerting_enabled True No
persistent_volumes_no_data_timeframe None No
persistent_volumes_notify_no_data False No
persistent_volumes_ok_threshold None No
persistent_volumes_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Pid Pressure

PID pressure is a rare condition where a pod or container spawns too many processes and starves the node of available process IDs. Each node has a limited number of process IDs to distribute amongst running processes; and if it runs out of IDs, no other processes can be started. Kubernetes lets you set PID thresholds for pods to limit their ability to perform runaway process-spawning, and a PID pressure condition means that one or more pods are using up their allocated PIDs and need to be examined.


avg(last_5m):max:kubernetes_state.node.by_condition{tag:xxx AND condition:pidpressure AND (status:true OR status:unknown)} by {kube_cluster_name,host} > 
variable default required description
pid_pressure_enabled True No
pid_pressure_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) > pid_pressure_critical
pid_pressure_evaluation_period last_5m No
pid_pressure_note "" No
pid_pressure_docs PID pressure is a rare condition where a pod or container spawns too many processes and starves the node of available process IDs. Each node has a limited number of process IDs to distribute amongst running processes; and if it runs out of IDs, no other processes can be started. Kubernetes lets you set PID thresholds for pods to limit their ability to perform runaway process-spawning, and a PID pressure condition means that one or more pods are using up their allocated PIDs and need to be examined. No
pid_pressure_filter_override "" No
pid_pressure_alerting_enabled True No
pid_pressure_no_data_timeframe None No
pid_pressure_notify_no_data False No
pid_pressure_ok_threshold None No
pid_pressure_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Pod Count Per Node High


min(last_10m):sum:kubernetes.pods.running{tag:xxx} by {host} > 100.0
variable default required description
pod_count_per_node_high_enabled True No
pod_count_per_node_high_warning 90.0 No
pod_count_per_node_high_critical 100.0 No
pod_count_per_node_high_warning_recovery None No
pod_count_per_node_high_critical_recovery None No
pod_count_per_node_high_evaluation_period last_10m No
pod_count_per_node_high_note "" No
pod_count_per_node_high_docs "" No
pod_count_per_node_high_filter_override "" No
pod_count_per_node_high_alerting_enabled True No
pod_count_per_node_high_no_data_timeframe None No
pod_count_per_node_high_notify_no_data False No
pod_count_per_node_high_ok_threshold None No
pod_count_per_node_high_name_prefix "" No
pod_count_per_node_high_name_suffix "" No
pod_count_per_node_high_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Pod Ready

A pod may be running but not available, meaning it is not ready and able to accept traffic. This is normal during certain circumstances, such as when a pod is newly launched or when a change is made and deployed to the specification of that pod. But if you see spikes in the number of unavailable pods, or pods that are consistently unavailable, it might indicate a problem with their configuration.\n


min(last_30m):sum:kubernetes_state.pod.count{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,kube_namespace} - sum:kubernetes_state.pod.ready{tag:xxx} by {kube_cluster_name,kube_namespace} > 0
variable default required description
pod_ready_enabled True No
pod_ready_evaluation_period last_30m No
pod_ready_note "" No
pod_ready_docs A pod may be running but not available, meaning it is not ready and able to accept traffic. This is normal during certain circumstances, such as when a pod is newly launched or when a change is made and deployed to the specification of that pod. But if you see spikes in the number of unavailable pods, or pods that are consistently unavailable, it might indicate a problem with their configuration.\n No
pod_ready_filter_override "" No
pod_ready_alerting_enabled True No
pod_ready_no_data_timeframe None No
pod_ready_notify_no_data False No
pod_ready_ok_threshold None No
pod_ready_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Pod Restarts


change(avg(last_10m),last_10m):exclude_null(avg:kubernetes.containers.restarts{tag:xxx} by {pod_name}) > 5
variable default required description
pod_restarts_enabled False No Deprecated in favour of multiple restarts monitoring for Daemonset and Deployment
pod_restarts_warning 3 No
pod_restarts_critical 5 No
pod_restarts_evaluation_period last_10m No
pod_restarts_note "" No
pod_restarts_docs "" No
pod_restarts_filter_override "" No
pod_restarts_alerting_enabled True No
pod_restarts_no_data_timeframe None No
pod_restarts_notify_no_data False No
pod_restarts_ok_threshold None No
pod_restarts_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Pods Failed


min(last_10m):default_zero(max:kubernetes_state.pod.status_phase{phase:failed${var.filter_str_concatenation}tag:xxx} by {kube_namespace}) > 
variable default required description
pods_failed_enabled True No
pods_failed_warning None No
pods_failed_critical 0.0 No
pods_failed_evaluation_period last_10m No
pods_failed_note "" No
pods_failed_docs No
pods_failed_filter_override "" No
pods_failed_alerting_enabled True No
pods_failed_no_data_timeframe None No
pods_failed_notify_no_data False No
pods_failed_ok_threshold None No
pods_failed_name_prefix "" No
pods_failed_name_suffix "" No
pods_failed_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Pods Pending


min(last_10m):default_zero(max:kubernetes_state.pod.status_phase{phase:pending${var.filter_str_concatenation}tag:xxx} by {kube_namespace}) > 
variable default required description
pods_pending_enabled True No
pods_pending_warning None No
pods_pending_critical 0.0 No
pods_pending_evaluation_period last_10m No
pods_pending_note "" No
pods_pending_docs No
pods_pending_filter_override "" No
pods_pending_alerting_enabled True No
pods_pending_no_data_timeframe None No
pods_pending_notify_no_data False No
pods_pending_ok_threshold None No
pods_pending_name_prefix "" No
pods_pending_name_suffix "" No
pods_pending_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Replicaset Incomplete

In kubernetes a Replicaset is responsible for making sure a specific number of pods run. An example for a reason when that's not is the case, is when the image cannot be pulled, the pod fails to initialize or no resources are available on the cluster\nThis alert is raised when (desired - running) > 0


min(last_15m):max:kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desired{tag:xxx} by {kube_replica_set,kube_cluster_name} - min:kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_ready{tag:xxx} by {kube_replica_set,kube_cluster_name} > 
variable default required description
replicaset_incomplete_enabled True No
replicaset_incomplete_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) > replicaset_incomplete_critical
replicaset_incomplete_evaluation_period last_15m No
replicaset_incomplete_note There's also a monitor defined for when the replicaset is completely unavailable No
replicaset_incomplete_docs In kubernetes a Replicaset is responsible for making sure a specific number of pods run. An example for a reason when that's not is the case, is when the image cannot be pulled, the pod fails to initialize or no resources are available on the cluster\nThis alert is raised when (desired - running) > 0 No
replicaset_incomplete_filter_override "" No
replicaset_incomplete_alerting_enabled True No
replicaset_incomplete_no_data_timeframe None No
replicaset_incomplete_notify_no_data False No
replicaset_incomplete_ok_threshold None No
replicaset_incomplete_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Replicaset Unavailable

In kubernetes a Replicaset is responsible for making sure a specific number of pods runs. An example for a reason when that's not is the case, is when the image cannot be pulled, the pod fails to initialize or no resources are available on the cluster\nThis alert is raised when running == 0 and desired > 1


max(last_5m):( ${local.rs_pods_ready} ) / ${local.rs_pods_desired} / ( ${local.rs_pods_desired} - 1 ) <= 0
variable default required description
replicaset_unavailable_enabled True No
replicaset_unavailable_critical 0 No alert is raised when (desired - running) == 0
replicaset_unavailable_evaluation_period last_5m No
replicaset_unavailable_note There's also a monitor defined for when the replicaset is only partially available No
replicaset_unavailable_docs In kubernetes a Replicaset is responsible for making sure a specific number of pods runs. An example for a reason when that's not is the case, is when the image cannot be pulled, the pod fails to initialize or no resources are available on the cluster\nThis alert is raised when running == 0 and desired > 1 No
replicaset_unavailable_filter_override "" No
replicaset_unavailable_alerting_enabled True No
replicaset_unavailable_no_data_timeframe None No
replicaset_unavailable_notify_no_data False No
replicaset_unavailable_ok_threshold None No
replicaset_unavailable_priority 2 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Module Variables

variable default required description
env Yes
service Kubernetes No
service_display_name None No Readable version of service name of what you're monitoring.
notification_channel Yes The @user or @pagerduty parameters that indicate to Datadog where to send the alerts
additional_tags [] No
filter_str Yes
locked True No Makes sure only the creator or admin can modify the monitor.
state_metrics_monitoring True No
name_prefix "" No
name_suffix "" No
filter_str_concatenation , No If you use an IN expression you need to switch from , to AND
priority_offset 0 No For non production workloads we can +1 on the priorities