Small python script that reads basic hardware performance and publishes it as JSON to an MQTT broker.
Config through environment variables, if .env
is present it will be checked for variables.
MQTT_BROKER: IP address of MQTT broker
MQTT_TOPIC: stats will be published to this topic. (default: device/server/stats)
MQTT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL: Wait this amount before retrying connection to broker (in seconds) (default: 5)
STATUS_INTERVAL: Time between published status messages (in seconds) (default: 5)
PARTITIONS: List of partitions to monitor (default: ['/'])
NVIDIA_GPU: Monitor GPU? (default: True)
DEBUG: True enables full debug (default: False)
docker run -d --env-file .env kaffetorsk/mqtt-system-monitor
This repo is in early development, treat it as such and feel free to submit PRs.